Worst / Most disappointing game of 2012? Rerolled edition


Tranny Chaser
In your expert gamer opinion:
1) What is the worst game of 2012? (and why?)
2) What is the most disappointing game of 2012? (and why?)

For me:
1) ME3 - How to ruin a franchise in 15 min ending. Holy cow was that bad. I loved this franchise, how could they fuck this up so badly? And they're planning a fourth? *shudder*
2) D3 - RMAH killed the radiostar. They sure fixed a lot with patches, but initially this was a huge letdown from Blizzard. I think it's mainly because of all the hype and extreme dev time it got. How could it fail so bad? Play Torchlight 2 for an hour - This is the feeling I'm missing.



I have a hard time picking a "worst," since I really liked pretty much every game I played this year, but if I had to pick one it would be the same as my pick for most disappointing: Mass Effect 3.

A trilogy and years of personal choices and journeys flushed down the drain by the extreme hubris of Casey Hudson and Mac Walters. It's no exaggeration when I say this is one of the most disappointing things that I have ever experienced. I cannot believe how badly they messed this up and just how much they disregarded everything that the series was building up. Nothing you did over the course of 3 games mattered. Nothing you did in the entire game building up your forces mattered. The way they just disregarded everything to shoe-horn in their complete nonsense is just baffling.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Don't know about worst but most disappointing can't go to any game but D3 in my opinion for a variety of reasons.

I will try to avoid my usual FUCK YOU ELDER SCROLLS AND EVERYONE WHO LIKES IT! rages that I did in some post on FoH, but I'll just say this. I am a hard to please grump and yet even I thought that Morrowind was really good, it just needed a few tweaks like some improvements to combat, a bit more variety in the world, and faster run speed as standard etc. But overall I really enjoyed it and I couldn't wait for Oblivion. But then Oblivion improved NONE of the things I hoped for, and actually removed and butchered some of the things I liked from Morrowind. It had fewer factions, fewer spells, shorter main quest, dumbed down travel and exploration, etc.. I was very disappointed.

Fool me once... yeah I know the saying. But I (wrongly it now seems) assumed that after ever increasing popularity and therefore presumably ever increasing budgets... that they now had a very slick engine so they could invest in making a new game that is just as beautiful as Oblivion was, but with all those other shortcomings improved. And along comes Skyrim which basically did what Oblivion did all over again. It removed yet more spells and yet more factions and yet more depth, and the combat is just mind numbingly bad. I would admit the world is better and the best I've seen in an ES game, but the gameplay I just hate, and the dialogue all leaves a lot to be desired too. If the whole thing was total shit then I wouldn't even care, but they are SO CLOSE to having the ultimate offline RPG experience. But they just don't seem to improve and yet they always 'get away with it' because everyone else goes batshit about their games and they sell millions of copies.

That's my biggest gaming disappointment of this year. The one tiny ray of sunshine is that Oblivion spawned the magnificent Nehrim conversion which I really liked, and the same team is doing the same for Skyrim too. It will be a long wait unfortunately, but hopefully yet again they will take Bethesda's engine and show them how to make a real game.

Other recent disappointments of a similar scale (my memory is fuzzy on dates), Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, and some others I forgot.


