World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
Bullshit. I could understand if it made it to Friday afternoon and then exploded with digital purchases, but there's no chance in hell I'd believe that without hard evidence. Mysteriously millions of hardcore gamers log in at midnight to buy same day purchases but didn't care/consider preordering? OOOOkkk.
Just passing along what I heard. I'm one of the people that purchased a digital copy on launch day.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So this is a cool website I had never heard of, but I guess it tracks DDoS attacks in real time. Blizzard (I assume, victim is in San Fran) is getting annihilated right now

Norse - IPViking Live
Holy shit, I thought it was taking awhile to load or something. And it was, like my entire screen looked like a Robotech missile barrage from china to SF/Seattle.


Trakanon Raider
For those who are stuck at connected screen do this.

goto start menu

in the search function type "run"

open "run"

type "ipconfig /flushdns"

I did it and it put me in a queue.


Trakanon Raider
Got in after 30ish minutes around 9:30 pm EST. Made it until midnight before getting booted off. I haven't said this in a long time but I really like the story questline. I can't tell you how long it has been I haven't just skipped through this kind of stuff.

So far, first impression, is pretty good. Heck, I even like the launch day chaos as it reminds me of old times. So far so good but, I have been booted and queue times are too unpredictable. Just going to bed and giving it a try tomorrow. Hit me up this weekend if you want to run anything.


what Suineg set it to
With the 4 minutes I got to play, so far my opinion of the story is - fucking awful. Not necessarily the content per se, but it reminds me of those movies where you are introduced to shit that makes no sense and the fanboy reply is 'oh you have to read the comic or novella that leads up to the movie and it all makes sense!' No, I fucking do not.

Unless I completely missed it, there's nothing in the game that goes over the events of Garrosh 'Kill' cutscene -> WOD Intro cinematic. Then you have the launch event...which is just kill Orcs that somehow appeared. Now, mysteriously, young Khadgar is here. Why? He couldn't have come through because the other timeline was not after he closed the dark portal (and he wouldn't have been younger). Everyone was tossing around 'oh bronze dragons and Wratharion blah blah' but that's bullshit, because it wasn't in the fucking game. It needs to be IN THE GAME. I sort of expected something to make sense with the WOD intro crap, but no... just talk to Young Khadgar who... NEEDS YOU TO KILL ORCS BAWWWW YEAAAAAA.

Blah. Reminds me of an EQ2 expac for story. Here's some zones and dungeons and more AA... just go kill shit and stop bothering us.


With the 4 minutes I got to play, so far my opinion of the story is - fucking awful. Not necessarily the content per se, but it reminds me of those movies where you are introduced to shit that makes no sense and the fanboy reply is 'oh you have to read the comic or novella that leads up to the movie and it all makes sense!' No, I fucking do not.

Unless I completely missed it, there's nothing in the game that goes over the events of Garrosh 'Kill' cutscene -> WOD Intro cinematic. Then you have the launch event...which is just kill Orcs that somehow appeared. Now, mysteriously, young Khadgar is here. Why? He couldn't have come through because the other timeline was not after he closed the dark portal (and he wouldn't have been younger). Everyone was tossing around 'oh bronze dragons and Wratharion blah blah' but that's bullshit, because it wasn't in the fucking game. It needs to be IN THE GAME. I sort of expected something to make sense with the WOD intro crap, but no... just talk to Young Khadgar who... NEEDS YOU TO KILL ORCS BAWWWW YEAAAAAA.

Blah. Reminds me of an EQ2 expac for story. Here's some zones and dungeons and more AA... just go kill shit and stop bothering us.
Where are you going to build your beach?


Molten Core Raider
I played last night... well.. I "played" last night, eventually got disconnected, reconnected immediately, 1100 queue. what grace period?
that sucked. had maintenance on EU earlier today, hoping they fixed whatever was broken.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Whatever they did around 10:30 PM EST last night made my experience on Ner'zhul (US) silky smooth. I did have to wait in the queue for about an hour, but after the servers crashed and came back up, I was in almost immediately. Since then I haven't experienced any disconnects or even the slightest bit of lag.

In fact, I invited several people over to my server because it's low enough of a population that they can actually progress instead of being stuck in the crowd on high pop servers.


Whatever they did around 10:30 PM EST last night made my experience on Ner'zhul (US) silky smooth.
Same here. They fixed whatever was ailing my server. I played from midnight to 5AM and saw maybe a dozen people total in the 92-95 zones. I should have L97 by the time the weekend crowd shuffles in, which will put me far away from any traffic all the way to L100.


Oh yeah, for those of you that may not know,Do Not Skip the Bonus Objectives in Each Zone. They take about as long as a single quest, but offer shetloads more XP. Talador, for instance, gives 14k xp per quest. Bonus Objectives give 71k xp in that zone (so far).


Blackwing Lair Raider
I play on a fairly low pop server (Bladefist) and didn't have that much trouble with queues, about a 15 min wait at around 7PM EST. Played for a few hours before having to log (real life stuff is actually a thing when you get older, imagine that), the lag was there but was manageable. So far I like what I see. I will say that I was very skeptical about garrisons when they were announced, thought is was Blizzard's half ass attempt at housing and I'll say I was dead wrong. There is something to walking into your joint, with your vendors and minions running shit, calling you commander and all that. The phasing makes it that much more immersive and takes what they did with the farm in MOP to a whole other level. The music is pretty good too.

Only negative that I heard so far from guild (didn't get in myself) was that the dungeons give pretty crap exp.


Tranny Chaser
Note that isn't young Khadgar. That is normal old Khadgar from Shattrath City chit chatting with Adal. He's gotten a shave and a haircut and is therefore looking more badass, but it's still the Khadgar from our universe.

It occurs to me that part of the reason Blizz is soooo adamant that this isn't time travel but rather a different universe where all the Draenor types are just much younger is because the Chinese govt has a total ban on Time Travel in entertainment or at least movies and TV.

Dungeon exp is pretty terrible. Do not go into this thinking you will level nicely from chain running won't. This most directly impacts healer specs since many times it is easier for them to heal dungeons rather than do quest content with noodle arms.


Trakanon Raider
So we hear about the iron horde for months. Repulse their entire invasion in a few days and all that's left is a few guys holed up in castles or caves to fight for months. Blizz story telling would be so much better if it wasn't just the good guys winning immediately every time.

Would be so much cooler if they followed the wc original story more closely and the first part of the xpac was fighting through a more real invasion, they have the tech clearly to have a max lvl version of zones like blasted lands that are different from low lvl versions so no reason they couldn't do it. I think they just hire a bunch of nerds who think comic books are quality writing so we get those same stupid comic style storylines every time.


Only negative that I heard so far from guild (didn't get in myself) was that the dungeons give pretty crap exp.
I've only done the first two dungeons so far so I can't say for certain, but at the moment that really seems to be the case. There aren't any dungeon quests either to give that extra exp boost so it's pretty much just the dungeon complete reward + whatever you kill. Faster to just level and do the little bonus zones in each area.