Windows 7 Questions and Best Method to Obtain (Legally)

So I bought this pos e-machine 2 years ago. From the beginning I had issues with the hardware and had it sent in for repairs about 2 weeks after purchasing it. When it came back Windows started saying I had illegal copy of win7. I noticed that the activation key that was on the side of the case had been ripped off which means obviously someone ripped it off or this was a new chase. Either way MS and E-machine and Comp USA all blamed each other so finally I just said fuck it. I cleansed the HD and installed xp. fast forward to today and i want win7 but not an illegal copy.


1. What is the cheapest method in obtaining an legal copy (preferably a CD)? I see alot of places it cost about 100 bucks for the home edition which is no prob but I also see keys being sold for 69 bucks like the one here.

I will be building me new comp next year so I need to purchase an OS anyway, second question

2. Do you recommend installing it as 32 bit or 64. I know this comp is set up to do 64 but i remember when I installed Mint (Linux) last year it was advised to install 32 bit over 64 bit.

Before someone googles that for me I have looked into it. I trust the people here who have a lot more experience with this stuff than I or google. Thanks!
just to add, I was actually just at Walmart to buy a copy and the bastards dont carry it anymore. All they keep in stock now is win8.
like I said I was hoping for CDs so when I do my every other month reformat I dont have problems installing after I boot and nuke.



Molten Core Raider
64 bit windows all the way

You might have trouble finding Win 7 in retail stores anymore, your best bet might be somewhere that sells OEM copies of windows, basicaly most places that sell computer parts(Microcenter for a chain, or any number of mom & pop computer stores in your town, or online)

As for Home vs Pro, most people are fine with Home. Home supports up to 16GB of Ram, pro is like 192 or something crazy. And theres a few other features that are convenient for businesses(being able to run an XP virtual machine inside Win 7 pro), but if you're a gamer, Home should be fine. Just make sure to get 64 bit. useful graph at the bottom

64 bit Windows Home Premium is probably what you want
ya I saw that home only does 16gb but thats a fuck ton (to me anyway) so no prob there. the only two things that kinda sparked my interest were the file encypting features of pro and the ability to join domains. I really have no short team plans of needing either or but perhaps further than the road maybe. I guess I'll just get it at newegg for 99. I was thinking someone here might know a secret or two about getting legit copies of win7.
Are you opposed to Windows 8? You could just upgrade from XP to 8 for like 40 bucks.
not really opposed to it but its been so long since I've read anything about computers i just dont want to deal with hardware compatibility issues. I didnt even know windows 8 was out until today, no joke. I guess not watching tv and only using the net for forum browsing/gaming has kept me in the dark about whats new.


Molten Core Raider
If you know anyone that works for a school or university(or is a university student), they should be able to get a significant discount on most Microsoft products.

I got my Win 7 ultimate from a friend that works in the IT department at a university for like $20 or something several years ago.
ill look into the university idea. I goto UTEP so maybe I know someone.

one more question semi related. my laptop came with win 7 but again no cds. I've had it about a year now and it needs a cleansing (format.) is there a way to download and burn a legal copy of win7 if you have a legit OEM code?


not really opposed to it but its been so long since I've read anything about computers i just dont want to deal with hardware compatibility issues. I didnt even know windows 8 was out until today, no joke. I guess not watching tv and only using the net for forum browsing/gaming has kept me in the dark about whats new.
I think Windows 8 is going to be your best bet then. Microsoft is heavily discounting it if you purchase it directly from them.

The OS itself shouldn't have any hardware compatibility issues. It actually runs better than Windows 7. I think most people around here would probably agree Windows 8 is at least as good, if not better than 7 once you get used to the new interface.
ya I was just about to say wtf, win 8 is cheaper than win7 right now. this doesnt make any sense to me but maybe ill give it a go. looks like its 69 dollars at some places.

it sounds like if i buy win8 tho all i get is a code and a download link. I am assuming you download the iso and then burn it to a cd?
Lourd S:Welcome to Microsoft Answer Desk! I'm Lourd S How can I help?

You: Hi, I am about to purchase the windows 8 for 39.99 but I had a question
after a buy it will i be able to reformat my harddrive and install windows 8
or will i need to install windows xp or windows 7 first then upgrade to windows 8 again

Lourd S: That's a very good question...

You: Basically after I buy windows 8, can I install it on a brand new machine

Lourd S: If you have another computer where you can create an install media, disc or USB, you should be able to boot from it and format the harddrive.

You:so if I buy win 8 now, it will give me a download link to an ISO which I can burn to a cd?

Lourd S:But if you would like to just download the upgrade you will need to reinstall any previous version of Windows.
Lourd S: Not actually a download link but an option to create an install media.. and then you can burn it to a cd.

You:so the windows 8 for 39.99 is the entire operating system and not just an upgrade

Lourd S: That's right...
You: I thought so but I wasnt sure

Lourd S:But it's mostly used for upgrade. And by the way you can even order the backup/install media for $15 if you want.
No problem...

You: will do, thanks

So I guess you can. We'll see.


A Mod Real Quick
The "upgrade" versions can install to a fresh HD no problem. I use an upgrade version on everything from new computers to ones with existing OS's.


The Big Mod
i format my hard drive then reinstalled windows 8 from an ISO with the release client build and then was able to activate it without much problem.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
If you get Windows 8 Pro the key can be used as a valid Win 7 key if you want to downdrage.