World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
ReforgeLite all day erryday. Mr. Robot can take a long walk off a short pier.

Gear really makes a huge difference on BM. If reforge *off* crit, I end up with 55% crit. And you can really feel that drop, both on the charts, and on your perma-Brew. That Crit Elixir is likely going to do you a lot more good than the Haste one. Armor Elixir is pretty sweet for Monk Alchemists. I haven't used a flask in ages. There have been Brewmasters downing H Garrosh with under 3k haste because they just dumped it all and didn't care. Haste is really a "feel" thing, and it soft-caps at different levels based on your own personal habits/response times. It's rather different in raiding than it is in grouping; in groups you have idiots pulling adds and shit at random times and you really feel like you NEED resources continuously filling your coffers, whereas in raids the shit you need to respond to is generally more structured and can be planned/prepared for by pooling.

Just glad I don't have to balance RoRo reforge shenanigans anymore, even if I actually loved it in-play. Having to use a specifically designed program to calculate optimal RoRo Reforging and having to regem/re-enchant all your armor each time you got any upgrade was silly.


<WoW Guild Officer>
ReforgeLite all day erryday. Mr. Robot can take a long walk off a short pier.

Gear really makes a huge difference on BM. If reforge *off* crit, I end up with 55% crit. And you can really feel that drop, both on the charts, and on your perma-Brew.

Just glad I don't have to balance RoRo reforge shenanigans anymore, even if I actually loved it in-play. Having to use a specifically designed program to calculate optimal RoRo Reforging and having to regem/re-enchant all your armor each time you got any upgrade was silly.
Nice, thanks.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
New Racials announced. Shits like a week old, but I dont visit WoW sites that often.

Warlords of Draenor Racial Traits

Dev Watercooler on WoD specifics.

Good rule of thumb for monks to start off with is 8000 haste. You then add more or less depending on how bad you suck at using energy wisely. I feel comfortable at about 4000 haste on my BM, personally. I dont ever want to be in the position that I cant use an ability for aggro because I was to busy trying to push that extra few thousand dps.


New Racials announced. Shits like a week old, but I dont visit WoW sites that often.

Warlords of Draenor Racial Traits

Dev Watercooler on WoD specifics.

Good rule of thumb for monks to start off with is 8000 haste. You then add more or less depending on how bad you suck at using energy wisely. I feel comfortable at about 4000 haste on my BM, personally. I dont ever want to be in the position that I cant use an ability for aggro because I was to busy trying to push that extra few thousand dps.
Utility and survivability is for pussies. Pull the room while everyone is still getting ready, herd them into a tight group, then as the RL is losing their shit in chat you do what you gotta do to Keg Smash+Breath of Fire+White Tiger+Chi Burst as quickly as possible and then just start Rushing Jade until you're torn apart by mobs. Get those big numbers on the board.

Oh yeah, came up pretty hard tonight:

Toxixs @ Blades Edge - Community - World of Warcraft


Yeah! I see your Firelands kills! Grats! lol
Transmog PUG, was bored. Last one I'm going to do for awhile, the group leader kept turning on master loot during fights and then telling us to /random, it was some epic ninja shit. He finally knocked it off before Alysrazor, I was hoping to god the mount dropped and he lost the roll on it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
mate you're too much over the hit cap and too far from the expertise cap, fixing this will do wonders for your dps. I really recommend finding a stable 2h as well if you can, I truly prefer it to dualwielding as a brewmaster. But I guess you can't decide what drops for you :/
This is my monk: If you have any questions regarding brewmasters, especially in a 10-man environment, I might be able to answer them


Trakanon Raider
mate you're too much over the hit cap and too far from the expertise cap, fixing this will do wonders for your dps. I really recommend finding a stable 2h as well if you can, I truly prefer it to dualwielding as a brewmaster. But I guess you can't decide what drops for you :/
This is my monk: If you have any questions regarding brewmasters, especially in a 10-man environment, I might be able to answer them
This is my monk nothing spectacular gear wise. It's a mixture of flex and lfr gear.
Chidori @ Zuljin - Community - World of Warcraft
One issue I'm having is that I take a hard beating. I'm way too squishy when doing flex 1 & 2 with the gear I have. I keep shuffle up constantly, using guard on cool down and use elusive brew when I have around 5 to 6 stacks. I just do flex and lfr and I shouldn't be struggling that much. I'm currently using a haste build that I used from askmrrobot. I looked at other brewmaster builds and I see many of them using a mastery build or crit if their gear is really good. Any suggestions?


