World of Warcraft: Current Year


Seems like the garrison system is set up to

a) take an absolutely insane amount of time (some things appear to take weeks or even months to unlock)

b) strongly encourage you to log in constantly throughout the day to maintain click-spam chores

Feels like a Facebook game without the part where you can pay to make it go faster, so much so that I'm almost a little concerned that they're planning to introduce the latter as soon as they think it's a safe PR move.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe it is the ultra casual in me now days but honestly it's like old times. I miss the chats like in EQ though. It was fun landing in a room and listening everyone cry and moan before the trolls took over the the gm's locked the room. I've been busy with the family but hope to get on tonight. BTW... Big Hero 6 is a great movie.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I feel like everyone who is saying this is a terrible launch is glossing over the fact that the DDoS attacks are completing destroying the login servers.


Tranny Chaser
Also this is the first expansion that they didn't release a new race / class. So you had lots of people re rolling or just trying the expansion out spreading that load around.
This is a very valid point which I had forgotten. In BC we had Shaman/Paladins with Dranei and Bloodelves, Icecrown we had Death Knights. Cataclysm we had Goblins and Worgen plus new valid race/class combos, MoP had Monks and Pandaren so both a totally new class and a new race. There were a ton of people running through old dungeons with Pandaren Monks in the first week of MoP. It was common to find Monk Tank, Monk Healer and 3 Monk DPS in a group...

Other than the guy a couple pages back who mentioned his level 75 wife everyone is crowding into the new zones.
wake up at 4am to play, server is working perfectly, happy times... well fuck me if it isn't time for some unscheduled maintenance once again.


what Suineg set it to
wake up at 4am to play, server is working perfectly, happy times... well fuck me if it isn't time for some unscheduled maintenance once again.
Looks like no one is getting to play this weekend. 20 bucks says it's going to be slammed as soon as it comes up - noon est, hell even 9 pst every 'semi-hardcore' is going to be up for that.



Silver Knight of the Realm
I feel like everyone who is saying this is a terrible launch is glossing over the fact that the DDoS attacks are completing destroying the login servers.
Login servers aren't the problem for's the damn queue, I've been in the queue for almost 8 hours. Started at 5000+ in queue at 4pm est, and now at 640 at 1130pm est.

DDOS attacks aren't causing long queue times, which is most of the complaints i'm seeing. I also think in general game companies are to quick to point blame to DDOS attacks for their failed launches, it's easier to point blame. Blizzard was clearly not prepared for this launch based on the queue times alone.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Login servers aren't the problem for's the damn queue, I've been in the queue for almost 8 hours. Started at 5000+ in queue at 4pm est, and now at 640 at 1130pm est.

DDOS attacks aren't causing long queue times, which is most of the complaints i'm seeing. I also think in general game companies are to quick to point blame to DDOS attacks for their failed launches, it's easier to point blame. Blizzard was clearly not prepared for this launch based on the queue times alone.
The reason the queues are long is because Blizzard is purposely throttling the number of players on each realm, which I imagine goes back to server issues. Maybe that isn't connected to being DDOSed or maybe it is, I don't know. But the queue times aren't long because the game is suddenly back up to 10 million subscribers or anything like that. The long queue times are misleading.


what Suineg set it to
We're making preparations for the Europe maintenance beginning in just an hour, and along with hardware upgrades we will be implementing some of the performance improvements we've been testing. One of these is a fairly large change to the way the game world is run by the servers-expanding the phasing tech used for the Tanaan intro experience to the entire continent of Draenor. This will allow us to run multiple copies of Draenor simultaneously, spreading out server population, while attempting to keep guilds and parties within the same copy. We're currently running tests of this tech on a few North American realms, and have found we're able to raise realm capacity by a significant amount. We'll continue to provide updates as we progress through the Europe maintenance, and prepare to apply the same changes on the Americas and Oceanic realms.
What could POSSIBLY go wrong by implementing phasing across an entire continent untested in a live environment under severe strain. So Blizzard has finally figured out how to merge servers into 'mega-servers' that share resources to increase traffic... so that they can implement phasing to get around instancing and create multiple versions of the same area to reduce congestion... Brilliant!


These may be the worst queue times the game has ever seen, but saying this is the worst launch is idiotic. Server stability was shaky as fuck for at least the first month of vanilla; in wotlk instance servers were completely fucked whenever wintergrasp was going on, and that lasted for a couple months, etc. Day one of wod was pretty much unplayable for many, but since they started throttling the server pop the servers have been pretty smooth for me. In a week no one will care about the current problems.


what Suineg set it to
These may be the worst queue times the game has ever seen, but saying this is the worst launch is idiotic. Server stability was shaky as fuck for at least the first month of vanilla; in wotlk instance servers were completely fucked whenever wintergrasp was going on, and that lasted for a couple months, etc. Day one of wod was pretty much unplayable for many, but since they started throttling the server pop the servers have been pretty smooth for me. In a week no one will care about the current problems.
You think this is over? That queues are the last of it? You're a glass is half full kinda guy...


Vyemm Raider
Are perks fucked up for anyone else? My hunter (surv) keeps getting "Enhanced Camouflage" but the perks listed in my spellbook keep changing.


what Suineg set it to
Are perks fucked up for anyone else? My hunter (surv) keeps getting "Enhanced Camouflage" but the perks listed in my spellbook keep changing.
I think that just means eventually you'll be permanently stealthed as hunters should be.
These may be the worst queue times the game has ever seen, but saying this is the worst launch is idiotic. Server stability was shaky as fuck for at least the first month of vanilla; in wotlk instance servers were completely fucked whenever wintergrasp was going on, and that lasted for a couple months, etc. Day one of wod was pretty much unplayable for many, but since they started throttling the server pop the servers have been pretty smooth for me. In a week no one will care about the current problems.
I haven't even seen my characters yet. Having seen both now I'm actually not sure what is worse, soul crushing queues or worthless shaky servers once you get in. At least with random server crashes you get the boot and can typically get back in and resume play. Most people are just leveling anyway, you can resume collecting your 10 Orc scalps without issues if the server crashes and the queue to get back in is reasonable.

These queues are it's after 1:30am eastern and there's still a 4400+ person queue on Stormrage, an eastern time zone server. 2200 on Hyjal. Maybe the new phasing thing will help, but right now there is literally no time of the day to play the game without sitting in a queue for hours.


still cruising along just fine, hit 97 and haven't had any issues with lag or stability, haven't waited in a queue either.


Trakanon Raider
I've been relatively lucky. At lvl 98 with no real hiccups. One 2 hour queue tonight and a garrison down shitfest on Thursday but that's it.


Queue is just a way to 'gate' the game.

Instead of having 3k player in the starting zone, you only allow 1k (queue the 2k) until they ding and move to the next zone. I already have guildies who are 98-99.

Seems terrible if you wanted to be first to 100 and you weren't lucky enough to be allowed in in the first 1k.


NeoGaf Donator
The point where limited Q's as being acceptable has passed. This has turned into an absolute disaster of a launch. I can't recall any mmo, let alone the most successful one in history with 10 years of experience, having this shitty of an occurrence with an equally as shitty response.

At least with the AQ gate I could log in to see my character moving at 5 frame rate a minute.