World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Lich King was soloable at level 90 (6.0 pre-expac patch) by pretty much everyone but mages, even in full Timeless Isle gear. He shouldn't pose any problem whatsoever... for anyone.


Hey Elsebet, do you have any interest in doing some old raids for mounts/achievements? I've been running through Ulduar/Icecrown for them, and keep coming up against mechanics that require either a healer (Valirithia or w/e the green dragon is called) or multiple people (Necrotic Plague for Lich King). I'd also like to do the ones in Cataclysm if you guys are interested.
Of course. Mike and I spent the first month or two of WoD just soloing old raids for achievements because we couldn't spend large chunks of uninterrupted time in-game. We actually still need:

Only the Penitent... - Achievement - World of Warcraft(need at least 6 people)
Schools Out Forever - Achievement - World of Warcraft(need 5)

We haven't tried the Pandaria raids yet. Soloing old raids is actually decent money if you vendor everything.

If anyone is interested in running a bunch of WoD heroics, we'd like to clear those Inn quests up and it would give me more tanking practice.


Same trailer, different park
Lich King was soloable at level 90 (6.0 pre-expac patch) by pretty much everyone but mages, even in full Timeless Isle gear. He shouldn't pose any problem whatsoever... for anyone.
I'm not talking about soloing him. I've soloed him multiple times. I'm referring to the achievement for the mount. You need to get 30 stacks of Necrotic Plague, and he doesn't cast it on you if you have aggro. As a warrior, I have no way of passing aggro to anything else, hence me asking for someone else to come along.

Elsebet - I've got a huge log of quests for heroics too that have been sitting in my log. We can do them later tonight or this weekend if yall are gonna be on.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm not talking about soloing him. I've soloed him multiple times. I'm referring to the achievement for the mount. You need to get 30 stacks of Necrotic Plague, and he doesn't cast it on you if you have aggro. As a warrior, I have no way of passing aggro to anything else, hence me asking for someone else to come along.

Elsebet - I've got a huge log of quests for heroics too that have been sitting in my log. We can do them later tonight or this weekend if yall are gonna be on.
Ah, fair enough. I recommend the RaidAchievement addon. It's quite helpful for those classic cheeves.


A Mod Real Quick
Might check that add-on out. Sorry if I miss people when I run stuff. I usually play in spurts so I'll log on, hit a heroic and log out as fast as possible


Registered Hodor
Speaking of addons, the "Candy Buckets" addon is really nice if you're doing the lunar shit for heirloom upgrades. It marks all the coins on your map and removes them as you get them.


2 Minutes Hate
I got a shitty upgrade trinket from a daily quest to kill Brackenspore.

Shitty healer trinket but whatever. More ilevel to fool Noodle with.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I never thought I would see the day, but True Iron Ore/ Blackrock Ore / Frostweed supplies in the AH have been exhausted. Prices are through the roof. I may have to actually start mining / herbing in my garrisons again.


A Mod Real Quick
I thought it was just me. I did Blast Furnace LFR and people were doing rubber banding and mobs were running in place. We even had one security guard off chilling by himself the entire fight not aggro-ing anyone. Kept starting to run at us, then stop, spin with his shield then walk back to his place.

On the topic of LFR, if you want to keep any sanity at all avoid Kromog at all costs. That shit you think would be hilarious but it is not, the first rune phase we lost 20 people. And damage is so absurd that we instantly broke out of our hands. I didn't die from that, so maybe something didn't register correctly with the lag. Fuck that fight on LFR - they need to retune it.


Vyemm Raider
Stone breath is definitely OP for LFR. Weekend warriors cannot handle that much raidwide damage. I was literally running a feint/recuperate rotation because healing was so bad. And you have to wait an eternity to dps hands or yeah, hilarious death.

I think it took 7 attempts.

There was plenty of funny to make up for it though, like the guy whining his head off about "no heals" who ate, within a couple of seconds, rippling smash + 3 reverberations + got clapped by the big hands. Amazing. The only way he could fail harder would be to just jump off the fucking cliff.

But yeah, last night with the lag I found myself wishing the RL would just call it, even though we were essentially losing by 1% hp. It's not fun playing in that shit, especially on an encounter that is probably the hardest non-"hard mode" since before such a concept even existed. Pooling abilities to use in 25s bursts is apparently a difficult skill to master. Hunters using stampede, fucking really? I bet if I combed through logs I would rage.

But it's that or be in some 12 hour a day try hard guild. Fuck that.


Same trailer, different park
Kromog LFR is indeed awful. I did him twice since he has some decent LFR loot, first time took us two wipes. Second go through took 4 wipes. Once I started yelling at people how to do stuff (I had never done fight, just read wowhead guide) we had 1 death last attempt. People are retarded.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Kromog LFR is indeed awful. I did him twice since he has some decent LFR loot, first time took us two wipes. Second go through took 4 wipes. Once I started yelling at people how to do stuff (I had never done fight, just read wowhead guide) we had 1 death last attempt. People are retarded.
My first go at Kromog LFR, someone who had experience with the fight had taken charge, and had two instructions - 'get in rune, kill hand'. These instructions were followed to perfection.

He did not mention you needed to leave the hand alive until after Thundering Blows. Hilarity ensued, but there was much joy at the following of directions, hehe.


A Mod Real Quick
To be fair, I don't need anything from LFR and just go to fill up on my runes for the week so my patience is very thin with other people. I wiped once and left


Vyemm Raider
We had a trolling hunter going balls to the wall AOE dps immediately on hands (and insisting everyone else do the same) who was swiftly kicked. Fail troll is fail.

I could probably kill the entire raid by myself. A geared boomkin doing it would be lol.


Kromog LFR is indeed awful. I did him twice since he has some decent LFR loot, first time took us two wipes. Second go through took 4 wipes. Once I started yelling at people how to do stuff (I had never done fight, just read wowhead guide) we had 1 death last attempt. People are retarded.
We tried Kromog LFR for the first time last night. The tanks did not have experience on the fight, and the first attempt was a mess but we still got to about 50%. The second attempt was cleaner and we got to 15%, however a warlock took forever to die both wipes. Then the same warlock kept trolling and calling everyone bad, people started leaving, and on the third pull someone pulled too early with Hunter speed on, dazing everyone, and tons more just left including us. It's too bad, if we had one more clean attempt I bet we would have won even with most of the melee dying early.

I spoke up and tried to guide people a bit, I encourage people who have done the raid on normal to at least try giving some instructions to the LFR crew as others mentioned. The dungeon guides in game are not very good. The more people that can get through it on LFR might actually enjoy it and become a raider in your guild someday. Consider your work a public service.

As someone who wiped many times deep in AQ40, these raids where a wipe means a few minute pause are nothing.


A Mod Real Quick
I do give some instructions, even on fights i don't really know how to do like Blast Furnace. But once I spot a troll I immediately leave