Weight Loss Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I want to reach 10% and then reverse diet into a small surplus. But I've been really shitty about my diet lately. Got fucking hammered Saturday, pretty sure I had 12 jack & cokes and 2 slices of buffalo chicken pizza to finish off my night.
Just work it into your macros. No prob.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Do you have a target goal for your weight regimen? That is a pretty key number, and when losing/building to a point, you want a finite goal. Sub 10% bodyfat is going to be a massive effort regardless of who you are, but using that and then achieving specific goals from there? Very different animal. Are you minimizing carb loads vs. protein loads and adhering to that? That is mostly going to be your issue, for the most part. One day of fucking up shouldn't do anything, unless the rest of your week is shit-tastic, which at 10% it pretty much can't be hah. I'd focus on protein management and carbs/calories will fall into line unless you think breaded mahi-mahi is something healthy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Usually breaded mahi-mahi is seared in a pan using oil (or deep fried) and it adds a lot of less than awesome fats to the meal. I mean the physical calories in it aren't bad, but the cooking method usually messes up the nutrition on those types of items. It's why chicken tenders, even if they are whole breast meat or something, are still not great for you because the cooking process adds a lot to the numbers.

Not saying anything against mahi mahi, because it's my favorite non-swordfish fish, just whenever something is breaded I go "=/" when I hear about how healthy it is supposed to be. If you are baking stuff, disregard, but that's not the standard way it is usually prepared. Tangent engaged!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Do you have a target goal for your weight regimen? That is a pretty key number, and when losing/building to a point, you want a finite goal. Sub 10% bodyfat is going to be a massive effort regardless of who you are, but using that and then achieving specific goals from there? Very different animal. Are you minimizing carb loads vs. protein loads and adhering to that? That is mostly going to be your issue, for the most part. One day of fucking up shouldn't do anything, unless the rest of your week is shit-tastic, which at 10% it pretty much can't be hah. I'd focus on protein management and carbs/calories will fall into line unless you think breaded mahi-mahi is something healthy.
I've never been superlean. I was always a very regular weight growing up, so 10% is my goal. Weight doesn't concern me, I'm sitting at 193 right now. As far as my goals in powerlifting, I'd like to hit a 1300 total before year's end. Most powerlifters don't remain lean year round, but I don't want to carry that extra fat personally. As for diet, I don't carb cycle or anything crazy. Typically I'll have a refeed on Fridays, which apparently I may need to be doing refeeds more frequently throughout the week, but whatever.

Last three weeks have been really shitty in terms of diet, just because of social shit. Hoping to dial everything back in and hit 10% before June.


Got something right about marriage
I went about a month and a half with no alcohol and clean eating. Lost 7 lbs. Then I went to a friend's goddamn b-day party and drank and ate everything and regained my taste for Taco Bell. regained 4 lbs in like a week and a half. Meh.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've pretty much drank every weekend for a month. I was 189.5 before I left for Florida, came back about 203 (water retention, etc.). Dropped back down to 193, then shot back up after drinking, dropped back down, shot back up, etc.

What it tells me is that my bf% and my weight probably hasn't moved within the last month, maybe a little fat gain. But basically if I don't have salt for two days and manage my macros properly, the abs came out full throttle. Then I put some salt in my rice and I bloat.

TL;DR - my body holds onto water like my mother holds onto her alimony.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I probably drink more than I should but it is exclusively either liquor, sake or red wine. I've pretty much been at the same weight regardless. During prime beer season I may gain weight. Not sure I don't weigh myself all the time but have tracked it recently since I've decided to add a few pounds of muscle.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I weigh in every morning same time in my undies. Helps to keep the scale consistent and see whether I'm trending up, down, or nowhere.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I don't panic on a day to day basis. Like I said, I look for trends and typically won't alter anything until I got 2 or 3 weeks without seeing change.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also don't know if it was discussed in this thread and I recently found it out after questioning some of the material my wife was reading about weight loss. Basically anyone has a book out about carb cycling, carb limiting, macros, blah blah blah blah. I told her I think it is all honestly bullshit. She retorted that the people writing these books are nutritionists so they must know what they're talking about. Turns out anyone can be a nutritionist. I can call myself a nutritionist. I am a nutritionist. There I now have the same credentials as almost everyone who writes these health books. Dietitians are the ones who actually require formal education. And even better registered dietician means they actually know what they're doing.

It all started to reek of bullshit when I realized they have to come out with new "miracle" diets on a bi-annual basis to push book sales. I'm sure there is some merit to this carb cycling horseshit but I'm sure it comes down to it forces you to not eat a ton of carbs (good) and makes the diet manageable by letting you eat carbs on certain days (good -- you'll stick with it.) Who knows what the next TV personality nutritionist will come up with next to make people feel like they cracked the code on health and fitness.


Got something right about marriage
There's another word for that. "Cheat days". And yes, anyone can be a nutritionist, there is literally no accreditation.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's another word for that. "Cheat days". And yes, anyone can be a nutritionist, there is literally no accreditation.
The issue with an open-ended "cheat day" is people think they can eat cheesecake for breakfast, ice cream for lunch and an apple pie for dinner. At least with this L/H carb cycling idea it gives you the freedom to eat some foods you otherwise shouldn't eat on a consistant basis but also defines rules around it.


Got something right about marriage
The issue with an open-ended "cheat day" is people think they can eat cheesecake for breakfast, ice cream for lunch and an apple pie for dinner. At least with this L/H carb cycling idea it gives you the freedom to eat some foods you otherwise shouldn't eat on a consistant basis but also defines rules around it.
That's really all any diet plan is. Creating rules that are easier for people who don't know any better to follow. And then they turn into religions where eating that way is the only way to eat healthy and everyone else is wrong.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That's really all any diet plan is. Creating rules that are easier for people who don't know any better to follow. And then they turn into religions where eating that way is the only way to eat healthy and everyone else is wrong.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
McCheese needs to write a book.

Most days all you can eat is boiled chicken

Some days you can eat an entire bag of pizza rolls and 4 tacos while you wait

Exercise consists of shoving young children at the Mike & Ike store


Got something right about marriage
And every 5th weekend you eat an entire carton of Lofthouse cookies, family size Doritos, and box of donuts


Change the view that you eat because you're hungry. Change it to... food is fuel.

Are you going to exercise today? Yes? Add some protein/dairy and carbs.

View candy, soda, junk food as polluting your fuel for that day. Like you just changed your 91 shell oil for some Canadian unrefined oil sand shit. No wonder you feel like garbage.

Gonna be working that brain today in the office on a new project? Don't need tons of carbs now, just gonna bloat you up. Go with some greens, fruits, maybe some almonds to snack on.

Gonna deal with the inlaws? Fuck it, grab that pack of sour patch kids and munch to your hearts content. Just make sure you only see them a few times a year.

Gonna sit on your ass all day and watch Game of Thrones? You literally don't need to eat a god damn thing. Ok.. maybe a couple pretzels cause pretzels are the shit, but you get my point. Don't eat two lbs of spaghetti if you're just gonna be sitting there. Then wonder why you're fat and feel like shit.

Your body wants you to eat all the fucking time, that's why we all get fat. Back in prehistory you might go days between meals, so there was evolutionary bias to eat whatever you could, whenever you could. You were more likely to survive those dry spells. Now most of us have the convenience of eating whenever we want. So you need to shift your view from eating when you're hungry to eating to fuel your daily activities. Or you could just say fuck my health. Hey, I'm not here to judge.