Comic Books


Silver Baronet of the Realm
EricJuly/youngrippa59/rippaverse, and Ethan van scriver were fighting about something. I have no idea what.

well, actually, looking over video titles. I can't find too muhc, but I think I see mention of tracing/lightboxing.
I think ethan called him out on it and they started fighting?

I suppose I should give my 2cents. without watching the vid fully, or ethans accusations/crits at all.

First off, the end product is what matters most. Tons of great artists use models, use 3d assets, mockups, etc. I would MUCH rather an artist take the time to make a 3d model of a room, and get it right, then freehand it and fuck it up constantly.
I think I mentioned, one of the indie books I did recently having a house exterior... and on the inside a staircase that turned left into a hallway, that could not possibly work from outside. 3 stories inside, a dojo in the attic, that is not possible from the outside.
The issue is largely when they trace, or use models and its just so very obvious, with no real artist imput, or creativity. take the base, add your creativity over it. if I can immediately TELL that its just traced. ew.

The classic perfect example of this was Normal rockwell.

as the notes here outright point out. He took his photo, and exaggerated it all. this is how you do it.
Its a comic book, it should have heightened reality. so just copying 3d assets, porn, or photos is really stupid.

The next issue is then referencing YOUR own photos or art, versus someone elses... Look, I'm not going to pay for a drone shot of NYC skyline, so I think its obvious there is some level that using other peoples photos, art is acceptable. but... just where is that line? thats hard to say.
composition is a big part of the pencillers job. stealing that is a big no-no to me... but at the same time, "homage" is ok, and its ok if you expressly make note of your "borrowing" of it imho.
and, it should be noted. I'm paying you for YOUR art, not someone elses. so if you are just stealing art. why am I paying you, and not them? which kindof goes back to the original statement on referencing. take the base.. but make it your own, and it can be ok.

..oh, I'm just realizing that elevator door from older posts was from Isom#2. so that was Eric's comic. so was it all from that? yeah, Ethan was right to call his team out on that shit.
I wonder what exactly happened from there? Ethan can be a jackass. Artists make mistakes, I'd just apologize for the screwup. I've certainly made mistakes that got printed. Did Eric not apologize and take it badly? or did Ethan just hound him about it? Ethans business model atm is those livestreams, and picking fights, creating drama...

The problem is I wasn't exaggerating about the amount of 3D art assets used in the books. That page above? Yes, everything you see really are art assets someone else created, that the comic "artist" then copy/pasted onto the page, after aligning them properly in his computer program. Some autist found the art asset package this "artist" purchased, and showed side-by-side pics of buildings, cars, furniture, etc., that all appear in these books. This wasn't tracing, shadowboxing, referencing pics etc - it was literally cut and paste. And no EJ hasn't apologized. He won't even admit it happened, even though the evidence is there for everyone to see. He just keeps lying about it. He lies a lot.

Then on TOP of that, Eric July can't write. At all. The "story" is nonsensical, nothing actually happens, and the "hero" acts like a typical angry black man who you would assume is the villain, unless told otherwise.

This is a LEGIT example of the emperor having no clothes, and a lot of people are afraid to say that. Those that do get "othered". EJ acts like all the SJWs he supposedly opposes.

EVS wasn't even the one who started all this. Hell he did a variant cover for ISOM #2 for EJ. Regardless, I've seen multiple shows EJ's been on, and then seen how he talks about them after the fact, and he just lies and misrepresents things a lot. Something I haven't seen his detractors doing. As such I have a hate boner for him, because it bothers me when bad people fool so many people into thinking they are actually good.
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Potato del Grande
He was a cancel culture prick that took the easy way out when that same cancel culture crowd turned on him. Save your tears.
Sounds like he got what he deserved, I'm a big proponent of these people being treated the way they treat others.

It's funny because on the "problematic" Comicsgate side, Ya Boy Zack is telling people that SJWs want you to kill yourself and that you win if you ignore them and don't do it
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sounds like he got what he deserved, I'm a big proponent of these people being treated the way they treat others.

It's funny because on the "problematic" Comicsgate side, Ya Boy Zack is telling people that SJWs want you to kill yourself and that you win if you ignore them and don't do it
While I'm not dancing on his grave or anything, I concur - live by the sword, die by the sword. He helped maintain the thing that went after him. Oopsy I guess?

Whatever, hail Comicsgate.
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Potato del Grande
Oh wow, he's actually dead. That's grim. His subreddit is melting down because they got on board with cancelling him and are now apologising.

With the state American comic books are in, I can't see it being the last suicide. Cancel pigs are going to get more vicious and the consequences more severe as the industry contracts or even collapses.


<Silver Donator>
Just went for $6,000,000 at auction. Highest ever paid for a comic book.

ac 1.jpg
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Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. Most people do not get that scene at all.
honestly the dark knight is not that good. some dumb incoherent shit in it.

Clark is the US gov's secret weapon. Regan and Soviets are each others throats. Soviets get pushed out of Corto Maltese, which is a fictional island off of South American. totally not Cuba. They fire a nuke at it. Superman goes in to stop it. Bruce blames Clark. the nuke is a supernuke, he flys it into some unnamed unmanned desert, which is nonsense. its a super emp nuke. it sends out an EMP that emps the entire western hemisphere somehow. and then creates nuclear winter for 4 weeks or so blotting out the sun.
Clark is hurt badly, and can't get to the sun to heal, but instead drains the sun/life energy from a jungle.

