WarCraft (2016)


There is a war going on over control of your mind
anyone that can hook me up with a code off a ticket to start a new account


Molten Core Raider
Utter shit. Legendary must've had Blizzard's dicks in a vice with their Hollywood-Lawyer-Tier contract or this pile of shit would've been cancelled like Warcraft Adventures or Starcraft:Ghost or Titan.
Has Legendary ever been attached to something that wasn't a weird video game/comic movie or at least a decent film? Seems like I remember their logo on nothing but goofy shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Only 24 million in the States. The shit flopped over here. The rest of the world is saving this movie. I still think it was stupid to literally start with Warcraft: Orcs and Humans when WoW is really what everyone knows.
They would have been better off starting the story with arthas' rise and fall into evil than base it on the early warcraft games that people have not played in 20 years.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Arthas' story has very little to do with orcs. Warcraft was always about humans vs orcs, so it leaves one of the main races almost completely in the dark


Potato del Grande
Seriously how do you guys seeing an Arthas movie ending?

WhileArthas Kills His Father (Warcraft Cinematic) - YouTubeis one of the most epic scenes in gaming history, it's a huge downer for the end of a movie and counters the entire point of what you saw him do before as a good guy. The film would have no point. Then the entire undead campaign is just further fucking up what he did in the first half.

In Warcraft 3, the point of it is setting up the summoning of Archimonde and the creation of his undead army which is resolved at the end of the game. A single movie can't do all 4 parts of Warcraft 2, it's too big.

BTW re watching those cut scenes makes me wonder WTF happened to Warcraft.


They've co-produced some of the biggest movies in the last decade. All of Nolan's movies since Batman Begins, Jurassic World, Hangover trilogy. For every Jonnah Hex they have a Straight Outta Compton.


Life's a Dream
I wanted something to do last night, so I saw this movie. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. It filled in a lot of the "pre WoW" lore for most of the gaming audience.
The special effects were pretty enough. Orcs looked awesome. That said, something was lost in the translation that made the story pretty boring. Maybe it's that the actors weren't Marvel quality when it comes to acting with a green screen? I don't know. It just wasn't a great movie, and it probably could have been a lot better, even with the exact same plot.


Mr. Poopybutthole
To me, starting at anything earlier than War3 was probably a mistake. Even playing Orcs vs. Humans and Tides of Darkness all the way through 18-20ish years ago, neither story really grabbed me due to the lack of really memorable characters. War3 had incredibly memorable characters, and it could have easily been made into a movie. Warcraft starting out as Orcs. Vs Humans is great for nostalgia/tradition's sake, but modern audiences in the 18-32 demographic probably don't really give a shit about where it started for the most part. They most likely remember War3 and WoW vs. OvH and ToD. I get that they were trying to tell the story "from the beginning" for world building purposes, possibly. However, they really could have done the first two games with a 10 minute introduction to the story to show the Orcs coming through the portal and then the humans fighting them, stormwind falling, and then the battles that freed Alexstrasza and the fall of the horde after the second war. Then "10 years later!" and boom. Tell the story primarily from Jaina's viewpoint, and you get a strong story that -doesn't- have the primary protagonist killing his father and turning his people into zombies. Then go from there.

Arthas doesn't have to be the main character, but not starting with Illidan and him as characters was not a great idea. They could not have written a more, ahem, vanilla storyline for the first movie than what they did. Not to mention the innumerable changes that have been made to the early stories over the years by the writing team. Retcons all up in this ma.


Registered Hutt
Movie sucked. Dialogue was stilted and weak, plot was several layers of cliche. Action was alright, and that's what the entire movie should have been. It should have been a film akin to 300 where cinematic action sequences stole the show. This attempt at some kind of epic with a powerful ensemble of characters was severely handicapped by the horrible dialogue and lack of chemistry. I cannot stand exposition, and they stuffed the dialogue full of the shit. Almost every time someone name dropped a person or place my mind rebelled at how unnatural it was in the conversation.


Molten Core Raider
I meant to say I look forward to those things in sequels. But in order to get those sequels this has to make enough $ to justify it. The International market is the only hope it looks like.
Gotcha, yeah this wasnt amazing but ill watch whatever sequels come from it.

Id love to see a diablo movie....


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Seriously. This was hilarious and I love that interview. He was being filled with nonsense fluff answers. Good feedback my ass, and that is when he walks about. Duncan is full of shit. I NEVER read a tolkien book. I watched all three Lord of the Rings movies and the character development, plot, locales, everything, I knew by the end of the first movie. Warcraft for even Warcraft fans is a slap in the face because this moron retconned the shit out of it. Over 20 years of lore and background and this schmuck took it and twisted it into his idiotic cluster fucked script which had NO bearing on the movie. If I had never played Warcraft, I would be confused as shit at the end of this pile of trash, and would wonder why I would ever need to watch a sequel. I am not invested in ANY of the characters. I do not know any of the landscapes. I have no idea what the fuck "Fel" is because it was never explained.

Anyone who likes this movie should be shipped off the fucking internet and never allowed to watch any other movie but Herbie Goes Bananas for the rest of their lives here on Earth, and then after they die, be tied to an etheral chair with hairs from Duncan's beard and be forced to watch this interview until the Universe collapses on itself and starts a new era of time. And then once that happens, that idiot is made into a lone asteroid away from any asteroid belts so it roams the universe dead and alone until the next universal collapse.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Fel is corrupted magic. That was pretty clear. Green magic is bad magic, the cost is lives taken and then some. How did you miss that?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Fel is corrupted magic. That was pretty clear. Green magic is bad magic, the cost is lives taken and then some. How did you miss that?
Was that the entire 4 seconds they explained it while I had my head buried in my palm? I obviously know about everything in the movie because I have played the games since Warcraft Orcs and Humans Launched. But if you came into this movie (As a lot did) not knowing a thing from Sunday, you left wondering what the hell just happened. Which is a FAR CRY from Lord of the rings and the amazing job those movies did.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Was that the entire 4 seconds they explained it while I had my head buried in my palm? I obviously know about everything in the movie because I have played the games since Warcraft Orcs and Humans Launched. But if you came into this movie (As a lot did) not knowing a thing from Sunday, you left wondering what the hell just happened. Which is a FAR CRY from Lord of the rings and the amazing job those movies did.
No, they talked about fel the whole movie. As far as HOW it works, no they didn't it explain that. But lord of the rings didn't explain how Gandalf's magic worked either