Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


Sithro said:
No, I"m running XP, actually.
FFS stop filling this thread with useless bullshit about your personal PC issues, enough already. This is where the moderators, with all due respect, need to step in.

There are threads that deal with PC requirements with Vangaurd, post there, or start a new thread if you absolutely HAVE to post about your PC issues, or just fucking Google your problem or go to VG tech support or whatever but stop being such a douche bag. This isn"t your MySpace page or guild message board filled with your buddies.


2 Minutes Hate
Rayne said:
Yeah, but then it just reeks of "money/time sink". Still, there need to be incentives to even using temporary structures. Like offline merchantile. You pop your stand in a temporary mini community for the night, and your character goes into merchant mode. And other little things. Perhaps a 5% experience bonus for a length of time equal to the offline mode, up to a specified and reasonable maximum. Not "rested xp" per se, but just a small incentive to actually motivate the player to actually utilise those aspects, instead of relegating them to running back to a town.

I"m curious. There was a whole discussion a while back on the official forums about utilising the "campfire" mechanic. Did that ever materialise?
For a crafter, what you can build is a temp workstation. Anvil/forge thing to craft at that spot. Like you build a tent or soemthing and after 1 day a forge appears or something.


Its like we have been trained as players that every play session has to begin and end in a major city/population/transport hub. PoK in EQ/Ironforge(Ogrimmar) in WoW/etc.

Vanguard (I"m assuming) was built around a different model, where instead of starting/stopping in a big transportation hub every night, you went off into the wilds for a few days to a dungeon, and returned home only infrequently to handle "major" things like training new abilities and such.

However, the things that support that sort of model and make it feasible and even, dare I say, fun -- stuff like Rayne and Draegan are describing -- aren"t in the game.

And there is a source of nerd rage right there for ya, heheh.


teneran said:
FFS stop filling this thread with useless bullshit about your personal PC issues, enough already. This is where the moderators, with all due respect, need to step in.

There are threads that deal with PC requirements with Vangaurd, post there, or start a new thread if you absolutely HAVE to post about your PC issues, or just fucking Google your problem or go to VG tech support or whatever but stop being such a douche bag. This isn"t your MySpace page or guild message board filled with your buddies.
I"m replying to someone you tard. Stop being a dick.
rinthea said:
Thats a great idea Draegen, but no way thats ever going to work with "meaningful travel"
Actually it might work well for certain reasons based on the current state of the game. The fellowship, caravan and player city concepts were designed with the idea in mind that a group of players explore content within a particular area (level range) over a period of time. The problem is, now with the rate at which adventuring xp is earned being increased and issues with LFG in particular areas (depending on the time of day as well), regular moderate/long-distance travel has become a necessity. Caravans might ease the problem, we"ll see.

If there were even temporary shops/camps/vendors available, it might offer some incentive to encourage players to commit to adventuring in the same general area more consistently, making the travel that is made more "meaningful".

Just my 2 cents.

Edit: Faltigoth basically beat me to it...


Draegan said:
For a crafter, what you can build is a temp workstation. Anvil/forge thing to craft at that spot. Like you build a tent or soemthing and after 1 day a forge appears or something.
So, in other words, no. LOL

Such a simple thing could have gone a long way toward making the game more appealing.

What i"m thinking is, a player drops a tent/stand at a campfire in a specific area. Then others add thier own tent/stand, and perhaps adds to that campfire, or even additional temporary structures, like an anvil or some other sort of temporary crafting station. And presto, temporary mini-community, with additional players coming and going every now and then. Each adding and subtracting thier own part as they come and go. Player constructed, player controlled. And temporary. Constantly changing and recycling into something slightly variable as players level through the area.

The only constant is the campfire itself.


Draegan said:
For a crafter, what you can build is a temp workstation. Anvil/forge thing to craft at that spot. Like you build a tent or soemthing and after 1 day a forge appears or something.
It"s a neat idea, but I just don"t see it working in the game as it"s structured today due to the universal auction brokers. Why would a crafter bother setting up shop in some remote place when he can easily throw his wares up on the AH and have tons more people see it?

There would have to be some kind of bonus to doing business outside a dungeon as a crafter, but I can"t think of one off the top of my head.


EQ type ports please. Seriously needed. Say going from River Palace, and you get a group invite for VT, no fucking way. You just gotta tell the group, sorry man, to damn far.


kcxiv said:
EQ type ports please. Seriously needed. Say going from River Palace, and you get a group invite for VT, no fucking way. You just gotta tell the group, sorry man, to damn far.
Hmm, you know what would be cool? If they were continent based. For instance, a Thestrian Sorc could port around Thestra, while a Qailian Sorc could port around Qailia.

