Weight Loss Thread


Tranny Chaser
to whoever negged me for the last comment, my body fat was down by 1.3% today so fuck you!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
to whoever negged me for the last comment, my body fat was down by 1.3% today so fuck you!
You realize you can see who negs you, right?

In other news, I decided to change things up recently and started putting on my pants left-leg-first instead of right. I'm confident that's what caused me to lose 1% of my body fat in the last 7 days. I can't wait to tell the guys in the gym about this new weight loss secret I've discovered.


Tranny Chaser
You definitely lost precisely 1.3% bodyfat because of a tablespoon of coconut oil per day.

You dumb fucking lemming.
Did I say that was the only reason, and it was a tbsp with every meal. I also factor in weight training 3x a week, modified strongman training 1x a week and indoor soccer 1x a week plus my paleo diet.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Did I say that was the only reason, and it was a tbsp with every meal. I also factor in weight training 3x a week, modified strongman training 1x a week and indoor soccer 1x a week plus my paleo diet.

Hint: working out 5x a week dropped your bodyfat more than eating coconut oil with your meals.


That MFT28 thing is intriguing. Is everything you need to know available for free on that site?
Yeah, everything is in the link I provided. Shit is in-fucking-sane when you are consistently doing 2 full workouts per day with the diet. My bodyfat is melting and definition is starting to show much faster than I ever expected. At the end of week2 back day I flexed my back in the mirror and my jaw hit the floor, I have never had definition like that in my life. Here is one of the things we do on back day(I can only manage 3-4 per giant set).

That MFT28 looks really fucking stupid.

2x/day workouts with a bunch of super sets. Revolutionary!

I guarantee you there's hundreds of dipshits on the bodybuilding.com forums who have posted "critique my routine" threads since the site went live that are just like that.

edit: wow I just read the nutrition/supplementation. Six out of seven meals are liquid, HMB and glutamine are recommended supplements, casein protein too.

Holy fuck.


I want to stress, you cannot half ass this. My roommate is a personal trainer who has been off on working out for 12~ years and I am just a scrawny nerd with a half torn rotator cuff that was somewhat toned in highschool(8yearsagolol). Anyone of any fitness level can do this, you just have to make sure you are setting correct weights and not injuring yourself. The first week my roommate and I didn't finish the morning workout every day and barely finished the evening workout. Second week however, we have started speeding through the workouts and having much better results. The workouts are setup in giant sets to make the lifting count as cardio as well(and boy do you sweat and gasp for air). You are going to learn to love that burning sensation of completely exhausting your muscles, the sore pain the next day, and the huge satisfaction of sitting down in front of a half lb lean steak and 2lbs of veggies.
For the Lazy:


Day 1(there are videos explaining every exercise so you can know what you are doing)

The diet is half of the war, waking up at 5am and getting the morning workout done before work/class is the other battle. Without a doubt there are times where you have to battle yourself to get it done, but the reward is better than the extra sleep. Best part? I am saving money on food per week(especially since I don't go out drinking) and I feel more healthy and active.

edit: I forgot to say, there are some things that I just cannot physically do yet(mostly due to being generally unfit or not being able to fully support my bodyweight yet), but there are different exercises that hit the muscles the same way. No shame in modifying things to finish and make progress.)





Do you normally eat that much in one sitting...seems like an absurd amount.
No not usually haha

Back when I was playing soccer and running track/cross country 4 seasons a year at the same time it was. When I fucked my knees and tore my rotator cuff I pretty much stopped all physical activity since physical therapy was painful and discouraging with slow progress, but my huge food intake stayed the same. It has fallen off a bit in the last few years of inactivity but now my body is back to being a bottomless pit.


Tranny Chaser
I love how this thread is all: someone posts a diet/exercise that is getting results for them, some scrawny keyboard nerd comes along screaming "omg that's broscience durrrrr retards", how about all the people shitting over every diet/routine post pics?


I love how this thread is all: someone posts a diet/exercise that is getting results for them, some scrawny keyboard nerd comes along screaming "omg that's broscience durrrrr retards", how about all the people shitting over every diet/routine post pics?
Ignore the google PHD cheeto dust huffers man.
I love how this thread is all: someone posts a diet/exercise that is getting results for them, some scrawny keyboard nerd comes along screaming "omg that's broscience durrrrr retards", how about all the people shitting over every diet/routine post pics?
This is the problem though, is you. You and buffy are two inexperienced people new to training. buffy by his own admission, and well, you hired a personal trainer. He's eating a pound of meat at a sitting and doing a routine a juiced up bodybuilder in the 70s could handle and recover from, but it has military marketing terms attached to it so of course it's good.

You get put on a ketogenic diet by someone who you paid to help you lose weight, so they can show you weight loss as fast as possible. I could have explained to you what you paid for in a 5min long private message and it'd probably be better for the time invested.

But the both of you are damn sure that you are doing it right.

No one can take criticism in any form, whether its someone being polite or someone being an Internet dickhead. If a diet or routine is stupid, as buffy is dealing with, he deserves to know as it's sub optimal. If you have someone like you who now is apparently getting sold like clockwork by a "personal trainer" and doesn't even realize it, and they are told that, and still can't accept it and step back and look at things, then that's on you.

