YAG (Unreal Indie Project)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm not a board game guy but saw this as a project spotlight:
[GAME] YAG (rpg gameboard) - Unreal Engine Forums

Maybe someone here would be interested, looks cool anyway.

There seems to be some misunderstanding about what Yag is :) so to be clear, Yag is not a game you can play alone, in fact it's not a game, it's really a shared rpg gameboard.
You should see it exactly as a table in the real world: you have to sit around with friends to play any game.
Yag is like a virtual table equipped with all the tools needed to play any game, and of course especially RPGs.
You can launch it alone, for example to prepare a scene or a map and save it for later, but it's exactly like sitting alone at a real table to prepare your game.
Yag gives you dungeons, miniatures, dice, maps, and character sheets, but you and your friends have to bring the rules and the game :)
Hope it's more clear by now.

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A nice asshole.
Hrmm, massive TV built into table with multiple people able to control the action and this would be amazing.


Trakanon Raider
Holy shit that's exactly my setup, 70' tv built into table, I just came everywhere. I've never needed that take my money .gif before, but seriously, holy shitballs!


A nice asshole.
Holy shit that's exactly my setup, 70' tv built into table, I just came everywhere. I've never needed that take my money .gif before, but seriously, holy shitballs!

I remember. J-bones as fuck over that setup. I need a bigger house.


Bronze Knight of the Realm

I'm the Yag dev, i was pointed to this thread by a friend :)

Just a few words: Yag is a passion project (i'm a hobbyist and have a regular job unrelated to Yag).
It was originally a small project just to play with 5 rpg friends spread in different towns, and I started working on it 4 years ago.
At a point everyone told me i should put it on steam so here it is.

I'm not going to make a lot of money out of it but as long as i enjoy making it evolve and i get some nice feedbacks, it will probably improve a lot with time.
If i ever make a few $ out of it, they will certainly go into new content.

Please let me know if you have any questions :)

Just 2 answers about the two most requested features:
- It's not currently possible to buid your dungeons manually, they are procedurally generated (with parameters), but you can dress up maps from the net or dungeons with walls and furniture
- It's not currently possible to import your own content
Given how much this is requested, at a point this year i'll have to have a serious look at how to go in those directions, but atm it's not possible.

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Bronze Knight of the Realm

Small update on the main branch: v0.8.3.4.

It doesn't bring much: the graphical character sheets pictures are now displayed with their full res and the flying labels adapt their size to their content.

I posted it anyway because i wanted those two small modifications online before going on with the migration from version 4.20 to 4.21 of the engine, which might take some time.

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Bronze Knight of the Realm

v0.8.4.1 is out:
- Modules management (to distribute games/campaigns in a single zip file)
- We can now use local pictures (from the disk) as well as URLs
- Gamma correction for pictures
- LUA is now called automatically => character sheets are fully automated
- New content: a polar bear and an orc tribe

The general video presentation:

Modules are such a huge topic that they got their tutorial video:

As this new important version has not been tested by a lot of people yet, i put it on the beta branch.
Just in case you don't know what's a beta branch on Steam, a quick tuto here:

I will put it on the main branch when enough feedbacks will be ok enough.
So feebacks are welcomed here:
Beta v0.8.4.1 feedbacks :: Yag General Discussions

Documentation has been updated:
Documentation – Yag

Hope you enjoy :)
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey everyone,

v0.8.4.3 is out on the beta branch.
As always, i'll put it on the main branch when i've enough positive feedbacks from the beta.

It brings a bit of new content and a lot of improvements in the UI.
- a few new weapons
- trays can be mouse dragged
- new copy of the journal and list of CS on the portable desk
- portable desk can be rotated to face the player
- field labels UI get new options (frame and font size)

The general presentation video:

And in case you are not familiar with Steam, a small tuto about branches:



Bronze Knight of the Realm

Yag v0.8.4.5 is now available on the beta branch.

It brings some bugs fixes and a new feature: a fog.

The presentation video:

And here are a few screenshots:



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Yag v0.8.4.5 is now available on the beta branch.

It brings some bugs fixes and a new feature: a fog.

The presentation video:

And here are a few screenshots:


Hey, this subforum rarely gets seen and I see you posting to yourself here.
But grats on the product. Releasing something is a huge accomplishment. I assume you're a 1-man team?
Unfortunately I haven't used this product and don't plan to, it's a very niche market that doesn't appeal to me.
I am, however, impressed at what small teams (1 person) are capable of.
Without engaging in other parts of the forum, and due to your product being so niche, it's unlikely you'll see much response here.
I'm not sure if constantly promoting yourself is frowned upon or not here, but good luck anyway, maybe limit the promoting to bigger updates and try to engage in other discussions as well.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm

Thanks for your answer :)
Yes, i'm doing this alone and it's a huge amount of work.
Because of the first post i thought it could interest someone and hence continued to give news as i update it.
I know it's a niche and i won't move any crowd with that, but if you tell me i'm the only one reading my own posts, i guess i'll stop, i already know what they contain :-D

Thanks for the info and the kind words.


