Weight Loss Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Holiday weight is off boys, was 7 lbs up at the first of the year, but I'm 10 lbs down now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's not worth paying attention to studies, for every study that says one thing there is a study that disproves it. Post a pro keto study on a keto forum and they'll lap it up, post an anti-keto study on a keto forum and they'll spend all day trying to debunk it.

The best way to judge what works or who knows what they're talking about is by results. I've posted this before but there are literally thousands of online results from a carb cycling method hereTransformations / The Body CoachIn fact, 4 of the twelve weeks he has people eating carbs with every meal on days they train, the remaining 8 weeks are carbs only post workout. And that's via an online program that is marketed towards average people.

And if you are carb cycling then you don't need a carb refeed day
I appreciate the feedback. I think I'll try no cycling/refeeding and see how my performance is impacted over the next few weeks. The results from that link definitely prove that carb cycling is effective, though.


tour de salt
Entirely depends on the preceding diet, really. I ate, when I was a little overweight, at pretty balanced levels (no sodas or white bread or whatever, but I do love me some pasta) across the board. Losing weight for me was effectively just reducing caloric intake across the day/week, and had little to do with composition. The people who are drinking 12packs of soda and shit, though... yeah, they might need some weening via low carb/ketosis like diets. I'm still completely against them as any sort of long term solution, but hey, if a diet works for you, it works. Just don't consume 90% of your carbs through soda =p I'm not sure that even fuels the low-carb kiddies' agenda, because that's just plain common sense.

Short term ketosis in an otherwise healthy individual (ossoi, for example) seems like fucking around for fucking around's sake. All the balanced folk know that you just reduce things in %s to reduce weight, be it water or whatever.There's no reason to go keto unless you just enjoy going keto, outside medical reasons.If that's how you attribute weight loss, then fine. But that same weight loss can be hit dozens of different ways, and doesn't require anywhere near the dietary restrictions that ketosis does. Again though, if it works for you, hey, more power to ya. I've had pretty good success with a balanced diet (30/40/30 carbs/protein/fats) and others have had success with super low carb diets. The important aspect is sticking with them and having a caloric deficit.
Yeah no reason to go keto except for the 100 benefits people commonly report besides easy weight loss.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yeah no reason to go keto except for the 100 benefits people commonly report besides easy weight loss.
I'm just reading between the lines here, but I'm assuming guys like this are the kind that can't fathom giving up whatever their favorite food is for any reason. This leads to subconscious (or maybe even conscious) demonization of the entire concept, otherwise it would need to be seriously considered. But because of aforementioned unwillingness, this cannot happen.

Anyway, it's cool. I get that. Some people really love bread. Those people shouldn't do keto because when they go back to their bread binge they will balloon up again. People like this guy are much easier to tolerate when you approach them this way.


Got something right about marriage
Where did I mention low fat? When in almost 3 years of posting in this thread have I ever advocated anyone going low fat?

The only reasons to go keto:

a) epileptic
b) type 2 diabetic
c) massively obese

The majority of people that have lost weight on keto should gradually start reintroducing carbs. The problem is that it's very easy on keto to develop carb phobia and avoid them altogether.

Now can we stop the keto derail
I was responding to Rezz. My post was directly after his and even used the same verbiage. Not sure why you thought I was talking to you.


Dindu Nuffin
Getting married September 24th. I'm 5'10" and today I weigh 240 lbs. In my best shape I was 185 lbs in the Army but I don't think that's a realistic goal with my 9-5 office job these days. I would like to hit 200 lbs by the wedding day though, so I started a low carb diet last week. I wanted 2 weeks to get used to the diet before I began a workout regiment, so I will start hitting the gym on Monday.

Should I just start doing cardio workouts to burn fat or should I start with weight lifting for a few months to build a better muscle base and then work on cutting the weight? I'm 34 now and haven't done shit or paid attention to exercise stuff in probably 6 or 7 years. Any interesting or fun workouts currently popular I should check out?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Losing weight with an office job is easy, I assume the majority of us work. Wake up, get your ass to the gym for a hour, eat right all day, and drink lots of water. Done.

Workouts: List 3-4 Days a week, fill in the rest with cardio except one rest day. Once your body adjusts to your workouts, throw in 10 to 15 minutes of treadmill at the end of your weight lifting days.

Lifting burns just as much or more fat than cardio. Really, losing weight is more about eating correctly than working out. Working out just speeds it up and sculpts your body.

I am currently doing a Monday = Upper; Tuesday = Lower; Wednesday = Cardio, Thursday = Upper, Tuesday = Lower, Saturday and Sunday = I'm hungover, fuck off. I am enjoying hitting every muscle group twice a week.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

It all makes sense now. Keto followers are just too dumb to see how terrible their diet is
I know you're going all in on this, but you didn't even read your own article that you linked. Or maybe you should try a keto diet to boost your reading comprehension?

In adults, low-carb diets have no adverse cognitive effects in the long-term. A well-executed, year-long study published to the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2009 found no difference in cognitive functioning for subjects consuming either a low-carb weight loss diet or a high-carb weight loss diet. Both actually enjoyed improvements to working memory and speed of processing, a result presumably attributed to weight loss.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'd be curious to see if anyone has studied diets with exact same caloric value but different macronutrient ratios. I'm having a hard time believing insulin has zero impact on your ability to lose weight.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I like reading about ketofags breaking into cold sweats at the sight of carbs. The insulins!

And here I am just chilling with my rice and brown bread. Losing weight like a boss.


A Mod Real Quick
I've started taking the stairs coming in/leaving the office rather than the elevator. It's only 10 flights, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something..

Blood glucose is 'way down' this week. Something weird definitely happened. On Monday I felt out of it so I checked a couple hours after eating and I was only at 100 - normally I'm at 200 after eating. Even the next day I was only up to 140-150 after fasting and the trend is still continuing. i actually had my semi-yearly a1c blood test on the day I hit 100, so I'm really hoping it doesn't affect my test results - I don't know how much a1c swings based on current blood sugar or anything. I'd just hate to have the doctor change my meds if I'm going through a cosmic anomaly.


Got something right about marriage
I like reading about ketofags breaking into cold sweats at the sight of carbs. The insulins!

And here I am just chilling with my rice and brown bread. Losing weight like a boss.
Not enough photoshop opportunities in this thread for Bisi.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I've started taking the stairs coming in/leaving the office rather than the elevator. It's only 10 flights, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something..

Blood glucose is 'way down' this week. Something weird definitely happened. On Monday I felt out of it so I checked a couple hours after eating and I was only at 100 - normally I'm at 200 after eating. Even the next day I was only up to 140-150 after fasting and the trend is still continuing. i actually had my semi-yearly a1c blood test on the day I hit 100, so I'm really hoping it doesn't affect my test results - I don't know how much a1c swings based on current blood sugar or anything. I'd just hate to have the doctor change my meds if I'm going through a cosmic anomaly.
Has your activity level changed besides the stairs? It's my understanding that type 2 diabetes is simply described as a very high insulin resistance and can effectively be cured by being more active (along with a low carb diet). As your body exhausts its stored glycogen, insulin can function as it does in healthy individuals and get rid of the serum glucose. I wouldn't think the stairs alone would be exhausting enough glycogen to make you more insulin sensitive, but if you were extremely sedentary before then it could explain your numbers.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They're renovating my office so 2 of the 3 elevators are out of commission. The building is only 4 stories high yet the fatties still huddle around and wait 5 minutes for the lone elevator.


Got something right about marriage
Tenks, if they could put whatever it is you have in a pill and sell it you'd be the richest man on planet earth.