What was your dream growing up before life kicked you in the nuts/vag?


what Suineg set it to


Riddle me this...
I wanted to be an architect. Always loved construction and how things were built. My dad brought me home a pirated copy of the AutoCAD program and I had a blast. Went into high school and we had a drafting class and I loved it. Went into 11th grade and the local tech school discontinued their Auto CAD program so I took auto mechanics instead. Long story short I teach high school now and still have no idea what the fuck I want to do in life.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I loved auto mechanics in high school. Senior year they had early dismisal if you had enough credits to graduate so I had 4 hours of auto mechanics than an hour of english and I was done at noon and went home. Stayed friends with the instructor up until about 5 years ago when he died. Junior year we did a cage build and all the interior work on a '67 Chevelle drag car. Senior year we built a 396 for it. Great times. Went to state and won the yearly compeition they had. Long ass written test followed by a practical. First time I had ever seen an Acura which was the car I was assigned. For a $500 gift certificate to Snap-on which was nice and still use some of the tools I got with it (30 years later) nd a $500 deal for a scholarship if I wanted to pursue auto mechanics, and some other odds and ends like fender covers that were nice and stuff like that and a trophy. I went with a friend and his parents, I felt bad he didn't progress on from the written and they had to sit there and watch me compete.

I took drafting in high school since I went to the magnet school for engineering. It was the very early days of AutoCad in the mid 80's. The instructor had AutoCad on a computer and he had taken a course on it. He would sit and look at it a lot. He couldn't figure out when you drew something that went off the screen how you ever got it back lol. Luckily I was working part time at home with it and got him straightened out. Sadly the school had paid money for him to take that course and they never into zooming out, panning etc...

For a long time I wanted to be a pilot, not commercial. I knew I couldn't be because I was a diabetic. That changed a few years ago with the sport pilot license but I haven't pursued it since I've been busy.

Thinking about it today, the one driving force since age 7 or so was I didn't want to grow up to be someone that had to interact with other people. That pretty much worked out. Rather deal with objects than people every day even if I get paid less.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sorry to hear that man. I'd be like Boobie Miles in Friday Night Lights if I had to go through something like that.

Pic somewhat related as it was the first thing that jumped in my head after reading that first line.

I look exactly like that IRL


<Bronze Donator>
I spent grade school in California then moved to Iowa for middle and high school. Pretty common thing for kids out on the west coast, but I wanted to do marine biology and kept that dream alive well into high school when I was told CA was too far away for a college destination. Ended up at Iowa State and then here in Minneapolis after that.

I like a lot of things about the Twin Cities, but damn if I don't miss the ocean more than anything. I don't have a ton of regrets. I wouldn't have ever had music be such a big part of my life if it wasn't for the friends I first met in college and I'm really happy with what I've accomplished there. At the same time, corporate america has turned me very lazy and that's definitely not the type of kid I was previously where I just craved any type of activity possible.

I'm stuck in the midwest at least a while longer because of some family issues, but I always have this plan in the back of my head to relocate out west once I'm given the chance. I think that's still a ways away, but I hope I can do it before I'm too old to enjoy it.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I cannot remember a single point in my life where I knew what I wanted to be/do. Not a good feeling and is probably a large part of why I spent most of my time in high school smoking weed. Can't say I'm unhappy with my life but I don't really feel like I have much in terms of a purpose or life goals, which is alright I guess.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The older I get the more I regret not doing more of everything except tv and I think I see that in a lot of older people so I try to stay busy. "Want" is prob strong for career choices for most people, engineer was really just a preference.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I also really, really wanted a monkey as a pet growing up.
My father ordered a squirrel monkey from a comic book ad back in the late 50's. My grandmother was not so amused. Some pretty hilarious pictures to be had from it. Met his poor end at the hands of a raccoon it tried to fuck with.


<Silver Donator>
When asked in 7th grade, said I wanted to be a pilot.

Went to college, joined AFROTC, tested, awarded pilot allocation, went through encampment (got to fly a aerobatics in a t-37, not sexy but... Fucking. Fun.) , sworn in my junior year, physiological training at Wright Patt, got to legit wear a flight suit with cadet wings, signed a contract for 18 years. I was making it happen.

