World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Baronet of the Realm
going from 55% PVP power to 35 makes me sad, and the nerf to Cloak & Dagger even sadder. What a useless ability now
Yeah it hurt me right away to see my damage so much lower. Regemmed all to int, int+power gems, and int+haste on my mage, improved things a bit. But after arenas and BGs for a day I kind of like the change, warlocks and DKs can't gib me anymore, which means I have a chance to beat them if I blow all my cool downs, or to run away if needed. Haven't done any WPVP yet, but it seems like heroic raid gear will rule the day being that main stat is now better than PVP power for PVP.


Registered Hodor
They also (apparently) severely upped the difficulty on several of the epic daily pets, people already raging about that.
The beasts of fable had their HP cut in half, but they have a perma buff that makes them only take 50% damage now. I brute forced most of them in one try with the same team as usual (wasp with the 6% hp dot, egbert and darkmoon hatchling with their 10% hp attacks), but the ones that heal took several tries to beat (especially that fish in kun-lai). With the damage reduction and hp changes they are basically healing half their HP every few rounds now, may have to setup a new team with call darkness or mortal strike to make them easier to beat consistently.

Or you can just cheese them with a roach with apocalypse, cast it then switch to pets that can stall for 15 rounds with shields/heals/burrow/dodge/etc. This is probably on the nerfing block though.


Trump's Staff
The beasts of fable had their HP cut in half, but they have a perma buff that makes them only take 50% damage now. I brute forced most of them in one try with the same team as usual (wasp with the 6% hp dot, egbert and darkmoon hatchling with their 10% hp attacks), but the ones that heal took several tries to beat (especially that fish in kun-lai). With the damage reduction and hp changes they are basically healing half their HP every few rounds now, may have to setup a new team with call darkness or mortal strike to make them easier to beat consistently.

Or you can just cheese them with a roach with apocalypse, cast it then switch to pets that can stall for 15 rounds with shields/heals/burrow/dodge/etc. This is probably on the nerfing block though.
That sounds

I'm glad I stopped caring about Pets!


Those fabled dailies have always taken too long to do consistently; I sent in feedback saying it should def be divided down, but then they increased the difficulty of the pets so it's a wash. Doing them and not getting anything and knowing how long you spent just doing dailies for one of the small activities in wow is pretty disturbing.

Also, with their 50% perma dmg reduction, a few abilities are seeing a bit of an increase in just how good they are. Dmg Reduction > Straight hp, especially when you realize they can heal for a good amount of that. (Dmg inc was changed, but their heal values did not change.) Not to mention, pets with shield abilities (Like the turtle) are getting a bump due to the dmg reduction. % health abilities are technically nerfed now, since they do less dmg due to less health, which is then reduced by the dmg reduction.

If this were still part of an epic quest chain, I could see the necessity for having to drag it out. But it's dailies; why do I have to work so hard for them? Some people are reporting up to 2 hrs for this crap? So icky.

It's not as hard as people are making it out to be obviously; if you were one of the people who was using cheesy groups and just squeaking by, I imagine you're having a helluva time now. I had teams that were the specific types against them, maybe one or two other abilities that I particularly liked. I'll admit that I never put mortal strike type abilities in my line up for the healers, so that's the biggest thing that changed for me.

Still, these pet battles do nothing other than get you more pets, get you some charms, and occasionally give you the ability to get a stone to up a pet. So I'm a little confused as to why they have to take so long or be so annoying. I'm not getting a chance at ToT loot every battle ffs.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Here's a great post to bump the thread from the 2nd page:



Ha, big surprise there. If they were really excited about this mystery feature in the first place, they should have just said what it was way sooner. Instead, they let the public think up 500 examples of "Oh shit we should have done that instead."


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, then I doubt its content scaling. I bet it did get pulled and they're trying to save face.


Molten Core Raider
What else are people going to talk about, no one gives a fuck about things that aren't new.


FPS noob
its a built in MMO design studio game, blizzard has decided to crowdsource design Titan. PenisVille, here we come


<Gold Donor>
its a built in MMO design studio game, blizzard has decided to crowdsource design Titan. PenisVille, here we come
You are on to something here though.
Imagine a dance design studio, where you could create your own dance moves and then sell them to other players via an in game store.
Why not transmog items on top of that, let people create item models and sell them on an in game store.

Valve has shown how to do it. Won't seem greedy because its players selling to players and it is a lot of money for little work.


FPS noob
so the big secret 5.4 unannounced feature is "flexible raiding" - a new tier of raiding in between LFR and 10/25, that scales difficulty based on how many people you have (between 11 and 25 I guess?). To me, just seems like blizzard is grasping at straws to try and get people to give a shit about raiding anymore, but I guess long term they can just dump 10 and 25 and just have LFR (window licker mode) and flexraid normal and flexraid heroic. Definitely not a feature that will get me to resub though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Great great idea, but too late for it in my opinion. Too many guilds have already fallen apart due to the whole 10/25 man thing, followed by LFR. I would have KILLED for this feature during Wrath, when it seemed like we had to keep splitting up 17-18 people and one raid usually got the better players.


Trakanon Raider
I can see it being used; but other than 11+ member family guilds that somehow haven't already fallen apart, I can't see anyone being excited about this.

And yeah, a mentally challenged 25 man LFR, an easier than current normal flexraid, and a challenging heroic flexraid does seem to be what we'll see in 6.0.

(Personally, I still think current normal difficulty with Icecrown "Easy Mode" scaling buff every X weeks should be how all normal tiers are.)

Speaking of which, any clue on when 6.0 will be? Are we really looking at 6+ months after Blizzcon, so May 14 or later?


I really don't see how its grasping at straws, there was 2 pages in the Wildstar thread about how scaling raids to how many are in your group wouldn't be feasible. Looks like it is, just on its own difficulty tier which is fine. It will be used.