This is my monk nothing spectacular gear wise. It's a mixture of flex and lfr gear.
Chidori @ Zuljin - Community - World of Warcraft
One issue I'm having is that I take a hard beating. I'm way too squishy when doing flex 1 & 2 with the gear I have. I keep shuffle up constantly, using guard on cool down and use elusive brew when I have around 5 to 6 stacks. I just do flex and lfr and I shouldn't be struggling that much. I'm currently using a haste build that I used from askmrrobot. I looked at other brewmaster builds and I see many of them using a mastery build or crit if their gear is really good. Any suggestions?
Your stats seem pretty good, I dunno. And to Kitsune I know I'm over on those, but I can't do jack shit about it, I've reforged all the hit and exp I can down with the gear I have. Just a waiting game for new gear.

You way you're way too squishy, how are you dying? Not Purifying quick enough, chi management, aggro control? And are you on keeping Shuffle up? I've seen if I'm really diligent about it I have to purify a lot less. Also, some addons help a metric FUCKTON with BM's. My other toons I've ran all kinds of shit with just DBM and Recount running and been fine, and even Recount was just for e-peen reasons. With my BM some shit I couldn't see life(his and the raids) without. TellMeWhen keeping track of your Shuffle and Stagger will save your life over and over and over, I promise you. DBM again is obvious, I've gone into 25 mans with no instructions about the fights and got them on the first try. I'm also a huge fan of Tidy Plates. Having 10 mobs stacked on top of each other and I need to target a specific one, I can't imagine that without Tidy. I've also bound my most important utility/survival shit to mouse buttons: Purify & Fortifying Brew on thumb buttons, Expel Harm & Guard on mousewheel up/down. I can't rely on the mouse for shit anymore in terms of pointing with my BM. No bullshit the things I actually use a mouse to click on are my mount and Legacy. Anything else if I try to find with my mouse during a fight I'm going to end up dead.

One thing you could try, and keep in mind some people consider it super cheap is install SpellFlash. It will turn your action bar into Simon Says for a perfect rotation. The BM rotation is crazy simple, you're not going to top DPS, but you will stay alive. I've been gang raped by 4-5 Elites in Timeless and 2 minutes later I was looting their corpses.


Trakanon Raider
Well I tanked Nazgrim on flex today and he's one of the hardest hitting mobs that I've come across. It was no issue for me tanking him. The issue I'm having is trash mobs like the area pulling before the Dark shamans or the trash around the cannons on galakras. They just seem to rape me unless I'm popping defensive cooldowns. This is my order when pulling trash. I pull with keg throw, keg smash to build up 2 chi and hit shuffle. I just feel like I get overwhelmed on trash mobs. I also have Dk tank and trash is pretty trivial for him. He can really soak up damage and his ilvl is 541 with legendary cloak. Maybe I should be popping guard before pulling but when tanking with other brewmaster I never see them doing it. I'm sorta new to monk tanking and I find it the most enjoyable tanking class. Lots of mobility, install aggro, good damage output and shit loads of raid utilities.


One of the coolest things in all MMOdom is when you enter the gates of Org and that blind blademaster stands up. And it's such a small thing.