Trakanon Raider
Hey now, I like the updates! To be honest, I would normally be providing more feedback, I just haven't got to play with it too much yet (busy last 6 weeks). I can tell you there is an issue with Ultrawide resolutions, the entire UI gets pushed up above the viewable screen currently. I played with a little, but the only way I found to get back to defaults was crashing out the game and deleting the cache. This is probably not a massive issue, I would probably be using a standard TV to display it anyway, but just making you aware.

The other reason I haven't been very vocal lately is that it's mostly been updates about the desk, which I'm personally not interested in. I'm wanting to use YAG solely as a living battlemap, so I don't really need dice, character sheets, etc., which a lot of the work has revolved around lately. I'm not complaining, just expressing those aren't what I'm looking for in particular. I love the fog update, and I'm hoping it might lead to other weather effects in the future. I've very excited about everything you have done so far, and can't wait to see what else you manage to do. :)

Let me ask you a question while I'm at it. My set up is that I play in person games using a laptop attached to a 70 inch TV for the players view. I manage everything on my main laptop screen, and use the TV as a second monitor for the players. I'm thinking that to use YAG in this way I'm going to need to purchase a second copy of YAG on a second steam account set to display to my second monitor, and then connect to my primary Steam account? Does that sound about right currently? (I know I have a weird set up >_<)

Thank you for all the hard work!
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hey Onoes,

Wow, thanks a lot for your post, talk about a nice surprise, i wasn't expecting any more interest from this forum.
So i'll go on with posting the updates then :)

Thanks for the kind words too, very appreciated.

Now about your problems/quetions:

Don't know if you know but, you can move the UI up and down holding the P key down and moving your mouse:
(just in case the link doesn't start at the right time, go straight to 1:25 where you'll find what you need)

I've set a limit to how far the UI can go up and down, if it's not enough for your high res, please let me know and i'll double it, it's just a number in my code.

In the meantime, no need to reset everything, you can manually modify your local parameters in this file:
<My documents>\My Games\Yag\Client\LocalParameters\LocalParameters.csv
You'll easily identify the parameters, just stop Yag, change the values, and restart.
Most important parameters for your problem might be those two:

in the res, w stands for "windowed", and f for "full screen"
The YAG_UI_ALTITUDE is the one controled by the P+mouse command.

Then about sharing screens:
You only need two copies of Yag (and two computers and two steam accounts) if you want a second computer/player to modify things in Yag (like moving miniatures and so on).
If you only need to share your screen, then just share your screen :) you can use any windows gadget like remote desktop, or a third party app like TeamViewer, or any video streaming soft, or even something like twitch/youtube live streaming.
Really no need to buy extra copies if you don't need to share controls.

I hope this helps, otherwise just let me know :)


Bronze Knight of the Realm

v0.8.4.6 is online on the beta branch:
- some weather effects (leaves, rain, hail, lightning, snow...)
- 5 new spells
- 2 new dinosaurs

The presentation video is here:



Bronze Knight of the Realm
I just pushed v0.8.4.7 on the beta branch.
Nothing new, just fixing a small visual bug with the fog.

I took the opportunity of a few tests to take a few new screenshots:



Bronze Knight of the Realm

I'am very happy to annouce that v0.9.0.0 is now available on the beta branch :)

I brings one of the two most requested features of Yag: hand crafted dungeons :)

The presentation video is here:

And you'll find a few screenshots there:

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Bronze Knight of the Realm

v0.9.1.1 is on the beta branch.

No new features but 1 Go of new content:
- 8 new elemental dragons
- a scorpion queen
- a colored spider monster
- a kung fu fighter
- a light swordsman
- a barbarian
- a dwarf
- a full collection of obsidian weapons
- a full collection of frost weapons
- 4 new statues
- a few new treasure chests and pile of gold and silver coins for treasures and wealth

Most of them come in many colors, offering a lot of possible variations

Presentation video here:

And a few screenshots there:



Bronze Knight of the Realm

v0.9.2.1 is on the beta branch with some new content and 2 new features.

- record/replay displacement paths for pawns
- some new animals and monsters
- a new LUA API function to update the character sheet from anywhere

The presentation video is here:

And a few animated gifs here:



Bronze Knight of the Realm

Yag v0.9.4.1 is on the beta branch with a big new feature: the fog of war :)

The presentation video is here:

And the complete tutorial video here:
