Weight Loss Thread


Trump's Staff
The other day I made roasted potatoes with garlic and herbs. I love them, my wife loves them, 2/3 of my kids love them. My oldest HATES potatoes and rice. But my policy is that she has to take one bite, that's it, just one. Because I don't believe her mostly. No one hates rice, it doesn't even have a taste. So she took her bite, and then held it in her mouth until she forced herself to vomit on my table. I was so pissed off. Talk about discouraging, jesus. But mostly my feeling is that it is a power struggle for kids, they are not in control of so many things in their lives that food is one thing they try to exercise power over.
Damn, that takes some epic self control and a huge pair of balls, she will probably do great in life


Mr. Poopybutthole
Homemade Tzatziki is fast and delicious. Find some good, plain, full fat Greek yogurt (Or in my case it's Turkish). The only ingredients should be milk, cream, and bacteria culture. Grate a cucumber and mix in salt, lemon juice, olive oil, mint (fresh or dry), and garlic if you are feeling ambitious. Put that in the yogurt and bam there you have it. Makes no sense to buy since it is so easy to make and costs a lot to buy it fresh from the store.
Brb eating a giant tub of tzatziki.


A Mod Real Quick
When I was a kid I had two things happen to me.

First (related to Chaos): I didn't like carrots. I wouldn't eat them because they tasted bad. One day we ate dinner at my aunts and she told me I had to stay at the table until I ate all of my carrots. My parents were out, so I just sat there crying. She made me sit at the table for hours because I refused. She thought I was stubborn until my parents came back and told her that I did indeed not eat carrots. 25 or so years later and I've never eaten a carrot with the exception of stuff like canned soups that have them. I don't even know what a carrot tastes like, but I was so traumatized that I'll never touch another one.

Second (related to lindz): When I was growing up there was a night I refused to eat whatever my parents had made. I was pretty young (4? 5?) and they told me if I didn't eat I had to go to bed without dinner. I called their bluff and they put me to bed (5:30pm? lol?) and told me I could eat breakfast tomorrow. Never happened again and I'm probably the best eater out of my 2 other siblings, they didn't receive the same treatment as me. Might not work nowadays, but worked for me


Got something right about marriage
Haha that's funny. I am the oldest of two and I HAD to eat what I was served or go hungry AND I had to finish everything on my plate or I would get grounded. On the flip side my brother got special meals made for him every night. You know what's funny? I struggled with weight for most of my life because I was forced to eat everything I was given at every meal and my Italian mother loved to pile it on. He was free to come and go as he pleased so he ate like a normal kid based on his actual hunger and not some arbitrary amount of food my mother thought was appropriate. He's been a fit little prick his whole life.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I purposely don't force my kids to eat everything because I don't want to do that, but I insist they try everything.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Haha that's funny. I am the oldest of two and I HAD to eat what I was served or go hungry AND I had to finish everything on my plate or I would get grounded. On the flip side my brother got special meals made for him every night. You know what's funny? I struggled with weight for most of my life because I was forced to eat everything I was given at every meal and my Italian mother loved to pile it on. He was free to come and go as he pleased so he ate like a normal kid based on his actual hunger and not some arbitrary amount of food my mother thought was appropriate. He's been a fit little prick his whole life.
Same exact story with my and my younger sister. I can still remember sitting at the dinner table 3 hours after dinner in front of a plate of shitty "Chicken Tonight! Sweet & Sour Chicken" that my mother slopped together. A few years later my sister comes along and she gets meals made specially for her.


Got something right about marriage
I think we should get your brother's side of the story.
My brother and even my mother would give you the same story. I was the first child in my family, first grandchild on both sides, first everything. I am the oldest out of everyone in my generation in my family on both sides. My mother was afraid I was going to die of starvation if she didn't feed me way more than a normal child needs to eat. And by the time my brother came around my parents were just like "Fuck it, he'll be fine, I can't deal with the headache"


Tranny Chaser
So she took her bite, and then held it in her mouth until she forced herself to vomit on my table. I was so pissed off. Talk about discouraging, jesus.
I had similar experience with swede when I was a kid, hated everything about it even the smell made me nauseous. Told I couldn't leave the dinner table till I ate it, threw up on the first bite completely without any effort from my part (not physical effort anyway, maybe it was "psychological"


Tranny Chaser

Charles Poliquin on bulking and cutting. Funny how he agrees with me that one should be lean before attempting to get bigger, lean by his standards being 10% body fat. Now all of you said "I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BULKING CUTTING BUT YOURE DEFINITELY WRONG" have some more ammo, knock yourselves out


<Bronze Donator>
That's not what people were saying you're wrong about. But please, play the victim some more, it's entertaining.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just because one guy says something doesn't mean he's right, no matter who he is.

