WarCraft (2016)


<Prior Amod>
me b4 you, i know it's going to be shit, i don't even want to read reviews to see how shit it'll be.


Useless lazy bastard.
So to anyone that has seen this, i have read 2 reviews that try to compare Warcraft to krull, beastmaster, lady hawke etc.. do you think Warcraft deserves to be put in with those films for better or worse?
No. Those movies had qualities that made them classic "bad" movies, this is just... well not bad, but rushed with little to no consideration of the fanbase. Throwing in a major lore character every 10 min just to have them do basicaly nothing does not a movie make. As someone posted: a movie about a hero "leveling up" would have been great, my own opinion is that they should have gone with a ordinary soldiers perspective of the war and just showcase major characters at good plot points (and have them be the super-duper movers and shakers they are suppose to be).


Lord Nagafen Raider
6.5 maybe a 7.0 for me. They need to release a directors cut because even at 2 hours they must have cut a ton of shit. There were so many characters jammed into the movie and they tried to give em all screen time and it just screwed things up. The final third of the film is good though, much more focused with a decent enough ending.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Good God did this movie F'ing suck ass.

I would ask for my money back but thank God I didn't pay anything to see it.

This is worse than just about any movie I have ever seen.

Seriously. No trolling.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Wait, so youre saying its worse than BvS?
I never saw that yet. But out of all the shittiest movies that are out there, and some of that I have at least gotten laughs out of because it was so shitty, without a doubt, I think it is one of the worst, if not THE worst, movie I have ever seen in the history of my life. And I have watched some SHITTY movies in the day.


FPS noob
if everquest was the dark knight, and Rift was the Avengers, where would the warcraft movie fit into the MMO space - Pantheon, or Vanguard?


I never saw that yet. But out of all the shittiest movies that are out there, and some of that I have at least gotten laughs out of because it was so shitty, without a doubt, I think it is one of the worst, if not THE worst, movie I have ever seen in the history of my life. And I have watched some SHITTY movies in the day.
Worse than Dungeons and Dragons? Worse than Wing Commander? Worse than Battlestar Galactica? I'm seriously asking.


Ended up watching the screener or whatever's floating around at the moment. It's not a "good" movie, but it's somewhat charming and entertaining which I guess is all that really matters. I think what's most disappointing is that it has the foundation of a solid film - performances, production value, and story - but it completely lacks the pacing and character development to make it all work. I wouldn't pay to see it but it's not the worst video game movie.


Vyemm Raider
I guess since ive never followed WC lore it was kind of interesting. I only played WC3 and WoW and raided and ignored lore altogether so i was a bit curious on some aspects. Im pretty sure this isnt following the lore completely but it was interesting still. I cant really rate it but its not terrible. I am sure some will like it and others will not. If you've never played WoW at all im sure the name drops and such will make no sense at all and you will be completely lost watching this.

At any rate i do hope to see more WoW movies just to see the story in movie form is good in a way.


That guy
I thought you were confusing Battlefield Earth with Battlestar Galactica, if that was not the case then my bad lol. I only ever saw the recent series for BSG not any of the older stuff, so I might have just missed your reference.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I guess since ive never followed WC lore it was kind of interesting. I only played WC3 and WoW and raided and ignored lore altogether so i was a bit curious on some aspects. Im pretty sure this isnt following the lore completely but it was interesting still. I cant really rate it but its not terrible. I am sure some will like it and others will not. If you've never played WoW at all im sure the name drops and such will make no sense at all and you will be completely lost watching this.

At any rate i do hope to see more WoW movies just to see the story in movie form is good in a way.
Haven't seen the film yet (will this weekend, since I have it free) but I think their choice of scenario for the movie was probably ill advised. It's sort of like a retcon of what happened when the Horde first invaded. Had the writers instead went with the Arthas storyline, it has a lot more interesting facets to it and is actually more fleshed out than the story in Orcs. vs. Humans was. You don't even need to add/reduce plotlines, as the Thrall story in WC3 was compelling enough to go alongside the fall of Arthas, and you could easily tease an Illidan/Malfurion angle without going into depth with it while still maintaining two viewpoints. Would lead into a trilogy of movies that re-tell the WC3-PreWoW storyline, but might have been a bit more palatable for fans(if the reviews/rumors I'm reading are accurate and not just biased butthurt) to mix familiarity in with the wonder at seeing it on the big screen.


I always thought it would be better to just do a strict Warcraft 1 adaptation. Focus almost entirely on the humans, keep it grounded as possible. Orcs are basically just monsters invading from another world, you can hint at the corruption angle as set up for sequels but don't focus on it. Then you can ease into the more fantastical shit with additional movies.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I always thought it would be better to just do a strict Warcraft 1 adaptation. Focus almost entirely on the humans, keep it grounded as possible. Orcs are basically just monsters invading from another world, you can hint at the corruption angle as set up for sequels but don't focus on it. Then you can ease into the more fantastical shit with additional movies.
That would have just been a poor mans LOTR. Also, Thrall's importance outlives any of the humans in the movie, so his appearance is key.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saw it on a whim tonight after posting about it~

It wasn't bad at all, and I would love to see the next chapter. They killed all the right people to make the transition to WC3 style story alright, and left the right folks alive.

Garona was atrocious from a makeup standpoint. The fake-ass looking baby-vamp teeth were not good ever. The CGI characters were better acted than most of the real characters, which I suppose is par for the course with Blizzard products. Gul'Dan was appropriately menacing and Durotan was appropriately honorable. Blackhand/Doomhammer were well done if not explained well, and Khadgar (lol at the non WoW guy talking shit about the "young mage" character) was pretty much spot on with how his humor and sensibility is displayed in the games. 8/10 for me. It -did- have the feeling of CGI cut-scenes between human actors to a degree, but the cut-scenes were pretty awesome overall.
If you aren't a fan of warcraft or have knowledge of the in-game lore? Probably a 6. Otherwise there is a lot to enjoy as a fan of the series. Lothar, however, was not well cast. Everyone else seemed pretty well done minus my spoiler complaints.