VALORANT - Riot Games


Macho Ma'am
I've been watching the past few nights on stream, watching Summit1G play. I dunno. The game looks like it's boring, 'till you have the "Oh shit!" moments. Only problem is, those moments are actually seconds, and more than that... Are actually down to milliseconds, at points.

Kind'a watching it half for the stream, half to see what the gameplay is like. The game doesn't look boring, it just looks too, meh. Like they took something from every shooter and MOBA out there and merged it into one game. Personally, I think the game has an identity crisis on its hands, before it's even released.

I mean, take look at this :

15 seconds and 4 people down. I know that summit didn't take them all down, and I'm including summit here... But meh.

This and the Ice/Flame/Poison wall. That shit came from Hearthstone. The buying, that came from CS:GO. The ultimate, that came from LoL. I can't think of one unique thing that this game can do, that other games don't already do, and do better.

EDIT : Plus, it just seems like summit is roflstomping the shit outta people. In the past three games, I don't really think I've seen his team lose any more than eight matches.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You're watching unranked gameplay and who knows how MMR is being handled atm.

I'm getting games where a few people are killing everyone getting 30+kills and teamed with people that get 0-4 kills.
I assume this has to do with parties of varying ability.

When ranked is released it will surely be restricted by queue types (solos/teams), which will obviously raise the stakes and gameplay.

I don't get the "watching is boring" part since it mirrors CS:GO in many ways.
I never watched CS:GO personally, but not because it was boring, just cause I never played it and didn't have an interest in it.

If you want to see a higher end match, Riot Devs vs Streamers (Summit, Shroud, etc)...

Streamers get destroyed 26-7 over 2 matches.

My thoughts after Day 2:
This game is real crisp, the gun play is top notch imo. Definitely huge skill gaps and CS:GO players have a distinct advantage right now.
The abilities are largely secondary/zoning tools. You'll die if you're caught while using an ability in most cases. The game favors guns over skills.
I suck pretty bad but should be able to improve a bit, my performance suffers greatly at night, but it's the only time I can play a lot.
Only 3 maps, they seem well designed but I look forward to a little more map variety.

A lot of complaining about Raze. And some big Riot posts regarding her. She's strong but I think she's just a pubstomper, though I can see maybe a couple changes. Her Ult is too fast and the grenades are a little too strong.


Molten Core Raider
Ehh, I mean; it just hit closed beta. I'd imagine there is at least 3 more heroes before live; which could offer more diverse game-play.

I don't think its goal was to do anything really unique or groundbreaking, but more simplify game-play; almost in blizzard style minus the cookiecutter. League came 6 years or less, depending on if you want to count the development of Icefrog or Guinso. All Riot did was streamlined the moba genre. They're kinda doing the same thing here with a "tactical shooter" or counter-strike format, but now have a lot of fuck you money and have become Riot Game"s". It's not like they're releasing a direct copy of counter-strike, but adding entirely different elements to it. Like some have said, very reminiscence of WC3 mod on CS 1.6

It's a 1:40 minute round time with a first to 13, with a less punishing economy than Counter-Strike(1:55; first to 16). You don't have to worry about 400 different smoke/flash/nade spots for each map, but instead have a variety of abilities that are simple; some do the same function in different ways. At the moment, the plays/strats don't seem to be as intricate as they are in csgo either. I don't think originality was its point, but rather to lure in an attraction of an actual "successful" fps e-sport game. Think of all the games that have been essentially dying, Apex sputtering bad, Overwatch almost looks like its on a death kneel, PUBG never had a chance, I don't even know who watches professional Fortnite(i'm sure a lot of people), same with Call of Duty. Rito is super capable of making a market; and I don't even mean to dickhug.. I don't really like riot, but I want a good fps.. and they've nailed it on the head with their goal w/ things like netcode, to deal w/ things like peakers advantage and registry.. its literal magic words for FPS. It's also nice to have a game which runs smooth as fuck on a machine that is running on 6 years old, consistent frames above 144.

Regardless, i'd imagine that the watching bit is highly subjective. I mean what is technically fun to watch? People love to watch League, and I fucking hate it; I hate having to wait all the way until mid-late game.. or waiting for big plays to happen; which are fun to see.. It's why I loved the chinese teams, because their goal was to smash out early game plays. I only ever really watch tournaments when I have friends over otherwise I am never watching any streams; because they tend to just suck imo. Its more fun when there is a lot of money on the line.

I wish I had some clips of today, tried Raze; and holy fuck she is strong. I got a 4k with my ult.. Multiple 1deags, a couple kobe's, and some crazy satchel plays; not so much the reddit kind, but just alley-boops into one deags. I don't think her kit is necessarily too strong, compared to some of the Phoenix plays i've pulled off.. but I think the economy value of her stuff is highly off.. I shouldn't be able to get 2 nades, and a romba on first round.. and/or switch the C4 with the nades and up the nade price. I haven't watched what some of the pro's have been doing with her though.. so I don't know her full extent.

