What are you listening to at the moment?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
^ Fkin nostalgia bomb. Used to listen to that on repeat for hours while high. If you like that kind of thing and don't mind it a bit darker/trippier, check out Purity Ring:

Friend of mine turned me onto these guys a few months ago and I've been cranking their stuff pretty much nonstop since:



https://soundcloud.com/rachel-hillman- Paris, Bonfire is pretty decent too.

Town has a gallery night kind of deal in the "artsy" district. Was heading to the brewery when I walked past the cafe she was playing at. Ended up ditching the brewery idea and listened to her for over an hour instead. Some of her stuff is a little eh but really liked a few songs.
Found these guys through some youtube binge I was on. Really dig a few of their tracks, but this one is probably my favorite:



Molten Core Raider
Only just saw this viral video on Youtube recently. This is pretty insane and extremely awesome.

1000 Italian musicians play 'Learn to Fly' in an attempt to persuade Dave Grohl and his Foo Fighters band to play in their city - Cesena, Italy (population: 97,131).

Fabio Zaffagnini devised the plan in May 2014 and launched a crowdfunding campaign later that year. In seven months, the campaign collected ?44,788 ($49,100). Organisers sorted through thousands of videos to determine who would make the final cut of 350 guitarists, 250 singers, 250 drummers and 150 bassists.

Grohl after viewing the video was very moved and committed to a trip to Italy, the day after a video of the performance in Cesena?s Hippodrome Park went viral (around 29 mill views at last count)

On November 3rd, the Foo?s rolled up to the city and performed a 27-song set for Rockin'1000 and around 3000 fans.



Got something right about marriage
A lot of older American members of this community probably vaguely know T.Rex from their one hit that made it big here... Bang a Gong. But I have to say, they were one of the best, bands of that era. This thread seems to be devoted entirely to people who like EDM and Metal in some form or the other with the random "Indie" influence but there is a lot of really great music from the British Invasion that never actually invaded the US. And T.Rex is a shining example. Unfortunately their lead man died too young.

That song was released in 1971 and almost nobody was writing music like that.