World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
resubbed, instantly regretted it when i queued LFR Hellfire lol
Every time I run LFR on a tank (main or alt..way more on alts though) I get called a douchebag faggot because I /rw commands to everyone, explain the fight, and put markers down.

I have never wiped on an LFR boss. Coincidence?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Vyemm Raider
Likely can of worms....but how will flying be handled in this? Will i have to be 110 and have done everything i'd need flying for before i can fly again? Considering its not even out in WoD yet im curious if the pre-expac content will instantly ground you again.


Vyemm Raider
Likely can of worms....but how will flying be handled in this? Will i have to be 110 and have done everything i'd need flying for before i can fly again? Considering its not even out in WoD yet im curious if the pre-expac content will instantly ground you again.
When they explained the requirements for flying in WoD, they said that's the pattern they'd like to apply to future expansions so you can expect the same requirements for flying in Legion, that is to say you'll need achievements for exploring every zone, finding treasure items, doing the zone quests and probably some reputations, then you'll get a meta-achievement that unlocks flying for all toons.


Tranny Chaser
I wonder if Dalaran will still have the same basic layout, it really was my favorite "hub city" ever. Of course Jaina tossed the Horde out of the city during the plotline of MoP so I'm guessing Jaina gets killed in the opening volley and Khadgar takes over the Kirin Tor.


Vyemm Raider
Thought as much, so by the time you obtain flying you will just use it to sit in air and dwaddle around.


Jaina has been a weird one, because she's bouncing back and forth between pacifist and DESTROY EVERY ORC HEIL JAINA. Which makes total sense considering her entire city and most everyone she loved got nuked, but I wish they would do something more with her in the game. They went over it in the Tides of War book but that was mostly about it.

Wouldn't surprise me if Khadgar becomes the official new guardian with how much we've dealt with him in warlords, but it also wouldn't surprise me if we saw a return of Medivh. Especially since Sargeras is showing up and very likely still has a piece of Sargeras tucked away deep within Medivh. I mean, what better way to start off a burning legion.

All in all, I'm actually pretty excited about the lore in this. It's back to our real timeline too aside from Gul'dan who is from the Warlords timeline. So there won't be that weird "wait what" thing going on I assume.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, Medivh showing up at some point (maybe near the end) or Khadgar replacing him as Guardian is plausible, especially considering that they said in an interview, when asked about Karazhan appearing in the trailer, that Karazhan is "an important place" in their story..


Indeed. Which I'm overly excited about. On that topic but not entirely related because I doubt it will be another raid.. Karazhan as a 10man was one of my favorite raids I think. If I ever did go back to raiding I want to do 10man groups again, but apparently at the moment that is pretty fucked which sucks.

But that said, Karazhan is weird, because there is an entire other upsidedown version of Karazhan underneath it. Nobody knows who the fuck built the tower, and at the top of the tower is a portal to the twisting nether, time in Karazhan is supposed to be completely out of whack compared to the rest of Azeroth. A titans watcher is in there.. it's all spooky. I imagine it's going to play a very large role with the burning legion tbh.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Now that I think about it, the idea of another tank class is really warming me up. Mainly because I think Brewmasters are their best designed tank ever (and my favourite class to boot) and I feel that a new tank with even more iterated mitigation mechanics could be amazing. Plus, an elf with horns, tattoos and shit could look badass.

All they really need to do at this point to win me over though, is to reintroduce 10-man mythic raiding. I fucking hate having to get a billion people to raid, it's way too much of a headache to guild lord 30 people compared to 12


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It would be nice to have the hardest content be accessible to smaller groups. It seems like the jump from 10 to 20 killed a lot of raid groups. I don't know if flex Mythic 10-20 is the answer, but maybe they could try it for a tier and see how it works out?


Registered Hodor
Something from the Icy Veins interview that I didn't see mentioned here:

Garrisons are staying in Draenor. If you want to go back and visit them, you can! They were always designed as something that you would leave in Draenor. The developers may revisit the system with something bigger, better, and different in the future.
So, if garrisons are staying around I guess they'll have to remove those gold generating missions completely or nerf them to the ground. Also, Salvage Yard. Also, JC daily. Also GR for stuff at Trading Post. As it stands it seems like way too much incentive to leave your unplayed alts in their garrisons generating gold. Guess we'll find out more as Beta unfolds.


Vyemm Raider
Something from the Icy Veins interview that I didn't see mentioned here:

So, if garrisons are staying around I guess they'll have to remove those gold generating missions completely or nerf them to the ground. Also, Salvage Yard. Also, JC daily. Also GR for stuff at Trading Post. As it stands it seems like way too much incentive to leave your unplayed alts in their garrisons generating gold. Guess we'll find out more as Beta unfolds.
I think they'll definitely remove all gold-generating missions and the possibility to trade ressources for gold directly, but the garrisons need to remain active otherwise future players will never be able to get most of the content of Draenor (achievements, treasure maps, mounts, pets, toys) all exclusive to the garrison missions. Plus I've tried to do invasions and invasion bosses every week since release and I'm still missing one invasion type and haven't seen like 3 of the bosses ever, so that shit needs to stay or people will be angry they missed out on the rare drop mounts and achievs.


Vyemm Raider
What else would you use it for 2 weeks after the xpack releases?
Obviously Uber for the lazy wow players who refuse to do the requirements and just need to get place to place!! - I did it this time around bc i hadnt realized how close it was to done from leveling and Tanaan dailies to get the augment rune shit - if its identical in Legions and i dont abstain from purchasing then i will likely do it again.

Really depends tho, aside from flying from Vol'mar to HFC i dont even know why i did the current requirements - I have the feather and that skull for quick transportation as is so /shrug.


what Suineg set it to
The weapons thing is amazing. Perhaps the most obnoxious thing in WoW was the ability to be more geared than 99% of the playerbase but due to bad luck in your raids only be doing the same damage as the plebes. Then when xmog came out and you had a sexy sword... best class weapon was staff or something incompatible.

I like the idea behind artifact weapons. It's part AA, part loot rush, part crafting.


Lord Nagafen Raider
"Flying will come in a similar fashion to how it came in Warlords."

I cheered a hearty cheer from the back of my flying mou...oh wait, we can't fucking fly.