Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


Goonsquad Officer
always design around the bulk of the players. I think it would be nuts to go putting priority on top level content when 1% of the players are there, when stuff"s broken at the lower end where 80% of your players are.


Now see this type of criticism in the last page or so of posts is 100% valid.

I"m 24 and I"m having a decently fun time but yea after the double exp weekends it is *definitely* a slow down. I feel a bit behind the leveling curve myself. I think the current hump is in the 30s of the bell curve from gut feel. Without a resurgence of new blood or people wanting to make alts - yes it will be a bitch to lvl a lower leveled char in a few weeks/months. So VG"s marketing and quality level needs to take a step up (in terms of delivered new features and bug fixes). You are right this was an issue in EQ1 also, but I am not sure today"s market will support a slower soloing game while everyone is at max level. The only slower levelling game that got this right was FFXI with the subjob system. There are always people to group with at every level because people need many subjobs at least to level 37 and many of those turn into higher leveled alts allowing you to catch up with the raiding crowd.

At my level I have plenty of content to do/look forward to, but after max level there will be a time period where we all wait on some new functionality like the answer to AES and raiding, travel options, and general raid content. I know for myself that due to EQ2, my patience is lessened and if it takes as long to mature I probably will not actively wait around like I did with EQ2.


They should have hotzones every once in a while, for certain levels. not all, but just to give new players a push, say some hotspots for level 10-20"s. I think that would help alot. Get people pushed into the general population of the game.


kcxiv said:
They should have hotzones every once in a while, for certain levels. not all, but just to give new players a push, say some hotspots for level 10-20"s. I think that would help alot. Get people pushed into the general population of the game.
Yea some mechanic like that would be great, I want to explore too just like anyone, but I know leveling up I would go to places that I at least saw others in to group. Then I would zone into places like Spider Bluffs on Thestra, wonder if there was good content to be had there, but then moving on to Three Rivers because of limited playtime and knowing there was content there.

If there are 10-30ish chunks out there that folks for whatever reason haven"t stumbled on that are hidden troves of content, maybe some breadcrumb NPCs or something to get people out there would help.


Kaxmax said:
I can"t believe nobody has copied FFXI"s job system yet. It really was a great way to have people playing at all levels.
There was a thread about this a while back, but the general consensus was FFXI"s job system + WoW"s combat system = pure money jesus jetpack ownage.


Yes, but since no devs seem to listen I will continue to keep touting the system.

I remember I asked a dev for EQ2 in person if he had ever checked out FFXI and he gave a comment that it didn"t have good graphics and the convo pretty much ended there. I don"t want to see such a beautiful mechanic die.


Ssinurn said:
Yes, but since no devs seem to listen I will continue to keep touting the system.

I remember I asked a dev for EQ2 in person if he had ever checked out FFXI and he gave a comment that it didn"t have good graphics and the convo pretty much ended there. I don"t want to see such a beautiful mechanic die.
It likely won"t see release outside of FFXI, as most developers are set in their ways.

I wish someone would make an independant (home made) MMO with a system like that. Something 2D (maybe better looking than UO), etc.

I"d play it. I have a nice computer and all, but I like simplicity sometimes. Diablo II graphics (accept upgraded) with a FFXI battle system = win.


I think FFXI"s job system + a more refined mentoring system as in EQ2 == $$$

Being able to better control your "mentored" level for the classes you"ve leveled to that point would allow people to redo old content without it being trivial and also play with their lower friends.

If your friend rolls a warrior and you have a 60 warrior / 20 priest, being able to switch to priest and mentor to his level would be great.

I still think the mentoring system shouldn"trequirea group. Allowing someone to mentor down to explore a new area or revisit content they really enjoyed as a 20 would really open up the game and give the players more choice.

That"s the thing, give the players freedom to play how they want to play without a lot of unnecessary restrictions. You"ll always get people who find a way to exploit it somehow, but I think the benefit of really maximizing a smaller population in that way makes it worth it.


LadyVex said:
Ahh that would present a problem. WoW is very geared towards a solo man; so I"d say that WoW probably isn"t for you. I used to be the same way, always grouping which is why I was a cleric in EQ.

The good part to soloing is no idiots, so after awhile I ended up prefering the solo method heh.
Well isnt that the thing if you miss the initial progression with people in WoW your hosed to solo. But honestly joining late shouldnt mean a 5% chance of running any instances between 1-70. In my case TBH 62-70 or 65-70.

