Yahoo live epic fun


Foozles said:
Fuck no, dont pay for that shit.
Oh I was kidding. That bitch is not worth $50. Not even close. Especially with redtube in existence. To be honest I don"t see a point in paying for porn at ALL anymore.

I will say that going from bean flicking Carmen to this was some serious downgrading fail for Yahoo Live chat rooms.




Millie's Staff Member
so was Megan(Carmen) one of the canadian camwhores since she said she knows Kate?
she isnt MeganQT thats for sure.


Astrocreep said:
so was Megan(Carmen) one of the canadian camwhores since she said she knows Kate?
she isnt MeganQT thats for sure.
I"m not entirely sure but judging by the size of Carmen"s beef curtains she"s definitely seen some action in her day. Seriously, the curtains had a rod and a chain.

I do think Tullaeniel hit the nail on the head, though. All these webcam whores on Yahoo Live aren"t shy about dropping their site"s URL every chance they get.


Silver Squire
Salshun said:
I"m not entirely sure but judging by the size of Carmen"s beef curtains she"s definitely seen some action in her day. Seriously, the curtains had a rod and a chain.
We need Wolfen on the case.


Well I don"t know why that"s a surprise there were quite few links tossed up in the channel of her gnawing down on some dick. So she doesn"t do hardcore but she eats pussy and sucks dick, I guess a line has to be drawn somewhere right? Before to long she"ll be taking in 100 guy gang bangs. Either way no reason to judge the poor girl she has to put herself through college someway.


Tullaeniel said:
Well I don"t know why that"s a surprise there were quite few links tossed up in the channel of her gnawing down on some dick. So she doesn"t do hardcore but she eats pussy and sucks dick, I guess a line has to be drawn somewhere right? Before to long she"ll be taking in 100 guy gang bangs. Either way no reason to judge the poor girl she has to put herself through college someway.
The "In College" line always makes me laugh. I"m sure they"re just working at those $2000 a week jobs until they get out of school for their $700 a week careers.

And yeah, when she learns that double penetration and a goat gets you $3500 a week she"ll be on that bus so fast.


GuardianX said:
Anyhow whats with the avoiding--rl chick?

she looked emo hot.
I was pulling an all-nighter last night for finals and her channel was one of the ones I kept an eye on. she ended up entirely nude for several hours last night; it was rather more pathetic than anything, though, as she was extremely intoxicated and completely oblivious to everything around her

i"ve been around enough attractive yet mentally unstable and batshit insane chicks to make me see how sad and pathetic it really was

potential moral of the story though: if you want to see her goods then keep an eye on her, she"s bound to do it again at some point


Carino said:
I was pulling an all-nighter last night for finals and her channel was one of the ones I kept an eye on. she ended up entirely nude for several hours last night; it was rather more pathetic than anything, though, as she was extremely intoxicated and completely oblivious to everything around her

i"ve been around enough attractive yet mentally unstable and batshit insane chicks to make me see how sad and pathetic it really was

potential moral of the story though: if you want to see her goods then keep an eye on her, she"s bound to do it again at some point
Yeah, girls trading their dignity and self-respect for a webcam and a T1 line seems to happen more and more these days...


Tullaeniel said:
I need to find some hoe"s and make some websites she probably easiest money one could make.
I have a buddy here in Vegas that did the website for this Asian porn site. One time he invited me to the set. I was stoked as FUCK, thought it was going to be so bad ass. It wasn"t. Granted the shit was hot watching it but when the cameras weren"t rolling these girls would just sit there with these 1000 yard stares with dead, sad eyes. Between takes they would either drink themselves stupid or rail coke, trying to forget. It was beyond depressing and he asked "Let me guess, you have no interest in coming back, do you?" and I told him "No, not really man" and he replied "No one I ever brought here EVER wanted to make a second trip."