World of Warcraft: Current Year


why 10-man when they're changing the difficulty to be 20? Seems really dull to only raid normal modes to be honest

On another note, I am going to raid 25-man now for the first time since...... ICC I think. I'm so fucking stoked at the prospect of slapping faces with my monk that I'm about to burst. Welfare gear for everyone!

On another note the alliance needs just a few more classes and we may have a nice 10 man thing going..

Thanks for putting that spreadsheet together.


Toe Sucker
The amount of boosted kids in greens calling others "bads", "you guyz fucking suck dick" for not carrying them in PVP is astounding.
I truly despise the player base this game has with all its 12 year old kids. Ugh lol


Lord Nagafen Raider



"Warriors getting a talent turning Prot into DPS spec. Any chance Warlocks could get a talent changing Demonology into tank spec?
Not right now. Turning Prot into DPS is trivial compared to turning Demonology into Tank." (Celestalon)

Looks like this motherfucker is switching to warrior...DPS offspec for single tank fights and I don't even need a 2 hander? SHUTTHEFUCKUPANDTAKEMYMONEY


Toe Sucker
I don't understand that choice at all, sounds like it'll make prot OP in arenas given the amount of stupid defensive shit they'll have on top of their new ability to DPS in that spec.

Then again WoW PVP is never balanced so theres that. I'm still on the fence between rogue/war anyway~


The amount of boosted kids in greens calling others "bads", "you guyz fucking suck dick" for not carrying them in PVP is astounding.
I truly despise the player base this game has with all its 12 year old kids. Ugh lol
Agreed the Key for a good experience if find a bunch of like minded players. Avoid the LFR shit, and if you HAVE to LFR just turn off raid chat. plus alcohol that helps too..


<WoW Guild Officer>
Agreed the Key for a good experience if find a bunch of like minded players. Avoid the LFR shit, and if you HAVE to LFR just turn off raid chat. plus alcohol that helps too..
Shot-per-wipe gets messy really fucking quick though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I added some more of my info. There is no experience column for Alliance. I assume that is because you think Alliance sucks
That column wasn't added by me. :p (Though it is a good option to have on the spreadsheet!)

Shot-per-wipe gets messy really fucking quick though.
Good god. Having tanks show up in 4-5 pieces of green armor and not a single goddamn enchant or gem in SoO 2? Fucker was getting hit for 50-70% of his life every swing from Nazgrim, as well as standing in the bad and bringing over Shaman "Because it means we can hit all of the mobs together."

Really? You fucking want us to cleave the Shaman right next to Nazgrim? I wish I had some alcohol, considering I was running my baby (515) Priest through there. Swapping to Disc seemed to make things a LITTLE better.


That column wasn't added by me. :p (Though it is a good option to have on the spreadsheet!)

Good god. Having tanks show up in 4-5 pieces of green armor and not a single goddamn enchant or gem in SoO 2? Fucker was getting hit for 50-70% of his life every swing from Nazgrim, as well as standing in the bad and bringing over Shaman "Because it means we can hit all of the mobs together."

Really? You fucking want us to cleave the Shaman right next to Nazgrim? I wish I had some alcohol, considering I was running my baby (515) Priest through there. Swapping to Disc seemed to make things a LITTLE better.
You haven't truly experienced the green armor awesome until you go against Sha of Pride and some dumbfuck Warlock puts a transport gate on top of the dps stack point and other end near the far prison to "help out the tank". Super awesome shit when someone clicked the gate and dragged all the Reflections across me and the OT then started talking shit to us about "fucking up the swap" while we're being gang raped by the adds.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The F&F raid I was helping with midweek died, so I have time in my schedule to fill. Can do alliance side as any of a bunch of chars, though prefer the shaman as resto/elemental.

Horde side, I decided to pick up the pally I hadn't touched since 5.1, so am in the process of gearing that. Should be good to go for early flex in a week or two. Not sure of ilvl, but haven't done the timeless isle welfare epics yet, so she should be 500ish when I do that.


I'll add to the spreadsheet, but might be up for filling in on Fri or Sat nights. Alli disc priest full normal exp, or horde warrior tank or dps, very little normal exp and gear is 520ish.


Yeesh, I ended up pre-ordering WoD, so i used my free boost on my tichondrius server hunter to get him the last couple levels + free professions.
I forgot how awfully unbalanced that server is for alliance. Timeless Isle was like 99% Horde ganking me and 1 other guy haha
I was on Tichondrious as Horde in vanilla. It was one of the few (perhaps only) servers with a large Horde presence.


Toe Sucker
It was fairly balanced when i was playing on it, which is why I rolled on there. However i guess all the alliance players decided to transfer off with those free transfers that were offered to Tich. When i went back to it a few days ago it was pretty damn awful.

It's apparently 2/3 horde to alliance.. but theres no way that is remotely possible in terms of active players on that server lol I'd say more 4/5ths horde.
Either way i'll stick with Hyjal as boring as it is.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It was fairly balanced when i was playing on it, which is why I rolled on there. However i guess all the alliance players decided to transfer off with those free transfers that were offered to Tich. When i went back to it a few days ago it was pretty damn awful.

It's apparently 2/3 horde to alliance.. but theres no way that is remotely possible in terms of active players on that server lol I'd say more 4/5ths horde.
Either way i'll stick with Hyjal as boring as it is.
You're on Hyjal?! I'm on Hyjal!!! BRO FIST CHEST BUMP!!


<Gold Donor>
Couple days ago boosted up my 80 hunter from WOTLK naxx era (pre-focus etc.) Originally my vanilla character. Pretty sure I am in love with this game again for the first time in years. Leveled a monk, warrior, warlock, and priest in that time but never felt this ooey gooeey magic. Shit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Whenever WoD or a content patch comes out, Ill resub and Tank for the rerolled group. 567 Monk Brew. Heroic SoO makes my eyes bleed atm.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Couple days ago boosted up my 80 hunter from WOTLK naxx era (pre-focus etc.) Originally my vanilla character. Pretty sure I am in love with this game again for the first time in years. Leveled a monk, warrior, warlock, and priest in that time but never felt this ooey gooeey magic. Shit.
Hunters are pretty boss. Congrats on coming back!


<Gold Donor>
Thank you sir. Now if I could just get a damn LFR ToT group that didn't fail constantly so I can grab a weapon and get on my way to SOO!