World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Will see how i feel after 6.2 with no flying, if its anything like the state of the game right now
What's going to be painful is that they've finally given us a reason to get out of our Garrisons: harvesting Felblight. Up to now, it really didn't matter much that you lacked flight. Once you had finished the questing, Apexis dailies have a flight point extremely close to them, no one needed to harvest anything in the wild, and that's pretty much it. Except for Archeologists and those are definitively not happy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Interested to know if anyone has actually had any friends come back as a result of the token, haven't seen a single guild member or friend return since it launched.
I never gave a fuck about WoW money when WoW was good. Nowadays it's simply boring and there is nothing that interests me in it, so I won't come back for a new timeless isle and a new raid. Maybe for the patch before the new xpack, so I'll be able to see how many more fuck ups they are going to throw in.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
That trip wire event that someone was talking about earlier is probably the culprit to why everyone was flagged and they had solid proof that they were botting. Theyve had suspicious activity logs forever now, though. So who knows. But it wasnt unforeseeable that this would happen with the advent of the token system. The first few evaluations of the token system have to be positive. Banning any account thats ever had HB activity on it probably eliminated a huge amount of gold from the system, so now those evaluations "should" go great for them. If games just took steps to eliminate the tedious shit, or at least make it fun... then botting wouldnt be such an issue. "Collect 2000 leather and turn it into 200 Leather Padding and combine it with 2000 fibrous cotton, turned into 200 cotton cloth in order to make +2 int boots" is some of the dumbest shit ever for someone that doesnt have hours and hours of playtime much less the people that do. Thats not playing a game anymore...

The secondary stats system thats on mmo sounds fucking terrible if implemented how it "sounds". Its smart that itll take a person a longer period of time to be completely done with content. But you'll never be on an even playing field with someone now. Warforged was one thing, now that lucky fucker that has the +300 to his specialization stat and has it warforged is going to be smacking the fuck out of shit compared to the guy that has put in the same amount of time that doesnt have Warforged and average to below average secondary stats. The RNG is just getting a little strong for me, I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Diablo loot in a mmo is a stupid idea. They keep "fixing" problems that don't exist. This current dev team lacks common sense or, at least, they don't understand their own game and playerbase.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There's at least a 50/50 chance that some of the Diablo dev team was moved to WoW and they spawned this change. Ruined your own lands...


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The RNG is just getting a little strong for me, I guess.
Where does this rumor of random diabloed loot comes from?

6.2 raid loot does not have any RNG beyond the current tertiary useless stats, warforged and socket. Every raid loot piece has fixed stats with zero variations. What has changed is that, where you had stuff like +200/+220 quasi-balanced stats, they now have put pieces with +280/+130. But everyDemon Prince's Ascendant Crownhas the same 410 mastery/182 crit strike. There's no random margin (save from Warforged bonus) where someone would get a crown with 300/300 and another with 500/100.


Molten Core Raider
That trip wire event that someone was talking about earlier is probably the culprit to why everyone was flagged and they had solid proof that they were botting. Theyve had suspicious activity logs forever now, though. So who knows. But it wasnt unforeseeable that this would happen with the advent of the token system. The first few evaluations of the token system have to be positive. Banning any account thats ever had HB activity on it probably eliminated a huge amount of gold from the system, so now those evaluations "should" go great for them. If games just took steps to eliminate the tedious shit, or at least make it fun... then botting wouldnt be such an issue. "Collect 2000 leather and turn it into 200 Leather Padding and combine it with 2000 fibrous cotton, turned into 200 cotton cloth in order to make +2 int boots" is some of the dumbest shit ever for someone that doesnt have hours and hours of playtime much less the people that do. Thats not playing a game anymore...

The secondary stats system thats on mmo sounds fucking terrible if implemented how it "sounds". Its smart that itll take a person a longer period of time to be completely done with content. But you'll never be on an even playing field with someone now. Warforged was one thing, now that lucky fucker that has the +300 to his specialization stat and has it warforged is going to be smacking the fuck out of shit compared to the guy that has put in the same amount of time that doesnt have Warforged and average to below average secondary stats. The RNG is just getting a little strong for me, I guess.
They had a recent way of catching people, i came back on a fresh account(fresh box + WoD) i botted my hunter to 100, then started working on my warlock (used it for about a week total) and i was banned.