There is supposedly SBMM, but I am not sure. I'm not seeing anyone really do anything amazing yet, maybe 1 out of 10 games will I see someone mechanically good.. a couple games here and there with people doing some strat level plays, like double peaking. I'm having a pretty easy time right now, trying to do some IGL shit while maintaining lurk.
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Trump's Staff
I don't get the "watching is boring" part since it mirrors CS:GO in many ways.
Every version of Counter Strike is boring as fuck. Sucked playing at LAN parties in 2000. Source was boring in '04 and GO has been boring since 2012. If you can click on any point in an hour long stream recording and every 10 second window you see is the same, the game sucks.
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Trakanon Raider
Wow what a surprise guys. Some people don't like watching some games and others do. Crazy.

Boring is subjective. Counterstrike has huge tournament viewership. Valorant can too if it plays its cards right.

I have enjoyed playing it quite a bit, more than watching.
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A Mod Real Quick
I think spectating valorant isnt really a good experience. When they setup casters and shit for tourneys I think it'll be better.

  • 1Worf
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Macho Ma'am
Right. The devs roflstomped the streamers. I didn't say who would stomp a new mudhole in who's ass. I just said that one team dominates, while the other team takes it, and had better like it.

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  • 1Worf
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Molten Core Raider
This game is pretty damn fun. Reminds me a lot of the 1.6 days. IGN is jonoki... is that riot id? no clue.
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Molten Core Raider
You're watching unranked gameplay and who knows how MMR is being handled atm.

I'm getting games where a few people are killing everyone getting 30+kills and teamed with people that get 0-4 kills.
I assume this has to do with parties of varying ability.

When ranked is released it will surely be restricted by queue types (solos/teams), which will obviously raise the stakes and gameplay.

I don't get the "watching is boring" part since it mirrors CS:GO in many ways.
I never watched CS:GO personally, but not because it was boring, just cause I never played it and didn't have an interest in it.

If you want to see a higher end match, Riot Devs vs Streamers (Summit, Shroud, etc)...

Streamers get destroyed 26-7 over 2 matches.

My thoughts after Day 2:
This game is real crisp, the gun play is top notch imo. Definitely huge skill gaps and CS:GO players have a distinct advantage right now.
The abilities are largely secondary/zoning tools. You'll die if you're caught while using an ability in most cases. The game favors guns over skills.
I suck pretty bad but should be able to improve a bit, my performance suffers greatly at night, but it's the only time I can play a lot.
Only 3 maps, they seem well designed but I look forward to a little more map variety.

A lot of complaining about Raze. And some big Riot posts regarding her. She's strong but I think she's just a pubstomper, though I can see maybe a couple changes. Her Ult is too fast and the grenades are a little too strong.

did the devs stream their point of view? i really wanna see those sova shots they were hitting....

I really wanna get a solid 7-8 players to play this with regularly, i grew up on CS so im gonna give this one a shot, the abilities dont seem too OP, gunplay seems to matter more except for some ability combos that will probably be nerfed, but the gunplay feels amazing.
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A Mod Real Quick
Played several hours tonight with lenaldo and the bros. Had a lot of fun, but the matchmaking is hit or miss. Ranked will be nice assuming they add it.

Mostly played omen. I think his toolkit is really well balanced. The only thing I don't use often is his reaper port. I think the range is way too short on it. It's nice to get on boxes but that's about it. I guess it would turn him into something too powerful if he ported further though. His ult is great too. Not super OP because of the telegraph, but pulling it off feels really good.

I know the vandal is better on paper, but I think I like the "m4" better. Just the spray pattern feels better to me.

Had a lot of fun. A death match mode would be nice, or just pub servers running custom games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Played with F fat12 and Alterity Alterity last night, the game shines with teams, as usual, but what makes this even better is the carry potential. Unlike a game like OW where if things break down you're toast.

We had some good clutch moments, and almost clutch moments. Alterity was carrying for the most part.

I've heard this game has higher carry potential than CS:GO. I wouldn't know though, I think it's important for esport games to be able to develop recognizable talent, it's important for the marketing. Look at Faker & all the other names from LoL.

The only detriment I have are the match lengths. I know Riot is probably targeting that 35-45 minute game length as it seems to be a sweet spot for esports, but it's also a primary reason my LoL play dropped significantly, I can see the same happening here.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Interesting stat


I haven't looked at twitch since getting in but just saw nearly 900k viewers on Easter morning, wanted to see the avg..

600k Avg around the clock is insane

The average is actually higher too, in 2 days it'll probably be around 800k, right now the 7 day is carrying 2 dead days. April 5th/6th when nobody was playing
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Game is a lot of fun. I'm still really thirsty for it and have put in quite a few hours. It's definitely for us "CS" types and not the "halo bros". Guys like doc don't seem to enjoy it yet summit is loving it. The game isn't for "everyone", but no game has really ever been that. I get incredible bored playing COD/OW/Etc due to the gunplay being secondary to running around like a god. I can completely see someone getting bored with valorant (or cs) if they don't like gun play, tactical positioning, and mistakes being heavily punished. Still, the netcode is so rewarding - i played a little CSGO saturday night after playing valorant friday and bullet registration just felt awful. I'm hopeful at the least that this pushes valve to do 128tick servers for csgo.

Footstep sound is pretty awful in valorant and the skins feel pretty blah. In general the weapons just look too "fortnite" like. CSGO seems better in these two pieces, but lags behind in a lot of others. Will be interesting to see when more maps get released as well as when competitive starts to understand what the meta will be like.