Weight Loss Thread


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Those are good reasons. But if you're getting your nutrients elsewhere, and you don't have to feel full all the time(no YOU, generic you), why avoid dessert?
I don't think it's necessary to avoid dessert completely, and I doubt there are many people that do so. Of the people I know who limit their dessert to occasional indulgence, they do it because desserts tend to be massive calorie bombs. If you're eating well otherwise and working out regularly then it isn't an issue, like Dashel said. However, for the average Joe who lives a pretty sedentary life, frequently indulging in dessert is a one-way ticket on the train to fattyville.

As for me, personally, my original statement of primarily eating fruit for dessert is more based on the fact that I always have delicious, fresh fruit stocked in my fridge, but I try not to keep "junk foods" (ice cream, chocolatey stuff, etc.) around because I have notoriously weak will power. So if I find myself still a bit hungry after a meal I don't have any other choice than to eat some fruit, and considering I really love fruit, that is a great dessert for me.

All that said, I do love sugary desserts. If I go to Cheesecake Factory, for example, you better believe I'm getting a big ol' slice of Banana Cream Cheesecake!


<Bronze Donator>
Banana cream cheesecake?

Cmon dude, just no.




A Mod Real Quick
I think a_skeleton_03 is becoming the worst poster of the year, but I digress. I just hate the stuff. I also hate things like caramel, coffee, whipped cream (only like cool whip), rhubarb, white chocolate, and various other sweets that people can't comprehend.


A Mod Real Quick
I was on the fence about Noodle's worst poster of the year status because I liked his avatar and passive-aggressive racism, but this makes it official: worst poster of the year.
Deathwing rides my ballsack on here, so I'm used to it. But... coming from you McCheese... I feel as if I just lost a son. I... I have to fix this. I shant be back until I have learned to love cheese cakes in all their apparent glory.


Trakanon Raider
Bro, don't do it. Cheesecake is scientifically proven to be disgusting. Carl Sagan said so.


<Bronze Donator>
Please, I don't have enough posts for scrotal jockeying.

Caramel, coffee, rhubarb(tried the leaves yet?), you had a good list going at that point. Sounds like your hypersensitive to bitterness. White chocolate is just dumb, no idea why that shit exists.

As for cool whip over whipped cream....uh, no idea. I would say preparation but it really isn't that hard to toss a few tablespoons of sugar in a pint of heavy cream and beat it for 5 minutes.


A Mod Real Quick
Oh, I've made my own using heavy cream and it is good, I just cannot stand that canned shit. I like the flavor of cool whip better, some people seem to give me shit over it. Definitely don't like bittersweet stuff. Rhubarb made me almost puke.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm pretty convinced after reading that.. coffee makes me nauseas as well as a lot of other foods on that list. ALthough I was mislead by the name, I thought it was going to have some awesome advantage besides not eating poisonous plants.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Alright, figured I would do a status update on my progress after 6 weeks. It has been fairly interesting and I have been attempting to only change one thing per week so I can see what works best. The weeks broke down like this.

Starting Weight: 282 lbs

Week 1: Prep Week, getting food / vitamins in house, started cutting out all grains / sugar
Week 2: Attempted to the Bulletproof Rapid Fat Loss Protocol - This failed horribly, my body rejected only drinking Bulletproof Coffee. It wasn't hunger or anything, just retching when I smelled it. I went for 24 hours without eating anything because I wasn't hungry at all. Called it quits then I reverted to the Intermittent Fasting protocol. That is basically bulletproof coffee for breakfast, no food till 2pm, eat well off of the 'approved' items up till 8pm, nothing after.
Week 3: Tried to follow BulletProof / Paleo esque principles, took MCT oil mixed with cottage cheese to replace the coffee as I was still sensitive to it.
Week 4: Same as above, worked Coffee back in for 50% of the week
Week 5: Same as above, worked coffee into 5 days, ate like crap on Saturday which was very noticeable for weight loss for the week.
Week 6: BPC on 6 days, ate relatively well.

Vitamin regimen was basically
Morning: C, D, K, Krill Oil
Night: Potassium, Magnesium

Over that period of time I went from 282 > 263 lbs. This was all just modifying my diet, no exercise at all.

My overall impression of the diet changes is that they are pretty easy to follow. It took 3 - 5 days to not look longingly at sugar, pasta, bread, etc. I am definitely learning to cook better on this diet because I have to. Making the protein interesting, getting vegetables going, etc. has been good progress as well. I don't feel like I am missing out on much in terms of food anymore. Bread and Pasta were the worst to lose. Sugar, junk, etc. hasn't been bad. I am still a sucker for cheese, especially blue cheese, which neither principles like very much, but oh well. I also probably grill / higher temp cook things more than recommended as well but I figure these are minor issues.

My plan moving forward is to introduce Yoga starting tomorrow. I am not sure how many days per week or similar I will be doing but I will be recording it similar to the week by week recording I have done for the diet. I am optimistic that I will lose between 2 - 4 lbs per week depending on how good I am at following the diet. We shall see.


Buzzfeed Editor
He's gonna be fuckin ripped. Like a sexy coconut.

Ubibro, reading that eating schedule made my head hurt. Why not just make some diet changes, moderate intake, and up your physical activity?


Molten Core Raider
I was amazed at how hard it was for me to eat 2500 cals a day when it's all lean protein vegetables and complex carbs. Eating a cup of brown rice, oatmeal, or whole wheat equiv, a 5-6 oz portion of meat and a good serving if veggies is like 300 calories and when I started I could barely finish a meal before i started on the next. A chipotle burrito is like 1100 cals and isn't as filling. Think of a tablespoon if fat/oil in your stomach being more calories and less filling than veggies completely filling your stomach.

I'm not 100 on the science behind it but my understanding was lower glycemic foods = better, take more cals to digest, an don't get stored as fat as easily as sugar will. I stopped baking my sweet potatoes because the baking caramalizes the sugars and raises the index A ton (basically converts the complex sugars to simple) Too bad. Baked sweet potatoes are yummy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So two cups of coffee, 2/3's stick of butter, and coconut oil++ is the secret to super fat burning weight loss becausea Tibetan Monk said so?
Wow. I just spent some time reading about this, and that's one of the biggest crocks of horseshit I've read recently. So not only are you starving yourself on this retarded diet, but you're also paying out the ass for this bullshit coffee. Well done.