World of Warcraft: Current Year


Molten Core Raider
PVP is in a fun place right now if you hang out Tyrannical geared in bgs. Pretty much 80% of the people in a given BG will be wearing crafted/dungeon garbage. It's fun mowing people down like a gorilla in a room full of 3 year olds.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The monk T16 is some of the worst looking tier gear I have ever seen. Guess I'll keep the T14 or T15 look. Some guy on the forums figured out an EQ1ish transmog, but it doesn't look so
great on gnomes ;(


Some guy on the forums figured out an EQ1ish transmog, but it doesn't look so
great on gnomes ;(


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm maxed out on 11 slots on my server, so after I get married I might make a 2nd account for my wife and move all her toons over so I can make some. I really want to try a monk, specifically tank and healer but she already has one and is taking up all my slots. I also have a 71 paladin, might try levelling him up as a tank/healer dual spec.
Monk is a lot of fun. I love healing on my monk although I feel like it's pretty weak or maybe I'm doing it wrong compared to healing on my druid which seems much more effective and is less confined by resource.


Molten Core Raider
Tried my luck at LFR and it's been a fun experience so far. Been a first-timer to all the fights obviously, managed to get myself killed on Elegon when the platform disappeared (I was DPSing so hard I forgot to look at the DBM messages...), still didn't get yelled at.

Got lucky on loot a few times, on the other hand I ran the first 2 parts of that troll raid last night and spent 6 runes = 6x gold. Meh.

Edit: logged onto my lvl 72 warrior with some karazhan and crafted gear, sitting in Borean Tundra. I'll have to get him guilded before I start leveling but from the five or so quests I did it seems that this will be really fun. 2 buttons = dead mob. I didn't remember it being this easy.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The lfr novelty will wear off fast. Last night I actually fell slightly asleep on Megaera and had the fire one breathe on the raid. Was tanking.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The LFR novelty is gone for me, too. I can't stand it anymore. Nobody is organized, nobody communicates, everybody is an ass and an expert and people like to pull and dip on the group etc. It's certainly convenient but I'd rather be in a guild doing actual raids. :/


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm fine with LFR for the most part, but I finished my legendary (cloak) and am pretty much fully geared, so not much reason to run it atm. Can't stand the DPS queues anymore so I don't queue much with my lock.


Molten Core Raider
The LFR novelty is gone for me, too. I can't stand it anymore. Nobody is organized, nobody communicates, everybody is an ass and an expert and people like to pull and dip on the group etc. It's certainly convenient but I'd rather be in a guild doing actual raids. :/
Yeah, pretty much only running because of the legendary quest & hoping for a couple prot drops. Haven't gotten either yet this week, lame as hell.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I run with a group that does a 10 man ToT twice weekly on my warrior and have enjoyed that so far. I do also have a shaman and a rogue and the only way to get them decent gear is to LFR. So I still end up doing ToT twice a week on my alts.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So what do you all think of the 10? 12? 15$ helmets? I for one am happy they are going this route and will gladly buy all three of them, so that they better can plan their resources around developing extra purchase content. Perhaps for next expansion we can have 50% be the box cost content and the other 50% be unlocked via pay to play patches, because there is not enough ways for them to take our money.

My biggest gripe with the cash store items though is that ALL novelty is lost to me when you fucking purchase it. Half the thrill from riding a badass mount or looking awesome is the fact that it took effort to get there. Transmogpartiallykilled this, but they still add content that will always be hard / removed over time (elite pvp sets, challenge mode sets or just current heroic sets). I'd love to build a DK fire set around the new flame horns, but I will never ever fucking pay for them because of how dumb it is


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm leery. There were a lot of amazing mounts added during MoP that were just as good and maybe better than the store mounts. I'm keeping an open mind about store tmog gear. At least they had no stats. For that I applaud.


A Mod Real Quick
I don't mind the cash shop having unique looking items, it's just vanity and f2p games do it all the time. You aren't going to look at some dude with that helmet and go "damn, dude had to do X and Y and legendary quest Z to get that!", you're going to do "Dude wasted a monthly sub on that stupid helmet, guess it looks cool." I would like to believe the added revenue would go back into the game, but more likely than not it will support their idiotic ventures such as porting D3 to consoles, making a card game, etc.

Price is a bit outrageous at the moment too, for a couple bucks it might be worth it if you wanted to look cool, but for $15? No thanks.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm fine with the price. The people that buy that deserve the wallet rape. I'm willing to bet the propensity to buy that scales inversely with skill.


A Mod Real Quick
You're probably right, although I am guilty of using the store once. My girlfriend was depressed so I bought her that black mount when Cataclysm was released. I did truly feel as if my wallet was raped.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I bought a few of the pets way back when (KT, Rag, and Panda Monk). Rag acts as a cooking fire, though, and Lil' KT does the real KT laugh when you kill someone in PVP, so that made them worth it ;p