WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream


By the time Kronos opens, it might be a welcome break from this server just due to population. I'd be happy if 50% of the people left. There is just too many people, which I know is a weird thing to say, but it's true. They need a cap or a second server. I'd gladly move or even start over at this point.


Well if you're open to playing on molten, joined a us guild that raids every night at 9pm eastern no dkp just rolls, wotlk server ragnaros accelerated xp and loot.

Did icc10 normal lich king kill last night, fun times.


Molten Core Raider
Scripting on this server really is among the best i've seen on any EMU server, but there are soooooo many mechanical bugs, it just makes it far less enjoyable - even playable.

I played on ED when it first came out, and as far as mechanics went, ED 2 years ago was light years ahead of Nost.

I guess i'm going to continue dicking around on Nost, but hoping Kronos at least gets the mechanics right. At the end of the day i really couldn't give a fuck less if some random shit lvl 20 quest is scripted properly. I want proper mechanics and working end game encounters.


It does kind of suck. Questing is very hard and you can't even grind much because literally everything is dead or camped. Hard to level at all.
Yeah, the people who got even a slight head start have benefitted so extremely from it. I missed the first day and have been stuck in the main wave of people. If I'd played on day 1 and got to level 10 before it got really bad, I'd probably be level 50+ by now. Instead I'm 31, and leveling takes easily four times as long as it naturally would because every single quest and decent grinding spot is absurdly overcrowded. Many simple quests that should take a few minutes by design instead take half an hour because you're competing with ten people. I've done most of my levels just grinding mobs in weird places where most people haven't thought to go, but even this feels crowded and is only just doable.


I love the whole argument about dynamic spawns saying it's not blizzlike. Neither is having 6k people on 1 server. But they won't hear that part.

Waiting 5 minutes or more for a item spawn is atrocious and only one person can click it. I think it took me a good 30 minutes just to get the iron shipment for the hillsbrad blacksmith quest part.


Molten Core Raider
The support forum is full of bug reports, it's pretty amazing since the majority of the player base is still mid level.

Ab is still missing the contesting animation when capturing a flag and the horde base is missing the spirit healer.


Molten Core Raider
As a reminder, don't forget that behind a private server project, there are humans. These people try their best to make their project go fine and to reach the goals they fixed themselves in the beginning of their work.

We think that everyone should at least acknowledge that, and thank every private server team that disappeared or still exists; because these people spent or are spending their time, trying to offer a fun environment and good memories on a project they believe in. We should all try to be open minded with others work, even if players don't necessarily like the same project.

Our team may not have the same objectives as others, and some players may not understand that but for us, Private server community's satisfaction is our only goal.
Quote of Viper on the Announcements forum.

Basically, i'm betting that they're getting hammered. The server was not ready for release, by any means. Again, their scripting is well done, everything else is Swiss cheese.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm enjoying it. Might not have seen the majority of these bugs but it seems fine to me... There are lots of people but most of the pop seems to be Euro, so its most crowded 8-5 PST so thats fine by me. Biggest vanilla slap in the face is the epic distance between graveyards and where you usually die... gates of kaladim for dying near gnomer sucks balls.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Enjoying the server so far, a bit annoying at times to do quests, but I rather have it be over crowded than under.

Currently level 20 with 25hours /played


Lord Nagafen Raider
Scripting on this server really is among the best i've seen on any EMU server, but there are soooooo many mechanical bugs, it just makes it far less enjoyable - even playable.

I played on ED when it first came out, and as far as mechanics went, ED 2 years ago was light years ahead of Nost.

I guess i'm going to continue dicking around on Nost, but hoping Kronos at least gets the mechanics right. At the end of the day i really couldn't give a fuck less if some random shit lvl 20 quest is scripted properly. I want proper mechanics and working end game encounters.
What mechanics don't function properly on Nost? I don't want to say you sound like a shill for kronos but you have mentioned shitty mechanics on Nost a few times now while giving 0 examples from what I see unless I missed a post.


Well for one, trees and walls don't break Los. Pets and monsters interacting with water is all sorts of fucked up. Monster damage formulas are off the charts, which was already said, a trip to ragefire will be all the proof you need. This is just in the first 10 levels.

Quests alone deserve a post on all the brokenness.

Compounded by the fact the server isn't as popular as people think it is due to botting and who manipulation.

I'm not a Kronos shill and I couldn't give a single fuck if both servers went in the failed server pile with the other 1000 empty broken private wow servers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well for one, trees and walls don't break Los. Pets and monsters interacting with water is all sorts of fucked up. Monster damage formulas are off the charts, which was already said, a trip to ragefire will be all the proof you need. This is just in the first 10 levels.

Quests alone deserve a post on all the brokenness.

Compounded by the fact the server isn't as popular as people think it is due to botting and who manipulation.

I'm not a Kronos shill and I couldn't give a single fuck if both servers went in the failed server pile with the other 1000 empty broken private wow servers.
Aight thats what I am talking about. I've had druids tank RFC and WC so I didn't think the damage was that bad. Investing any kind of time on an emu is going to be a waste really but I'd prefer my time to be wasted on servers that aren't riddled with bugs and shit which is why I was wondering about the mechanics issues.


Molten Core Raider
What mechanics don't function properly on Nost? I don't want to say you sound like a shill for kronos but you have mentioned shitty mechanics on Nost a few times now while giving 0 examples from what I see unless I missed a post.
Definitely not a shill. I couldn't give a fuck less about either server, and despite the bugs i'm having fun on Nost atm.

As far as the bugs are concerned, having rolled a warrior on day 1:

- Switching stances made your swing timer reset (fixed now);
- Parried, dodged, missed abilities used full rage;
- Charge bugged so that it puts you on top of a target making you have to back up or move in order to swing;

Those are just a few major ones. There's random shit like rank 3 BS not refreshing, etc. I got my war to 28 then rerolled mage.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Lvl 30 now and still havin fun. Biggest annoyances:
-some scripted/quest mobs are bugged. 5 copies of stitches running around darkshire slaughtering people is only funny for so long.
-server goes down for like 1-3min every 5hrs or so
-euro trash. potentially the biggest problem as guilds and people are already segregating by 'english speaking only'.

population seems to have balanced out 25+ and quest zones don't seem too flooded. starting cities were hilarious. competing for tags, 3 people mining the same copper node, walking from the back of a cave to the front and not seeing one mob. PVP is freakin sweet and theres been lots of mini raids and teams on both sides. world pvp is best pvp.


-euro trash. potentially the biggest problem as guilds and people are already segregating by 'english speaking only'.
What kind of xenophobic bullshit is that? Your biggest problem with the server is that there are Europeans and language-based communities? Are jews also causing the server crashes?

What a disgusting mindset, holy shit. It's a globally available server hosted in Europe, there'll be people who don't speak your language. Go fuck yourself.


Golden Knight of the Realm
woah struck a chord there! I say that because all of them ive grouped with are autistic fucktards who don't know how to play the game. i could care less about the segregation but its going to suck getting randomly queued in battlegrounds with... lets call it 'them'?


Kronos opens this weekend, hopefully it will either be smaller or alleviate the Nost crowd. I'll be moving there and praying the griefers and campers don't want to level again so soon and stay there on Nost.