Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard


<Bronze Donator>
Im probably in the minority, but I really hate that full screen glow effect that LotRO uses. Such a cheesy awful effect you are all praising. Reminds me of Kinkade paintings, so bad. Nothing there impresses me otherwise.


kcxiv said:
Anymore questions? i will be more then happy to answer.
Yes. Are you having fun right now? If not, why are you playing the game? If you are having fun, and not just hoping it"ll improve, my earlier comment wasn"t aimed at you, but I"ve seen a subset of Vanguard fans who do behave that way.


woqqqa said:
Yes. Are you having fun right now? If not, why are you playing the game? If you are having fun, and not just hoping it"ll improve, my earlier comment wasn"t aimed at you, but I"ve seen a subset of Vanguard fans who do behave that way.
Yes, i am right now in the Patheon of the Ancients doing the sisters event. if you are able to log in i am on the shidreth server all you have to do is /who all kcxiv and you can see me on. I am in a grp with my Old EQ buddies helping them with their cloaks (i have mine already).

Is there some things that do frustrate me? yes, the group bugs do. Is it game breaking for me? no.

I hope i answered your question. I am bieng as honest as i possibly can.


woqqqa said:
What"s sad is those people playing the game, thinking it sucks, but hoping for it to get better because they "believe in Brad".
Luckily we don"t have many/any of those types here on these forums. Most of them are trapped over at the Silky Venom boards since the official forums closed down. I think the ~5-10 people we have on these forums who play VG are actually having fun...which is why they"re having a hard time comprehending why some people don"t find it fun, or why we"re making such a big deal out of "minor bugs", shitty graphics and lack of end game content.


woqqqa said:
Yes. Are you having fun right now? If not, why are you playing the game? If you are having fun, and not just hoping it"ll improve, my earlier comment wasn"t aimed at you, but I"ve seen a subset of Vanguard fans who do behave that way.
Your question is stupid. Maybe .001% of those playing VG are playing under those conditions. Its a fucked question and critisim because anyone with half a brain would realise that if you dont like the game you wouldnt play it. Any anyone who would play it without liking it, is clearly mentally challenged.

Perhaps your getting mixed up with, the people playing VG who are having fun and expecting it to improve. Which is not unreasonable.


Cuppycake said:
Luckily we don"t have many/any of those types here on these forums. Most of them are trapped over at the Silky Venom boards since the official forums closed down. I think the ~5-10 people we have on these forums who play VG are actually having fun...which is why they"re having a hard time comprehending why some people don"t find it fun, or why we"re making such a big deal out of "minor bugs", shitty graphics and lack of end game content.

The problem is, some people here make a big deal out of things which are fine, which doesnt help the things that arent. And these people have no idea which is which.

ps i think theres more than 10 here that play it..


Yep, thanks for the answer kcxiv. Cuppycake, yeah you"re pretty much right about the SV forums...although I"ve been having some interesting hardware discussions on there (their hardware section is excellent). Still, they"re not as deluded as you think. I get the impression that Brad comes here more often than he goes there because he gets a friendlier reception here, if you can believe that. People there are even madder, since most of them are playing the game, and see the flaws up close. (Apparently, Kojan crafting faction is useless but they just bothered telling the players now)


I agree, the Vanguard screenshot is at an unfair disadvantage with that disgruntled Halfling. Maybe someone would be so nice to post another Tursh pic showing *happy* people, maybe even a couple kids chasing cat or rabbits through the streets, then we can compare the screenshots again. Thanks!


rinthea said:
Your question is stupid. Maybe .001% of those playing VG are playing under those conditions. Its a fucked question and critisim because anyone with half a brain would realise that if you dont like the game you wouldnt play it. Any anyone who would play it without liking it, is clearly mentally challenged.

Perhaps your getting mixed up with, the people playing VG who are having fun and expecting it to improve. Which is not unreasonable.
You"d think so, maybe my Vanguard playing friends just love to complain? (Woody Allen syndrome)

The Bog_sl

I"m an attention whore? To who? Brad? The wild populace of FoH? I"m not being rude here, but I"m not really too concerned whether you agree with me about what I think about the game. Really.

And as for the problems I have with Vanguard, it"s because the game is inherently empty-feeling, has little to no charm in it, and is made up of a fudge of half-heartedly employed MMORPG clich?s.

Finally, nice reply Brad!


Aradune Mithara said:
I don"t think either the EQ 1 or EQ 2 launch suffered significantly from their hardware specs and the tech level they used. . . . . .
EQ1 no, but EQ2 sure as hell did suffer. The specs were a major reason why I went the WOW route, and am so glad I did in hindsight. As many people have said, you only have so much time to devote to these games, and comp compatibility is a big reason for choice.


Nairbog said:
. . . I think the main problem actually is server population, .
That"s because most people just don"t want to play these kind of games anymore. The type of content you describe just doesn"t appeal to a large audience. They are interested in quick action. Argue this point all you want, the bottom line are the sub numbers.


Filthgrinder said:
Yes, I have a question: Are you secretly Tad10"s other FOH account, because the similarities can be striking at times.
So who other than Twobit Whore are Utnayan"s other FOH accounts?


Bog, I think the reason I thought you sounded like an attention whore was because you expected a reply from Aradune. As for the Tursh screenies, personally, I think Tursh is one of the ugliest zones in the game. It got a bit better after the Thestra revamp, but it"s still one of the oldest zones in the game and it shows. Secondly, while it may be argued that LoTRO"s artwork is "cleaner" and more cohesive, I doubt it has nearly as much variety in terms of environments/dungeons/mobs as Vanguard does. Vanguard is also seamless, you can actually enter buildings through a door, etc. THEN there"s the fact that LoTRO uses bloom to make things cohesive and warm, like Guild Wars. I"m sure Vanguard could take this direction in lighting if they wanted and get similar looking screens but they went for realism, which is much harder to pull off.

How about we start comparing things like the amount of unique dungeons/cities/environments in each? Classes? How about comparing the size and scale of each game? As far as I know, none of LoTRO"s cities come close to comparing to New Targonor/Pankhor Zhi/Aghram/Caial Brael/Mekalia etc. I would also be surprised if LoTRO"s dungeons were more impressive than Vanguard"s in terms of scope/mob variety/nameds etc. Since I"m not one to obsess over the artwork like many of you do, I value variety and "epicness" more.


Guarding the guardians
xmod2 said:
I love how all of the Vanguard fans have absolutely no argument in any of these threads and just go "yeah well, I"m having fun at least!"
How the fuck is that not the only valid argument when discussing a game?