Vasectomy Inc


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Consultation next month with 'the best' vasectomy doctor in town. So what do I have in store after this procedure? Will I still be able to rocket loads into my beard and or pipe?


<Gold Donor>
I got one about 4 months after my second kid was born, it will be two years next spring. When people ask me about it I tell them it is a "License To Fuck"

I have a story to share, but my parents are visiting this weekend and I can't take the time to post whole thing. Will be back later.
I'm starting to call around for a consultation next week. Right now I'm probably going with a man that refers to himself as "The VasMan".
By the looks of things he does a "no cut" vasectomy, where they make a small hole and pull the tubes through it to do their work. I'm both not worried at all, and terrified after watching a video of it.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I had mine like two years ago and it was a bitch. Took like three weeks before I didn't feel like the slightest bump was a full fledged kick in the sack. By now I can't even tell the difference. Best advice I can give is definitely take it easy the first few days afterwards even though you may feel OK. A bag of frozen peas should be your best friend.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Not to scare ya but mine was awful and things haven't been the same since, over 2 yrs now since I had it done. One of my tubes was stuck in a lot of tissue and I think they fucked up the nerves or something. I had pain for over a year but could relieve by taking shit tons of naprasin. Having said that I think my situation is very rare, I would just warn to always take any surgery seriously.


Mine went smooth. I went outside the next day and cut down a tree. No joke.

The first day when I got home though I stood up to quick. The wife was standing there. I just knelt to the ground and laid there face down for like an hour she was pretty sure I passed out and was about to call an ambulance when I slowly stood up and sat back down and didn't get up for a few hours. Don't be a hero the first day for sure.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm considering getting one but hesitant because I went through a hernia surgery a few years ago (minimal invasive) and the recovery from that was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm mostly concerned about pain and how long on average does pain effects from the procedure last. Are there any side effects (performance wise)?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fuck why did I read this thread. Got a consultation next month too. Every one says its no big deal, no problems, whatever. But of course I go to wikipedia and other places on the internet and you find the extreme horror story versions. I guess the vast majority of cases are zero issues.

So in best case scenario, there's no loss of sensation when you ejaculate? I guess its the same volume of semen, except it is sterile/free of sperm? I purposely waited for winter because I know there won't be any cycling for me during recovery.

Three weeks is the standard time for recovery? That seems to be the consensus. Its going to be that long before you can go for it again?


<Gold Donor>
So when I had mine done for some reason I was a bleeder that day. Which is really weird because I have never had an issue with thin blood or stopping bleeding prior. So when they were cauterizing the hole, due to the bleeding, they had to keep cauterizing. What should have been a very small area to heal became rather large, maybe the size of a nickel.

So what should have taken me two weeks to be fully healed took me two months before I no longer had an open wound on my balls. I also had some scar tissue in hat area that was oddly sensitive in a bad way, it was hard, felt like a BB was stuck in my skin. That took about eight months to go away, balls back to normal now.

Lastly, I think this issue was not related to the giant wound I had. For about four months after the surgery, I wold experience some uncomfortableness after ejaculating. It felt like my testicles were clogged up, I did not get this feeling every time but it was often enough to be annoying for sure. Like I said somewhere around four months it went away.

I had buddy get theirs done like two months after me and he had zero issues. People have asked me if I would do it again and I say yes. The shit I went through was annoying, but it was temporary. Temporary pain for a long term gain is well worth it. Like I said before, I now have a license to fuck. I never have to worry about pregnancy, I never have to worry about feeding another mouth or paying another college tuition.
Every woman I've spoken to that has a man with a vasectomy tells me how quick and easy it was. Nearly every man I've spoken to tells me some kind of horror story. I'm still getting one regardless, as it is much simpler and safer than the woman having a tubal litigation, but fuck everyone and their horror stories. You're not making this easy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Every woman I've spoken to that has a man with a vasectomy tells me how quick and easy it was. Nearly every man I've spoken to tells me some kind of horror story. I'm still getting one regardless, as it is much simpler and safer than the woman having a tubal litigation, but fuck everyone and their horror stories. You're not making this easy.
Same, sorta, except the only horror stories I get are online. The guys I've talked to IRL don't seem to have any complaints, but they also seem like they aren't comfortable talking about it which is stupid.


Musty Nester
Remember it's the internet and horror stories are more interesting than "Eh, I was sore for a week but it passed".

Also remember that after you have it done whenever someone asks YOU about it you are going to be a dick and tell them that you bled from your dickhole for a week straight and thought you were becoming a woman. Because that's how men are. That shit's just funny. It's even funnier if they believe you.

*not that the horror stories are fake. Surgery is surgery. But the odds are on not a big deal.


<Gold Donor>
I didn't say I what said to scare or intimidate anyone. I know what dealt with was super rare, I even said I would deal with all again if I had to. The peace of mind is well worth it and I even mentioned a RL buddy hat had no issues with it t all.

Bottom line is with or without complications the end result is worth it.


How old were you guys when you had this done and how many kids? I'm 28, husband is 30 and we have 3 kids. We're done at this point but he doesn't want to. How do I convince him, or even get him to talk about it?


<Gold Donor>
How old were you guys when you had this done and how many kids? I'm 28, husband is 30 and we have 3 kids. We're done at this point but he doesn't want to. How do I convince him, or even get him to talk about it?
LIES ... you have a penis until proven otherwise. When you refer to your husband from hence forth we will just assume you two are gay and he is your life partner. BUT that begs the question ... why do gay guys need a vasectomy? mind = blown

Seriously though, I was 34 just a few months shy of 35. With two kids, both boys.

Regarding approaching him about it, I have no advice. I was gung ho for it and when heard guys say you are less of a man etc I just laughed and would jokingly say to them "ok after I recover from the surgery we can step outside and see who the MAN is." That generally shut them up as I am a large individual and that got my point across to them. So maybe use that kind of logic on him. Or promise him some great sexual favors ... I would have to know your life partner to really answer that.
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What proof would you like? Topless pics are not happening. I have kids and my husband reads this forum. :p


Musty Nester
I was going to suggest you post a pic of his junk... but I like the way you went with it.