So they have a way to flag / catch you pretty quickly now, i bet alot of accounts have been flagged as suspicious for a while like you said then they finally found something that was concrete proof, and it has to be something recently because like i said, the account i was using was a fresh 2 month old account, i didnt re activate and had previously botte'd so i was flagged or anything like that, nope this account was about 1-2months old, and i had used the bot for a good solid week.

It sucks to take the hit, but knowing ill be able to jump right back into the game in 6 months with a new bot (and hopefully content) if i want to is ok with me, the fact that they didnt ban people permanently is kinda suspect to me and seems like a set up, but thats the chance we take when we bot, we know it fully the ones complaining about it are just cunts.

And honestly FF14 looks pretty good, spend 5$ get rebornbuddy for 3 days, hit 50 jump into the action.


Trakanon Raider
Is there a thread somewhere regarding Nostalrius, the Vanilla WoW server? Population hit almost 9k over the weekend.


Molten Core Raider
Well the main glyph seller on my server just disappeared after May 18th. He was undercutting really fast and now I know why.


A Mod Real Quick
They had a recent way of catching people, i came back on a fresh account(fresh box + WoD) i botted my hunter to 100, then started working on my warlock (used it for about a week total) and i was banned.

So they have a way to flag / catch you pretty quickly now, i bet alot of accounts have been flagged as suspicious for a while like you said then they finally found something that was concrete proof, and it has to be something recently because like i said, the account i was using was a fresh 2 month old account, i didnt re activate and had previously botte'd so i was flagged or anything like that, nope this account was about 1-2months old, and i had used the bot for a good solid week.

It sucks to take the hit, but knowing ill be able to jump right back into the game in 6 months with a new bot (and hopefully content) if i want to is ok with me, the fact that they didnt ban people permanently is kinda suspect to me and seems like a set up, but thats the chance we take when we bot, we know it fully the ones complaining about it are just cunts.

And honestly FF14 looks pretty good, spend 5$ get rebornbuddy for 3 days, hit 50 jump into the action.
Keep in mind that while youonlygot banned for some stretch of time, I believe WoW has a 3 strike rule. At least they used to. I know that if you got 3 suspensions they perma-banned your account, and I don't think the 3 ever expired.

Also you'd be pretty foolish to come back to the game after being tagged a botter and then bot again. That's like speeding out of the police parking lot after being let out of jail.


Trakanon Raider
I did a shit ton of botting with Glider back in the day, before it was uber popular. I made so much money and maxed so many characters. I did it all the way up to 70 in WotLK. The single best spot for farming gold was actually in Southshore farming level 30 turtles for the meat, that shit sold for a fortune on the AH for people working on cooking. You just have to be smart about where you do it. I did it on 4 accounts over the course of 1.5 years and 4 or 5 level 1-70's and never got a single warning/suspension/ban. I would think it would be even easier to bot nowadays with phasing and being able to join less populated servers? I had it set up so if I got several messages or anything with the keyword "bot" I would log out. Also set my whispers really high so that it would wake me up at night, just in case. Glider was so much fun back then, when leveling was soooo much harder and logging in after sleeping to see you gained 4 levels on your alt and had an epic in your bag was just sweetsauce. I thought they are way more lenient now because they want your money.

What do people use to bot now anyways? It's a problem on Nostalrius because apparently although people desperately want to play much harder Vanilla WoW, they don't want the harder leveling.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I really think the leveling experience can just be trashed in most games. An entire noobie experience could be set up within an hour that would teach you how to use every ability you will ever gain in the hundred levels it takes for you to march through in WoW. How the game is played from there is all it what sets it apart from the rest of the games on the market. I guess its either going to come back to item level or getting flagged for content. I think I would like a game with a mix of the two - and last I checked.. EverQuest Next was on that track. At least before their new overlords took over.

