What's the story behind your Rerolled name?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Slyminxy is actually from a book. Night's Dawn Trilogy (Peter F. Hamilton), where voidhawk Captain Syrinx explains how her father used to call her "Slyminx", I added the "y" at the end.

My EQ Character name "Ellendruilalyon" was an extension of my wizard's name "Ellendalyon" which was a female human in a textbased roleplaying game we played online in the early stages of the internet (Ellen from Dalyon).


Vyemm Raider
Himeo was the name of the character I was playing back in 2003. I had a bad case of alt-itis early in EQ and Himeo was combination of the names of my two highest level characters when I made the cleric. I guess it worked, because Himeo was the first and only max level character I had. (60, 65, and 70 before I quit).

If I remember correctly, Himeo was the first character I ever hit level twenty with in EQ, and when I did I took the names of two people I was grouping with at the time and came up with Spovo for a last name. Himeo Spovo. Horrible name.


Mr. Poopybutthole


Joviality incarnate
I'm a fan of Charles Dickens.

Also, Urban Dictionary's definitions:

1. Fezziwig

An individual, usually male, that sits around and drinks beer while watching TV. This person is known to sport a good, if not unkempt and shaggy, beard. They are frequently seen on the couch with a laptop and a beer. Fezziwigs are known to be awesome.

"My roommate is a regular ol' fezziwig, all he does is sit around and drink beer."


"I'm not going out, I think I'm just going to fezziwig tonight."

Of course I just discovered there's another Urban Dictionary definition as well:

2. fezziwig

An inside-out vagina.

"Never bang a 56-year-old mother of 7. When I pulled out I took the vagina with me, and now that bitch has a fezziwig."


Molten Core Raider
Used the name for my toon back in the DnD days, a variant of "Legacy", cool right???? In any case, used it for my EQ Ranger back on the Bristlebane server.


Avatar of War Slayer
WoW character.

Typically I would just make new names up on the spot.
I started a theme with WoW though. started with Calias, which was random gen iirc. but I changed a letter to get Calias. don't remember which. a male dwarf hunter.
Rerolled a druid shortly after started raiding, as hunters were complete balls back then. 50% dps of rogues, only needed 1 to pull, etc.
Calias, became Caliane when I feminized it, for the female druid. stuck with that character as my main since then in wow. Although I had multiple alts, all of which kept the theme, so people could tell my alts. Casia, Caliea. Amusing, there was a Calirose in my guild that was NOT me. that confused some people..
At one point, we got a guy applying for our guild, who claimed to have been in FoH. that is when I signed into the forum, in an attempt to do some background checking on him. used the main character name for less confusion. Stuck around though. And never did get an answer about the applicant. who did end up joining, and was a giant piece of shit in the end. Largely responsible for the guild breaking up, and major delays in progression during Naxx days.

Considered dropping the name in the shift to Rerolled, as it don't really have any meaning to me personally. But figured, it might be confusing if I did. Might as well keep it. But this is really the only place I use it.

Casia started getting used for a DnD rogue. might make a comic on that character if I ever get a chance.


Years and years ago in (I think) my first semester of college, I was in a world mythology class and had a ditzy blonde prof with the IQ of a gerbil with down syndrome. She assigned a ridiculous, open-ended project that was a huge chunk of the final grade. I chose to write an epic poem wherein I wrote about a mash-up of Gilgamesh and Noah called (surprise!) Gilganoah.

God warns of flood, ark is built, blah blah blah. Feeling quite pleased with himself (and being somewhat of the partying type), Gilganoah goes on a bender the night before the rain starts, gets tossed out of a tavern, and passes out in a ditch. He awakes as raindrops began to fall and staggers back to the ark where the animals await. Alas, his drunken sillynannery results in Gilganoah being unable to load all the animals that are queued up onto the ark in time. Such noble animals as the chinchillopotamus, crocodolphin, and squirrellephant are left behind to perish in the flood. Unfortunately for us all, the fuzzy yet fierce hamsteroceros missed the boat as well.

Basically, I got baked as hell, came up with a list of ridiculous animal portmateaus, threw together the most banal, derivative narrative I could and read it aloud while playing the Gilligan's Island theme on guitar. Full credit. God that broad was dumb. Insane rack though, so I guess it wasn't all bad.