Valheim - Viking Survival Game (Early Access)

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<Gold Donor>
So, I spawned the Elder, but he is face raping me. Plus, I didn't realize the bosses remain spawned until defeated. I managed to get my corpse back after about 8 attempts, but if anyone would like to assist me in killing him, I'd appreciate it.
Use the columns in his area to block his attack. When he spawns the roots, run away to another pillar to block his shit. Fire arrows, rinse and repeat.make sure to bring lots of fire arrows. I think I used like 100 for my kill.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
confused john travolta GIF
  • 1Double Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Ha! No, I was a lowly Wizard for most of my time in Norrath.
I'm just messing with ya, I've died plenty, and Elder is a pain solo if you haven't done it, or prepared. 1st boss is a pushover. That shit he shoots out can lag ya up and easy to mess up.


<Gold Donor>
I've died once in 40 hours. Meanwhile my buddy I play with has died 223 times in 60 hours, lmfao.

Also, is anyone w a dedicated server getting an "incompatible version" error? I tried to SteamCMD update and it didn't fix the issue. My buddy can no longer log into my server Q_Q.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The two main reasons for dieing in this game:
1. not having eaten (real) food
2. not wearing any armor for extra runspeed.

People sprint-explore in Troll armor with just a yellow mushroom in, their stamina never allowed to regenerate beyond half a bubble, next thing they do is rage on social media "nrereff dethsquitos!"

This then directly leads to the third most common cause of death:
3. attempting a CR at 25 hp without any armor

Now if you've played EQ beyond level 25 or something, you know you can't just walk up to your corpse and loot it, and this seperates the vikings from the triple tombstone guys

Fact: if you always wear your best armor, don't skip into content you're not ready for and always eat your best food, nothing in this game is capable of surprise killing you.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
The two main reasons for Cynical dieing in this game:
1. not having eaten (real) food Building over water, and a wave washes me over edge, and i drown.
2. not wearing any armor for extra runspeed. Falling off my buildings and dying trying to get a part to anchor right.

100% truth too.
  • 1Double Worf
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I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, my friend's wall is just high enough that jumping off it unfed kills you. I've learned this the hard way.

I haven't had my server up for a few days and nobody's noticed, so think my group is done until patch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
the gf and I might hop on cynical server tonight if anyone wants to kill yagluth or something. We crashed our boat and got stuck in the firelands and didnt have food buff so we got scared and quit out and havent logged on since


Canuckistani Terrorist
fall damage is capped to 100. Just eat to 120 hp.
I know, after hours of building I constantly forget. I forget ladders in water too, which is the safe way to do it.

I have a hard enough time remembering adventuring, and it does often result in death too.


<Bronze Donator>
I would be interested in coordinating a time for those of us at yagluth to do it together this week.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Got some in a box at one base, I'll pop on and give ya one. Or we can kill it again, either way.

Varia Vespasa

Vyemm Raider
And while he was apparently doing that, this is what I've been up to the past couple days. Welcome to Chez Varia (In progress)
My west gate, from inside and out.
Screenshot 2021-04-13 01.33.52.png
Screenshot 2021-04-13 01.33.25.png
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