The summer after my Junior year I was scheduled to go to flight training and some shadow program. Things were going good. One spring afternoon, all pilots and navigators were called into a meeting with our detachment commander and he told us the AF was voiding all pilot and navigator contracts with anyone not going to the academy. Major kick in the nuts. My whole identity came crashing in.

That summer, I skipped classes that I was scheduled to take in order to graduate on time and, instead, worked in a steel mill. Got a call from my commander at work to say that they were inviting everyone back but we'd have to accept some other job for an indeterminate amount of time before going to UPT. However, by the time I got back to school, I was behind on classes due to the summer job and the whole way it went down plus the mystery job just made it unappealing. So, I didn't go back under contract.

I think a combination of a feeling of betrayal and the mental shift I had gone through just didn't leave me with the tenacity to sack up and get it done. Looking back, I'd probably plow through.


Molten Core Raider
I wanted to design video games. Not necessarily program, but design. As a kid growing up in the late 70s and 80s I was big into text adventures, then Sierra graphic adventure games(Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, etc), and then eventually console RPGs (Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, etc) I wanted to design the worlds. I had notebooks full of map designs, monster designs, dungeon designs, etc. Only problem was, I wasn't good at art, so I knew I'd have to go the programming route to get my foot in the door.

Honors student in HS, got all the honors science and math classes I could get, went to a big University and enrolled in Computer Engineering/Comp Sci and 2 years into it I hated life. I hated programming, I hated the math(fuck you Calc 2 & 3), and the thought of sitting in front of a computer screen analyzing endless lines of code made me want to stick a gun in my mouth.

In highschool I had got a part time job at Software Etc/Babbage's (remember those) and I LOVED it. Could talk to people about video games and computer equipment all day. Kept working part time through HS and college and one day I was bitching to my manager about going back to school and how much I hated it, and he offered me a full time assistant manager position on the spot. Spent 9 years(ages 17 to 26) in retail, working my way up to middle management (district manager for Gamestop by 25) before leaving to join my father in the Insurance business(last 12 years, ages 26-38). Make a good living now, I enjoy interacting with people and customers but in a normal 9-5 setting, not shitty retail hours. This year my father is retiring and I'm opening my own agency. I'll be a business owner and I'm really looking forward to it.

Still love games, love building computers, but it's all a hobby. I'd probably hate it if it were my career and something I had to take seriously.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I know so, so many people that were in my freshman CS classes wanting to develop video games but never wrote a line of code in their lives. The found out that they absolutely hate everything about development and swap majors. It was ungodly common.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Oddly enough I have no memory of ever wanting to be anything until about half way through the Navy when I realized I never wanted to have a boss, so businessman.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I wanted to design video games. Not necessarily program, but design. As a kid growing up in the late 70s and 80s I was big into text adventures, then Sierra graphic adventure games(Kings Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, etc), and then eventually console RPGs (Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy, etc) I wanted to design the worlds. I had notebooks full of map designs, monster designs, dungeon designs, etc. Only problem was, I wasn't good at art, so I knew I'd have to go the programming route to get my foot in the door.

Honors student in HS, got all the honors science and math classes I could get, went to a big University and enrolled in Computer Engineering/Comp Sci and 2 years into it I hated life. I hated programming, I hated the math(fuck you Calc 2 & 3), and the thought of sitting in front of a computer screen analyzing endless lines of code made me want to stick a gun in my mouth.

In highschool I had got a part time job at Software Etc/Babbage's (remember those) and I LOVED it. Could talk to people about video games and computer equipment all day. Kept working part time through HS and college and one day I was bitching to my manager about going back to school and how much I hated it, and he offered me a full time assistant manager position on the spot. Spent 9 years(ages 17 to 26) in retail, working my way up to middle management (district manager for Gamestop by 25) before leaving to join my father in the Insurance business(last 12 years, ages 26-38). Make a good living now, I enjoy interacting with people and customers but in a normal 9-5 setting, not shitty retail hours. This year my father is retiring and I'm opening my own agency. I'll be a business owner and I'm really looking forward to it.

Still love games, love building computers, but it's all a hobby. I'd probably hate it if it were my career and something I had to take seriously.
You and me are about the same age if you're 38 now, so we were on a similar track. I was told even if I went to the academy that the chances of getting a flight spot were slim. Definitely a huge kick in the nuts