Then again, that might hurt a Thestrian Sorc trying to get a group in Qailia.


Sithro said:
Hmm, you know what would be cool? If they were continent based. For instance, a Thestrian Sorc could port around Thestra, while a Qailian Sorc could port around Qailia.

Then again, that might hurt a Thestrian Sorc trying to get a group in Qailia.
I think the biggest complaint at the moment is the lack of easy intercontinental mobility. Continent based ports won"t alleviate that.

Darus Grey_foh

As a high level crafter I"d be fuckin happy if they removed brokers entirely, brokers above all else are crafter"s biggest issue. Because its impossible to compete with underpriced broker world drops, because other people(who don"t level 5x slower...not an exaggeration) who arn"t crafters do not value thier damn time anywhere near as much.

I"d love the mechanic of setting up shop in specific locations to cater to people in the area...If I"m selling lvl 30ish weapons, go setup a stall near CIS/Trengal.

Majority of my business is word of mouth in the end anyways, I list a couple token items on broker that generally sell instantly, just to keep my name out there as my servers premiere weaponsmith.

I don"t honestly know if this is true or not, cause I never read it with my own eyes, but people have said that brokers were supposed to be temporary at best and be taken out in live.
If they did say that I wish they had the balls to go through with it, because it"d be better for the game in the long run.
Because right now the economy is just slowly diving to point where crafted goods will be absolutely worthless within a few months.
Rayne said:
So, in other words, no. LOL

Such a simple thing could have gone a long way toward making the game more appealing.

What i"m thinking is, a player drops a tent/stand at a campfire in a specific area. Then others add thier own tent/stand, and perhaps adds to that campfire, or even additional temporary structures, like an anvil or some other sort of temporary crafting station. And presto, temporary mini-community, with additional players coming and going every now and then. Each adding and subtracting thier own part as they come and go. Player constructed, player controlled. And temporary. Constantly changing and recycling into something slightly variable as players level through the area.

The only constant is the campfire itself.
This was an idea floated on the original Sigil boards way back in the early days. As I recall Brad and others got a serious hardon for this idea, but I guess (like everything else) it was too difficult to implement.

Can"t have people just building new settlements whilly nilly, fuck no !!


Molten Core Raider
The Hiram Key said:
This was an idea floated on the original Sigil boards way back in the early days. As I recall Brad and others got a serious hardon for this idea, but I guess (like everything else) it was too difficult to implement.

Can"t have people just building new settlements whilly nilly, fuck no !!
Well hell man could you imagine the damn lag that would cause? people lag hardcore going into most cities.. why would you want that lag at every dungeon too? Maybe in 6 months or so when they get their memory leaks and shitty coding problems worked out but right now? No damn way.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Xregg"s posts make me want to play. Then I think about how I have to make the game look for it to run acceptably on my PC.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Those environment textures drive me nuts. I can"t get my head around the multiple hard edges between objects wrapped in various stone.

Does VG still screenshot without some of the graphical effects being applied?


No, it looks just like that in game pretty much. Hard edges and symmetry are the fucking bane of my Vanguard graphical enjoyment. Oh, that and the fact it still runs like shit to this day. Seriously wtf @_@


Okay, so I got the game working and I started playing around.

Yeah, it"s not worth buying yet, in my opinion. The game is still to jerky in many areas. One thing I"m dissapointed about is the lack of commotion in the villages that I"ve been in. In EQII, you"d occasionally see NPCs talking to one another. In Vanguard, they kind of stand around. Also, I went into the Dark Elf village, and almost had a ceisure. D: The colors were changing constantly. It was like my character was high on acid or something.

The good thing is, that just about all of that can be fixed in time.

One thing I have to say was amazing, as the Dwarf city "Bordenor"s Cleft" I think it was. I went in and almost shit myself. It"s HUGE. The game itself is HUGE... So that"s one big thing it has going for it.

Anyway, I might wait another 6 months and then check back. By then the game should have simmered a while, and the price of the game will have likely dropped.

In short, it has a lot of potential. It just has to be realized.

Now, off to bed.


Rayne said:
I think the biggest complaint at the moment is the lack of easy intercontinental mobility. Continent based ports won"t alleviate that.
Shadowbane solved this problem with the healer ability Summon, which is basically a world-wide Call of the Hero on a 5 minute re-use timer.

Simple and it worked.