What are you listening to at the moment?


On the verandah
i dunno. i think i actually prefer something made by Brie Larson over the original artist.

Holy shit, how have I never heard this song (or this group) before? Must have been living under a rock. What a banger!
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Millie's Staff Member
Music like this really takes me back to late 90s/early 2ks. EQ nostalgia kicks into high gear.

there was a local radio station by me, K rock. same station with Stern. on friday nights late 90s early 2000s they played all kinds of industrial, hardcore and weird songs from midnight to 4AM. this was always on when we had our late night EQ raids. almost the same songs every week. the usual Korn, Linkin Park, NERD and Limp Bizkit stuff. but this weird one always stuck out and seemed to come on whenever we were having a bad pull in Luclin or Velius.

one time we pulled almost the entire bottom part of the castle in Vex Thal. we had all our enchanters at that raid, but not much DPS so we had mezzers but we couldnt kill everything fast enough. ended up spending 2 hours constantly fighting repops. finally got out of there at 4:30 and clearing the zone. but was the worst raid ever. so all those songs from the late 90s early 00s played during that raid and i cant listen to any of them without thinking of Vex Thal.
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