I only say this because Im a firm believer that if designers made their game fun in all areas, botting would be very limited. There is just no reason to have a maxxed out mount in Elder Scrolls take over 40,000 gold and over 6 months of logging in everyday. Take away the grind, or the need, for all that gold and then you wont have people looking for BS ways to make money. Fights need to be more interesting than spam the same fucking 4-7 buttons during a fight in the correct order at the correct time as well. I personally had more fun playing WoW when I didnt even have to worry about fucking fighting my keyboard to do good dps. Storm, Earth and Fire is a good concept.. but in practice.. that shit is such a huge pile of bull shit to do manually. Tectus for example.

Im just saying games have a long ways to go if they want to get rid of botting.


I really think the leveling experience can just be trashed in most games. An entire noobie experience could be set up within an hour that would teach you how to use every ability you will ever gain in the hundred levels it takes for you to march through in WoW. How the game is played from there is all it what sets it apart from the rest of the games on the market. I guess its either going to come back to item level or getting flagged for content. I think I would like a game with a mix of the two - and last I checked.. EverQuest Next was on that track. At least before their new overlords took over.
Definitely agree, I'd love to see levelling removed entirely and all of that time/effort spent on creating deep and interesting endgame content. I would love to see a single character system where after an introductory lesson on the basics of your character, you could go run endgame quests and dungeons for gear/spells to start the first of seven unique tiers of dungeon and raid content. Would also love a mix of instanced and open world raids like early WoW/EQ2.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think that keeping the leveling process would be fine, if it was confined to one character per server. Every other character thereafter would be auto-promoted to max on that server. Especially in questing type games like WoW, where it is very tedious to go back through all the content again. That would cut out the botting needs to a degree, but then there's the million other things that need to be modified/removed. Gold sellers will still bot if there is a tradeable currency. Tedious gathering disciplines like mining/fishing either need to be removed or be automated to a degree anyway (SWTOR does this, and is probably the best implementation) with materials purchased in some fashion from npc vendors. Bots designed to run PVP zones require a redesign of pvp rewards mechanisms. Instead of afking in a corner until your team wins, you get points directly proportionate to your contribution or something. Or remove PVP rewards completely so the only reason to PVP is to... PVP.

Garrison sort of did the gathering thing (by making it and crafting completely retarded) but I think TOR had a better model.

I'm personally all for a level-less system that runs based on character flags/achievements for progression unlocking, and class is determined entirely by what gear you are equipped with. Put the focus on dungeons/raids/whatever and let the entire game start when you load it up, not a drastic change in gameplay at some arbitrary max level.


Molten Core Raider
Keep in mind that while youonlygot banned for some stretch of time, I believe WoW has a 3 strike rule. At least they used to. I know that if you got 3 suspensions they perma-banned your account, and I don't think the 3 ever expired.

Also you'd be pretty foolish to come back to the game after being tagged a botter and then bot again. That's like speeding out of the police parking lot after being let out of jail.
lol yeah its only a 6 month ban so i wont bot right away for sure, but i know the buddy guys are going to do everything in their power in the next 6 months to make the bot undetectable again because its their cash cow, so i fully expect honorbuddy to be back online and functioning after the 6 month ban, if they dont already have plans to release something sooner, i hope the FF14 bot gets some well deserved attention from the guys writing the scripts for HB, until then though the FF14 bot is kinda junk, but thats being spoiled by HB how in depth you could go with that bot in what you wanted to do was insane.

Pretty confident in them since alot of their users are long time users, not people that bott'ed recently and got scooped up.


2 Minutes Hate
I think that keeping the leveling process would be fine, if it was confined to one character per server.
Problem with that there is still wasted development time on that shit. I'd rather all the art, writing, and building go into "end game" content or whatever you want to call it these days.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Me too, but leveling is pretty ingrained into rpg players in general. Hell, there's leveling in MOBAs. The sense of progression from seeing your pixels tic up through experience is hard to replace for a lot of people, I think.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I think levelling could be done away with too. Don't get me wrong, I actually have a fair bit of fun levelling but it's only fun once. Plus if there are no levels, there's no reason to leave X+ years of content rotting away. Just remove it and reuse the assets to make something else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Me too, but leveling is pretty ingrained into rpg players in general. Hell, there's leveling in MOBAs. The sense of progression from seeing your pixels tic up through experience is hard to replace for a lot of people, I think.
This. Leveling is not going anywhere. It's in almost every genre now(Can only think of RTS without it).