Would you like to see a MOBA forum?


<Silver Donator>
I don't see a boom of any sort happening. The current situation isn't like mmos with LoL being EQ and a new gen is coming up to dethrone the king. LoL is WoW. The only "boom" you'll see is a boom of trash budget mobas trying to cash in on the money hats Riot is printing by copying LoL and adding very few "innovations" that don't actually add jackshit, then crashing and burning after getting a bit of money from people who just want to play something new until they go back to LoL. Even more so than mmos, new mobas suffer from the lack of content. When you're playing a game like LoL which has what 120-130champions nowadays(haven't played in years), multiple game modes as well as a ton of shit to spend money on or unlock by playing, sure you might be attracted to the new game because it's new, but after spending 3weeks playing a pool of 15-20champions, you'll go straight back.

It's not even like wow which has gear reset and level increases so the older content becomes obsolete constantly so that a new mmo can try to compete only with "current wow" and not wow since it release, what you unlocked during lol early days is still valuable now and will be as long as lol exists especially with champion remakes and shifts in meta and power balance. Competing against that type of existing content and the playerbase is stupid, but you can still make good money I'm sure like companies make good money out of "1month or less" F2P mmos nowadays.

As for dota, no one even bother trying to compete with it. It has lower numbers for one so it's obviously not where the investors are gonna go, and even if you tried you end up with the same issue of content plus the fact that you're not gonna grab anyone from lol by making a game that's noticeably harder and more complex, and you definitely won't get shit from people playing dota.

There might be room for a really high quality moba to get a chunk of the market, but at this point I'd say it's probably too late, with 2 massive games backed up by massive companies, you'd need a miracle. Oh and that includes blizzard nonsensical shit, I don't believe for a second they're gonna make anything worth it, if they ever release it, they missed their fucking chance 5 years ago or so.