I don't care whether or not people actually listen to what I say and I'm sure other people feel the same way, but it doesn't mean we can't say that something sucks when it does. What you do with that info is up to you, it's your life.


Ay gurl, don't get me wrong, criticism is appreciated(and wanted, part of the reason I posted). I know my post came off as a know it all and a closed ear asshole(mostly due to my excitement about being on a structured program and making progress), but any knowledge that can be tossed out is appreciated.

Diet sucks? Great, instead of saying "thats dum" and leaving it at that try putting something useful in... otherwise I am going to ignore you and write ya off as an armchair athlete.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I love how this thread is all: someone posts a diet/exercise that is getting results for them, some scrawny keyboard nerd comes along screaming "omg that's broscience durrrrr retards", how about all the people shitting over every diet/routine post pics?
Speaking for myself, I think it's great if you're doing something and getting results. However, I think the reason that stick keeps moving upwards into Ark's ass is that people state their current routine/diet/plan/etc. as if it's some amazing new weightloss discovery. It's not. The bottom line is that eating right, getting exercise, and lifting heavy objects will get you into shape. All the gimmicks and terminology that these routines/diets/plans/etc. offer are just that: gimmicks. And in some cases, such as heavy supplement use, can be ridiculously expensive or of dubious value to your overall health.

No one is discouraging anyone from working out, but we're trying to make sure you keep perspective about the realities of weight loss and getting fit.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
So yeah after I posted that question about MFT28 I poked around and found out that indeed, all the info was there. So I'm trying it.

As I sit here, I'm on rest day number 1 (day 7 of 28). I made it through most of the workouts ok, but there are some exercises that I just can't do in an already-fatigued state. The chest body-weight flyes are one, having to do them right after 200+ pushups is just too much. On back day, I did the inverted body-weight rows just fine (the picture you posted), but I couldn't really manage the barbell rollouts in a fatigued state.

Like one of you said though, I'm just enjoying the reward of committing to a specific, very challenging, routine. There were a couple of days when I thought REALLY hard about skipping the workout. And one evening I had to skip, I would have gotten nothing accomplished (day 2's evening back workout).

I expect the biggest thing I'll get out of this is the abs. It's interesting doing an intense ab workout 5 days a week, I've never done anything close to that.
Speaking for myself, I think it's great if you're doing something and getting results. However, I think the reason that stick keeps moving upwards into Ark's ass is that people state their current routine/diet/plan/etc. as if it's some amazing new weightloss discovery. It's not. The bottom line is that eating right, getting exercise, and lifting heavy objects will get you into shape. All the gimmicks and terminology that these routines/diets/plans/etc. offer are just that: gimmicks. And in some cases, such as heavy supplement use, can be ridiculously expensive or of dubious value to your overall health.

No one is discouraging anyone from working out, but we're trying to make sure you keep perspective about the realities of weight loss and getting fit.
That's pretty much it. There's zero thought that went into that program. None. It's just a typical Flex magazine type routine. That dude was in the military so people are going to think it's going to make them as fit as a Ranger and that's the point, it'll hook people. No one does workouts like that. It will cause a shit ton of inflammation and you'll look physically bigger. It's just way overkill.

He's a MetRx athlete and it's pushing a ton of MetRx supplements, hence the liquid meals so you buy all their protein, which it conveniently links for you all over the fuckin place.

This is basically the equivalent of the full day 12 hour or 8 hour arm routine that has been regurgitated 15 diff ways over the past 10 years.


Tranny Chaser
s. However, I think the reason that stick keeps moving upwards into Ark's ass is that people state their current routine/diet/plan/etc. as if it's some amazing new weightloss discovery

No one is discouraging anyone from working out, but we're trying to make sure you keep perspective about the realities of weight loss and getting fit.
Actually what sparked this was all the negs I got just for saying that melted coconut oil had been recommended, I never said anything about the effect it had until the negs started rolling in.

And Ark, I have not paid just to get put onto a ketogenic diet. It's actually a Paleo diet that I'm on, and my money also went towards one on one coaching 3 x a week in a private gym, plus modified strongman training 1x a week. You make out like I've been hoodwinked by some charlatan TV evangelist, so far the only extra thing I've bought from him is some Poliquin brand BCAAs. Everything else he's recommended I've sourced elsewhere

AND, in all the replies that have followed not one of you have posted pics. I'll post my before and after in 5 weeks when the 12 week program is finished and we can go from there.
Actually what sparked this was all the negs I got just for saying that melted coconut oil had been recommended, I never said anything about the effect it had until the negs started rolling in.

And Ark, I have not paid just to get put onto a ketogenic diet. It's actually a Paleo diet that I'm on, and my money also went towards one on one coaching 3 x a week in a private gym, plus modified strongman training 1x a week. You make out like I've been hoodwinked by some charlatan TV evangelist, so far the only extra thing I've bought from him is some Poliquin brand BCAAs. Everything else he's recommended I've sourced elsewhere

AND, in all the replies that have followed not one of you have posted pics. I'll post my before and after in 5 weeks when the 12 week program is finished and we can go from there.
Please don't tell me you hired a Poliquin certified trainer oh sweet baby jesus.