Weight Loss Thread


A Mod Real Quick
You could cut 500 calories per day from your maintenance calories and lose 1 pound per week but the problem with excessively fat people is they've essentially trained their bodies to crave more food than their maintenance calories. It's easy for me to say "well, your maintenance is 2000 calories so if you eat 1500 a day you'll lose 1 pound per week", but for someone that is fat they're going to start logging their food and go "holy fuck, that sandwich has 300 calories FUCK IM WAY OVER ALREADY". It's sort of a shock to get into the habit of doing.

That's why I would suggest going heavy weights and some cardio, and not some pussy shit cardio either. If you sit down on the bike and pedal for 20 minutes you're going to burn like 35 calories. I would honestly suggest swimming if you can find a place, otherwise I would suggest jogging. I started with interval jogging and it's pretty amazing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyway, I disagree with your assertion that most people who say "I'm fat, I want to start working out" don't mean they want to get cut. That's exactly what they want: to look like all the celebrities on TV and in magazines. Nobody wants to be a thin, flabby sack of loose skin. In fact, I'd argue that people who only do cardio at the gym are more likely to get frustrated and quit because they won't see as much change. They'll quickly go from a fat, flabby person to a thin, flabby person and they'll think "I weigh 180 pounds, why the fuck don't I look like Brad Pitt?".
I don't think most overweight people start out thinking they intend to have the body of Aaron Hernandez or Tim Tebow or even Michael Phelps. They just want to not be fat. Weight loss alone is inspiring and empowering. Those people will get compliments on the loss and be engouraged buying new skinny clothes to wear to work and in public. In private they might see their thin flab and want to change that, if they can't grasp logically what to do then they aren't very bright. I think most people who summon the will to lose weight have enough sense to move into making what they want of their body, but weight loss remains the best ongoing reinforcement for lifestyle change. I

I've said all this before here or on FoH, IDK. I see what you're saying too.


Molten Core Raider
Also, an ipod and a good list of ''training'' beats will help push you foward. I know i cant fuckin stand bruno mars playing in the gym speakers.
Plenty of scientific studies have proven that working out to your favorite tunes increases performance, results, and sticking with a program. This is the only reason I have a spotify premium account - so I can sync playlists to my phone and listen to them in the gym without using data.


Bluetooth headphones are nice too, especially when lifting, but I have yet to find a pair that are comfortable and last more than 4 months.


swimming will work your arms too.
Swimming, if you're doing right, is predominantly arms and becomes progressively more upper body/core with development. But, you're right, it is boring. I recommend learning to dissociate/space off. Failing that, try to drown. Drowning definitely helps maintain your focus on your workout/survival. They also have various forms of underwater MP3 players of varying degrees of effectiveness (e.g.http://www.amazon.com/FINIS-SwiMP3-2...ref=pd_sbs_e_1)


Molten Core Raider
When I messed up my knee and didn't want to give up cardio I would put a "noodle" under my feet and only use arms. It does make a big difference. I expanded on that concept and came up with all sorta of things to do in the pool to target different areas of the upper body and torso. When I swim its also more of an hiit than when I just ride a bike or treadmill.


A Mod Real Quick
I tried it in regular gym clothes and was like "fuck yeah, I will try this pussy-ass yoga shit - I got this". never been beaten down so terribly in one workout in my life. I felt like I was being put into an iron maiden on a journey to the sun.


Trump's Staff
The academy where I train BJJ has a Yoga class that I've taken a couple of times. It is pretty fun and I wasn't all that great at it, but it didn't approach the difficulty of a normal class there. The biggest problem was the giant puddle of sweat that formed on the mat under me made it nearly impossible to hold myself up because I kept slipping. That was pretty annoying.

If you want a sport that will REALLY wipe the floor with you pick up grappling, I am very glad I did.


A Mod Real Quick
In either case you'll probably get a nice staph infection if the mats are improperly maintained, an added bonus


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The academy where I train BJJ has a Yoga class that I've taken a couple of times. It is pretty fun and I wasn't all that great at it, but it didn't approach the difficulty of a normal class there. The biggest problem was the giant puddle of sweat that formed on the mat under me made it nearly impossible to hold myself up because I kept slipping. That was pretty annoying.

If you want a sport that will REALLY wipe the floor with you pick up grappling, I am very glad I did.


A Mod Real Quick
Kind of interested to know what Sean's status is since he started the thread (seriously). I have a couple health issues, so always curious what others with health issues are up to.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't even get how you guys go from 180 to 250+ without flipping out... I gain 10lbs and my clothes don't fit. How do you fat fucks let it get so out of hand?


Likely a slow, gradual process that innocuously sneaks up on you. Inactivity, pop, stress, lower expectations, and/or mental health issues make it all that much easier.