Well I tanked Nazgrim on flex today and he's one of the hardest hitting mobs that I've come across. It was no issue for me tanking him. The issue I'm having is trash mobs like the area pulling before the Dark shamans or the trash around the cannons on galakras. They just seem to rape me unless I'm popping defensive cooldowns. This is my order when pulling trash. I pull with keg throw, keg smash to build up 2 chi and hit shuffle. I just feel like I get overwhelmed on trash mobs. I also have Dk tank and trash is pretty trivial for him. He can really soak up damage and his ilvl is 541 with legendary cloak. Maybe I should be popping guard before pulling but when tanking with other brewmaster I never see them doing it. I'm sorta new to monk tanking and I find it the most enjoyable tanking class. Lots of mobility, install aggro, good damage output and shit loads of raid utilities.
Guard on cooldown is a big no no. Wait until you need it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
All right lets see

First off as pointed out above, guard on cooldown is a bad idea. This is for several reasons. One, it shouldn't be looked at as a self power word: shield, because unlike power word: shield it scales heavily with attack power (i.e. vengeance) and using it on pull wastes the potential of it. There's few bosses where I use it 'on cooldown', most notably would be Thok heroic, because you just want all mitigation you can and the vengeance levels allows the shield to block ridiculous amounts. At the start of the pull, you are your squishiest. Healers should know this, which is why our shadow priest always shields me on heroic malkorok for example. No real way around it, using guard with your first 2 chi is bad as well as you want to get shuffle rolling

Don't purify too much. I know it can be scary to see the icon turn red but it won't kill you. Definitely don't purify if it's yellow. As for elusive brew, the more crit you have the more of these you can keep up. I use mine at like 9 stacks and then every time I want to refresh it I have 15 stacks waiting, giving me nearly 100% uptime of it. So get that crit! I don't like stamina trinkets either, the worst one of my arsenal is definitely the one from Malkorok heroic, but the trinket from siegecrafter / thok (yes, the one that procs strength) have never dropped for me

As for the trash before dark shamans, make sure you and your raid group interrupt the casters, definitely mind spikes killing you


Tranny Chaser
I ended up resubbing two weeks ago because some people I've started hanging around with at Ye Old Local Game Store play WoW (and I wanted to move away from League of Legends). I just hit 87 this morning and will probably be 90 on Sunday and I'm hoping someone can tell me what the first thing I do is once I'm level 90. When I was playing during Cataclysm I remember getting gimp epics in that 5 man with the Black Knight and then doing Naxx and then other Tournament encounters and Wintergrasp bosses and earning tokens and shit but I don't knowanythingabout the game anymore.

So what's the #1 first thing that someone does these days to get started on the ilevel treadmill?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I ended up resubbing two weeks ago because some people I've started hanging around with at Ye Old Local Game Store play WoW (and I wanted to move away from League of Legends). I just hit 87 this morning and will probably be 90 on Sunday and I'm hoping someone can tell me what the first thing I do is once I'm level 90. When I was playing during Cataclysm I remember getting gimp epics in that 5 man with the Black Knight and then doing Naxx and then other Tournament encounters and Wintergrasp bosses and earning tokens and shit but I don't knowanythingabout the game anymore.

So what's the #1 first thing that someone does these days to get started on the ilevel treadmill?
I resubbed as well for a bit, siege is one of the most boring raids I have ever been on. If WoD is more of the same then I think I may finally be done with this game. Its pretty sad when you have more fun doing old content and pet battles then raiding or pvp.


Molten Core Raider
I ended up resubbing two weeks ago because some people I've started hanging around with at Ye Old Local Game Store play WoW (and I wanted to move away from League of Legends). I just hit 87 this morning and will probably be 90 on Sunday and I'm hoping someone can tell me what the first thing I do is once I'm level 90. When I was playing during Cataclysm I remember getting gimp epics in that 5 man with the Black Knight and then doing Naxx and then other Tournament encounters and Wintergrasp bosses and earning tokens and shit but I don't knowanythingabout the game anymore.

So what's the #1 first thing that someone does these days to get started on the ilevel treadmill?
Timeless Isle, specifically designed for new players and alts to jump up and have the ilevel to start current content.


Molten Core Raider
So what's the #1 first thing that someone does these days to get started on the ilevel treadmill?
You get a quest to go visit chromie. Go visit her, click the stop watch. Now sit on Timeless Isle until all your gear is 496 or 535. Proceed to queue for SoO lfr.


Vyemm Raider
Is there any solid info/link to the new passives for abilities we get per level in WoD?