Yahoo live epic fun


Asmadai said:
Ok the fact that you two responded to something I said that fast shows this thread is just creepily popular.

I"m out.
I saw spam in the livepost box and wanted to see what the hubub was, bub. :p


Asmadai said:
Ok the fact that you two responded to something I said that fast shows this thread is just creepily popular.

I"m out.
75 pages in 4 days could"ve told you that :p.

Honestly what in the fuck does Yahoo think is going to come out of this site?


Ionsniper said:
So lets see you think that since your only asking her to lift her shirt its fine and that you shouldnt be in trouble? But the real question is where does that lead too? You ask her more and more to do different things even innocent things like keyboard on head but where does it ever stop. Youll just keep pushing as far as you can go to see just how far you can get. As far as Im concerned everyone in that channel are closet pedophiles who only want to see skin and are slowly trying to work their way to it.
Put down the crusade dude, seeing if someone will write FOHSS on a piece of paper isn"t anything close to being a pedophile. That"s the kind of shit kids put on their Myspace anyway.


Brash said:
Oh noes a belly button. lol. you made it look like i posted something disturbing.. fork off!
Do NOT invoke the wrath of the black hand, his force is mighty, and his punches are swift.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
But not as swift as Millie"s apparently!

I"m too cool to go to these websites but if I hear of you people soliciting sexual stuff on that site, I"ll ban you and delete this thread. Even if you don"t post about it here.


Millie said:
God. I do all the work on this one, and the Black Hand gets credit. Lame.
There is a video game in the process of being made with you as the lead character, credit comes in weird ways from time to time.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
yeah, just to reiterate, fohss asking for tits and shit got old yesterday early. keyboards on head and fohss on forehead is the new win.

oh, and izumi01 and miik are legit btw, and prolly will contribute fine.


Tuco said:
But not as swift as Millie"s apparently!

I"m too cool to go to these websites but if I hear of you people soliciting sexual stuff on that site, I"ll ban you and delete this thread. Even if you don"t post about it here.
Can we get a clear definition of sexual stuff?

If one would to request FOHSS written across a chesticle, where would that classify?


Lowk said:
Can we get a clear definition of sexual stuff?

If one would to request FOHSS written across a chesticle, where would that classify?
If there"s any question about if it"s sexual, just assume it is. Why test limits?


At any rate, guys, thank you for understanding my position here and agreeing to take the high road.

I realize things may seem innocent, but it"s important to keep the law in consideration at all times.

Lowk said:
Can we get a clear definition of sexual stuff?

If one would to request FOHSS written across a chesticle, where would that classify?
The law doesn"t draw a very fine distinction between asking a minor to lift up her shirt and asking a minor to show you her breasts. As far as a judge would be concerned, if you coerced a minor into performing a sexually suggestive position or act, you"re a sex criminal. Nudity need not take place in order to constitute sexual violation of a minor. Especially a child of 14 or younger, which is in its own category and carries an even stiffer penalty.

It also doesn"t matter if she"s willing or not. By law, she is not legally capable of consenting to sex or sexual exploitation in any way, shape, or form. It doesn"t matter if she walks up to you and takes off her clothes without any prompting; if you act on her advances, you"re guilty just the same.

Now, the reasons I have to keep this stuff off the boards are twofold:

1) It"s sick, and it"s illegal.

2) Since I have the power to take down offending images, if I do not act on that power, I and/or the site"s owners can be convicted for accessory.

I am not about to get convicted of accessory to disgusting stuff that I could otherwise have prevented, just for the sake of keeping some people happy. When it comes to your happiness and my staying out of jail, I"ll take my staying out of jail 10 times out of 10. :p

At any rate, hopefully this matter is concluded. Thanks again for your understanding here. Bottom line: don"t say or do anything to a 14-year-old girl that you would hesitate to tell a judge and jury you said or did to a 14-year-old girl. And keep such activities off of the board.


Millie said:
At any rate, guys, thank you for understanding my position here and agreeing to take the high road.
I want it to be clear, I wasn"t opposing what you or Tuco said, just looking for clarity on the issue. Not only for the welfare of the forums but as well as my own understanding.

I think you knew that though millie...
this was for the idiots who are quick to draw on the submit reply button.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wrong, Millie duels with the OG UI that had a 2 inch by 2 inch viewing area. Millie would PROMPTLY lose.