I agree with him regarding doing lean bulks...but only after you've already established a high base of muscle mass. It's one of those things that no one wants to admit (to themselves), but seems to be an almost 100% consistent among those with substantial size (and we're talking about bodybuilder type size). Everyone, once they've already achieved some size, almost unanimously agrees that you should do like Poliquin says and lean bulk (never getting above 14% body fat or so). The problem is, all of them have done a heavy bulk. Like, literally all of them. I've never seen someone with substantial size who got big by starting at like 130 pounds at 10% body fat who didn't do a serious dirty bulk up to 200+ pounds.

Once they've achieved that size, then theyallgo around recommending lean bulks at low body fats.

There was a ridiculously long thread about it on T-Nation, and pretty much every fitness YouTuber has admitted that they did a bulk where they got fat.


Trump's Staff
Not to mention different people have different goals for many different reasons, and being at 10% body fat is a pretty specific goal that probably doesn't apply to many people.

I got out of my wanting to be "ripped" phase when I crossed into my late 20s. I have no idea if it has something to do with getting older and transitioning from a preening peacock trying to attract a mate to moving more into a "protector" family role, but that's what it feels like. Now I just care about being strong, healthy, and able to fight. If I have a bit of a pudgy belly I really don't care that much because it doesn't impact my life or health.

Ossoi, you are a classic case of a myopic young person that can't see or understand anything that doesn't matter to you. You probably enjoy still rivers as well.


So I started going to the gym a couple of months ago, and have been trying to do the basic starting strength workout. However, after about a month, one of my knees starting giving me problems (sharp, burning pain) when squatting and to a lesser extent when deadlifting. I took the last couple of weeks off from legs thinking that I'd injured something and that it might need some time to heal, but I went back to squats yesterday and it's as bad or worse than ever. I'm a gym noob obviously, but I read the book, and I've done lots of reading online, so I don't think I'm fucking up too badly (other than being fat and out of shape). The suggestions that I get from googling pretty much consist of "keep weight on heels, push knees out, keep everything tight" and if anything, focusing on that makes it worse.

Any suggestions?

(As a side note, even a noob can laugh at the resolution guys. Yesterday, the guy in the power rack to my left was doing curls, and the guy on the rack on the right was using a kettlebell.)


Trump's Staff
So I started going to the gym a couple of months ago, and have been trying to do the basic starting strength workout. However, after about a month, one of my knees starting giving me problems (sharp, burning pain) when squatting and to a lesser extent when deadlifting. I took the last couple of weeks off from legs thinking that I'd injured something and that it might need some time to heal, but I went back to squats yesterday and it's as bad or worse than ever. I'm a gym noob obviously, but I read the book, and I've done lots of reading online, so I don't think I'm fucking up too badly (other than being fat and out of shape). The suggestions that I get from googling pretty much consist of "keep weight on heels, push knees out, keep everything tight" and if anything, focusing on that makes it worse.

Any suggestions?

(As a side note, even a noob can laugh at the resolution guys. Yesterday, the guy in the power rack to my left was doing curls, and the guy on the rack on the right was using a kettlebell.)
Can you post a video? I would guess your hips are inflexible and this is causing problems, but I can't say for certain without a video. 3/4 is best, but that and a side view would be better.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, would need a video. Generally if you're not squatting deep enough, it can cause excessive shear on your knees when you change directions. It's possible you have something mechanically wrong that makes it so you can't squat though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I started going to the gym a couple of months ago, and have been trying to do the basic starting strength workout. However, after about a month, one of my knees starting giving me problems (sharp, burning pain) when squatting and to a lesser extent when deadlifting. I took the last couple of weeks off from legs thinking that I'd injured something and that it might need some time to heal, but I went back to squats yesterday and it's as bad or worse than ever. I'm a gym noob obviously, but I read the book, and I've done lots of reading online, so I don't think I'm fucking up too badly (other than being fat and out of shape). The suggestions that I get from googling pretty much consist of "keep weight on heels, push knees out, keep everything tight" and if anything, focusing on that makes it worse.

Any suggestions?

(As a side note, even a noob can laugh at the resolution guys. Yesterday, the guy in the power rack to my left was doing curls, and the guy on the rack on the right was using a kettlebell.)
Any previous issues with your knee that you can recall? Where in the knee is the pain (front/back/side (inner/outer))? Do you get the same pain using the leg press machine? Same pain when doing a body weight squat? Do you do any post workout stretching/foam rolling? Questions to think about.

Being that you gave it two weeks already, I'd probably go see a dr and have them take a look. I'd guess they'd do a few initial tests, get a rough prognosis, give you some kind of anti-inflammatory and probably tell you to take another two weeks off. If it's not improved after that, they might send you to PT for a few months.