Its just a pain tbh and where are the free char transfer options to super low pop servers o yea $25 per transfer was just too much extra dough...


RunningDog said:
You"d think that particular lesson had been learned from Asherons Call. Huge world = lots of empty towns and dungeons and a few locations camped 24/7 as everyone migrates to the best levelling / loot spots. IIRC Turbine placed 2 - 3 carbon copies of the popular dungeons around the world to deal with the crowding and spread people out.
This is the part that still boggles my mind cause KEnclave has crap loot IMO and if your not in a steady group the exp isnt even worth it. I can litterally say Ive been to places with much better drops and %.

I just dont get where the average VG player on thestra was misled to hang out at KE. And to anyone who has farmed KE much I was in a group that sat in the throne room for at least a hour expecting some kind of nice mob to spawn at the throne partially of hearsay info and then of course I mean its a throne for the whole dungeon WTB Named mob. Either way nothing ever spawned in a hour and finally the place was loaded with so many other groups the area dropped which honestly was kind of fun logging in to that massive chaos.


kcxiv said:
Game is fine if you wanna play a few hours a day. If your in a race to 50, then you will run into problems. I am only level 35, and i am having a blast. Checking out all the areas.
I was too until my crew stopped logging on I guess thats what happen when people get older and get lives...doh


woqqqa said:
Apparently, they couldn"t make the AES work correctly, so no triggered gold mobs for the forseeable future. (which is a pity, because AES seemed like a great idea)
I have no idea what you are talking about because there are tons of triggered golden mobs.


MetalNeo said:
I was too until my crew stopped logging on I guess thats what happen when people get older and get lives...doh
This is me since my friends decided to log in...less often. So now I"m stranded at lvl 24 and after having experienced the double xp weekend, soloing feels like a punch in the face. I guess now it is my turn to join the TK crowd.

One of my friends is actually trying to convince me that I should try Play the Fae and give EQ2 another shot. I did download it already, now I just need to take a look.

The Bog_sl

kcxiv said:
Game is fine if you wanna play a few hours a day. If your in a race to 50, then you will run into problems. I am only level 35, and i am having a blast. Checking out all the areas.
Excuse me, WHAT?
Do you play Vanguard, or do you play some other game? Because the Vanguard I played was ultimately one of the least doable in a few hours a day - and if I went over that, my brain would begin to seize up. I"m serious, I"d start getting boredom headaches.

Vanguard is really the bastard cousin of EQ. Every bad, shitty thing I remember from EQ has returned, except I have absolutely no endearment to it. It"s dramatically unfun.


The Bog said:
Excuse me, WHAT?
Do you play Vanguard, or do you play some other game? Because the Vanguard I played was ultimately one of the least doable in a few hours a day - and if I went over that, my brain would begin to seize up. I"m serious, I"d start getting boredom headaches.

Vanguard is really the bastard cousin of EQ. Every bad, shitty thing I remember from EQ has returned, except I have absolutely no endearment to it. It"s dramatically unfun.
Thats too bad...

Ive been doing just that since release. Soloing for a few hours a night doing quests and missives, and hitting up the dungeons on the weekends.

Im only 21, but /shrug, still having fun. But then again I dont play to much these days.


The Bog said:
Excuse me, WHAT?
Do you play Vanguard, or do you play some other game? Because the Vanguard I played was ultimately one of the least doable in a few hours a day - and if I went over that, my brain would begin to seize up. I"m serious, I"d start getting boredom headaches.

Vanguard is really the bastard cousin of EQ. Every bad, shitty thing I remember from EQ has returned, except I have absolutely no endearment to it. It"s dramatically unfun.
Woah!!@!!1 You just discredited someones opinion with your own!! Good Job!!!


Molten Core Raider
The Bog said:
Excuse me, WHAT?
Do you play Vanguard, or do you play some other game? Because the Vanguard I played was ultimately one of the least doable in a few hours a day - and if I went over that, my brain would begin to seize up. I"m serious, I"d start getting boredom headaches.

Vanguard is really the bastard cousin of EQ. Every bad, shitty thing I remember from EQ has returned, except I have absolutely no endearment to it. It"s dramatically unfun.
What Vangaurd did you play? Some beta release? When was the last time you played? There is a lot to do in just a few hour a day spurts.


Aye, not to jump on the bandwagon but I am having a blast in vanguard with MAYBE 2 hours in a night. I have friends in game... that helps tremendously... Bog go find friends. Oh wait...