World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Knight of the Realm
As someone who is barely logging in much, and pretty much just trying to finish all of the world events for the mount / achievement, fuck whoever madethis questa requirement as part of getting the children's week meta achievement. 1) We're given just one week to try to get it, and 2) it's fucking PvP. Seriously, fuck whoever made this as part of the achievement. I'll be beyond pissed off if this is the one bottleneck all year that keeps me from getting the meta achievement. EotS is the one I'm dreading the most by far.


Yeah, it's pretty fucking retarded. The achievement itself is fine, but being a requirement for a PVE year-long meta is just dumb. I thankfully lucked out yesterday and got it done within 2 hours, but it also required a shitload of luck in EOTS: Dude ninja-ganks the enemy FC in their part of the map and I just train through 10 enemies without being touched, grab the flag and somehow had 3 friendly healers healing my ass all the way home. Many PVP'ers will tell you to man the fuck up and quit bitching about it, but they'd be the first people crying bloody hell if one of the harder PVP achievements required doing hardcore PVE content or some shit, which is the equivalent of battlegrounds to those of us that avoid PVP.


Molten Core Raider
None of those things are hard though? That achievement should take you like 2 hours and has been in the game for like 5 years.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Easier than the PVP quest that was part of the Wraithion questline. Holy fuck that was painful as alliance.


Yeah, it's pretty fucking retarded. The achievement itself is fine, but being a requirement for a PVE year-long meta is just dumb. I thankfully lucked out yesterday and got it done within 2 hours, but it also required a shitload of luck in EOTS: Dude ninja-ganks the enemy FC in their part of the map and I just train through 10 enemies without being touched, grab the flag and somehow had 3 friendly healers healing my ass all the way home. Many PVP'ers will tell you to man the fuck up and quit bitching about it, but they'd be the first people crying bloody hell if one of the harder PVP achievements required doing hardcore PVE content or some shit, which is the equivalent of battlegrounds to those of us that avoid PVP.
My only point of contention with your analogy is that PVPers are already forced to do PVE for BiS Meta Gem. Lots of PVE. Not to mention, a Battleground (or 4 of them) is hardly the commitment that hardcore PVE content requires. D:


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LFR is hardly hardcore, but I do see your point. However, you have a better chance of winning a LFR clear than winning certain BG. You can still function in LFR with PVP gear, but PVE geared folks die fast in PVP unless they have high ilevel due to a lack of resil.


None of those things are hard though? That achievement should take you like 2 hours and has been in the game for like 5 years.
3 just require some basic luck, but the EOTS one is an incredibly hard thing to pull off as a non pvp'er. Consider that they have no PVP gear, no experience, no situational awareness because of it on top of what is already a difficult thing to do even for people who PVP on a regular basis. They only have 1 week to do this, and if they can only play for 1-2 hours a day: really bloody hard to pull off. And an entire year-long meta requires it. It's not impossible, it's just bad and misplaced design.

My only point of contention with your analogy is that PVPers are already forced to do PVE for BiS Meta Gem. Lots of PVE. Not to mention, a Battleground (or 4 of them) is hardly the commitment that hardcore PVE content requires. D:
I thought they had some internal shit with the legendary meta's that made them subpar for PVP? I think it's just as retarded as the achievement if not. And you're right, it's a shit analogy, but it's not too far off in the eyes of the casual people that the holiday's are mostly aimed at anyways.


I thought they had some internal shit with the legendary meta's that made them subpar for PVP? I think it's just as retarded as the achievement if not. And you're right, it's a shit analogy, but it's not too far off in the eyes of the casual people that the holiday's are mostly aimed at anyways.
Haven't seen any issues with 'em myself from friends that have them and use them in PVP. I might be misinterpreting what I'm seeing, so don't take my word as 100% fact.

I also imagine PVE is required for dual wield to be min/maxed in PVP due to the relative power of weapon damage for MH attacks and the extra socket from Wrathion.


Trakanon Raider
As someone who is barely logging in much, and pretty much just trying to finish all of the world events for the mount / achievement, fuck whoever madethis questa requirement as part of getting the children's week meta achievement. 1) We're given just one week to try to get it, and 2) it's fucking PvP. Seriously, fuck whoever made this as part of the achievement. I'll be beyond pissed off if this is the one bottleneck all year that keeps me from getting the meta achievement. EotS is the one I'm dreading the most by far.
Granted I did this like 4 years ago, but I recall when children's week came up everyone would just be standing around trading achieves.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I can't remember the holiday, but horde + alliance took turns capturing/recapturing bunkers and towers for some meta achievement. If both sides have demo warlocks, have them go demonform and try to negotiate ;p


Aye, but when your playerbase needs to get together and cheat the system so most can get the achievement: it's bad design.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So I've been back a bit now, and decided to see what was up with my old old Druid. Her gear is so screwed up, but I keep hearing Druids are pretty blah? Is it even worth giving it a shot and leveling up? What is recommended spec for leveling for a Druid?

Tanking is always fun, and I like the instant queues, but for leveling is another spec better?


Trakanon Raider
Aye, but when your playerbase needs to get together and cheat the system so most can get the achievement: it's bad design.
Well it was supposed to require some dedication. If I recall correctly you couldn't train master (310%) riding early on, you just had to loot a mount that flew at that speed or get the mount from the holiday achieves. Now, the only benefit I guess to finishing is just to save 4k gold. I don't think most people care too much about the purple drake.