Bruce frees the Mutants from prison, and gets the sons of batman gang to join him and rides around Gotham to restore order, put out fires, and save everyone they can.
This somehow insults Regan. As every other US city is in revolt, and Gotham is safe with Batman, and he can't have that. Oliver the Communist sneaks into the US, to consult Bruce, and tells him Regan is going to have Bruce killed. Clark contacts Bruce to say, lets meet.

Bruce himself is also old and injured. Bruce is faking his death. He takes the pill, he armors up. He tests Clark. can tell he has not recovered from the nuc. Clark spends the whole fight trying to talk to Bruce. Bruce ignores him and just keeps throwing everything at him. its all to slap Clark as he fakes his death. He says Clark sold them out, gave them the power that should have been theirs. aka, Bruce is an idiot, who thinks vigilantes should rule. somehow better then governments which at least have SOME checks and balances.
Distracted, Oliver shoots him with kryptonite gas. Clark can hear Bruces heart failing. Wont fight back, and Bruce "dies" punching Clark. Clark does think he suicided on him. but, of course hears his heart beat that funeral, and knows it was a fakeout.

so the premise is Regan was a Fascist, and vigilantes are the right idea. Anarchist Terrorists are the correct means of power.
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<Gold Donor>
Man, if only Lyrical/Shonuff were still here. He was the ultimate "if Batman has time to prepare" simp. I fought with him so many times over that bullshit. The crazy thing is, I liked Batman before that bullshit! I still like him in general, it's just whenever they pull that prep bullshit that I start to rage.

Batman help.jpg
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<Prior Amod>
Man, if only Lyrical/Shonuff were still here. He was the ultimate "if Batman has time to prepare" simp. I fought with him so many times over that bullshit. The crazy thing is, I liked Batman before that bullshit! I still like him in general, it's just whenever they pull that prep bullshit that I start to rage.

View attachment 527873
batman is only 2 flavor options

1. prep time man or
2. utility belt deux ex machina shark repellent batspray


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The problem is leaning into him as a superhero instead of a detective-vigilante. He has no business fighting high-powered supes.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The problem is leaning into him as a superhero instead of a detective-vigilante. He has no business fighting high-powered supes.

I agree, I think Batman is at his best when he's a detective rather than a super-hero. Englehart-Rogers and O'Neil-Adams(and other artists) era being my favorite Batman. I'm old so make sense that those are my favorites, nostalgia and all. :)


<Gold Donor>
Batman should sit on their satellite thingy and coordinate the team, deploying his satellites and drones and shit because he's smart and rich. And Oliver Queen should sit there with him while the real superheroes handle shit. For big bad guys anyway. And hell, Gotham would be cleaned up quicker if he just listened to his police scanner at home and talked over JL-chat to Flash and let him handle it. Mixing godlike beings and normal humans is ridiculous.

For that matter, they could just install one of those robots Superman sometimes is shown having in the Fortress up in the satellite, I guarantee they are smarter and faster thinking than a human. And for the rich part, just have Superman go grab an asteroid full of precious metals, put it next to the satellite, and either sell parts of it off as needed or just use it for raw materials that the Fortress robots use to build all the drones and whatever.

There, we don't need Batman at all anymore. And if he's really an over 9000 elite combatant as Lyrical always said, then have him train the supers that are lacking a bit in skill. That's about the smartest thing he could do, honestly.

God, they really have made me bitter about Batman, haven't they?


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, now we getting into two of the major schisms in American comic books.
Continuity and status quo.

They are interconnected. everyone loves the idea of a cinematic universe. but the storys start colliding. how can batman really exist along side superman? how can the flash not solve all their problems?

DC and marvel universe are tied to a status quo as well. the world can't grow and evolve outside of "what ifs". they aren't proper alt histories (like cyberpunk, shadowrun, etc), or evolving manga. like One punch man is not pretending to be our world. it could evolve. DC and Marvel stories need to reflect reality.

So, superman, with all his superscience CAN'T solve energy crisis or global warming, despite having infinite clean energy ready to go at any time. all these space faring superheroes, but theres basically no real interactions with aliens in DC. marvel at least has SOME. but barely. not remotely the space colonization that should be going on given the tech level of various superheroes.

The societies of DC and marvel should be utterly alien to us within 10 years. both have plenty of people with powers that would negate food and energy needs either directly or lead to science that does so. Both should have deep space exploration, travel, trade, and colonies.


Potato del Grande
I feel like comic characters were in self contained universes with rare crossovers, cameos and events which allowed the suspension of disbelief.

Now that the well of original stories is running dry, everything is a crossover, so you have to confront the contradiction of Batman and Superman existing together and not solving global warming or whatever.

It wasn't built for this and DEI writers can only make it worse. I think these old IPs just need retiring. They have been exhausted.
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<Gold Donor>
II think these old IPs just need retiring.
I feel like if this happened you'd just get more characters that were reskinned versions of the old ones. And even if they weren't, people would still compare them to the originals, likely in a negative light.

For example, how do you make a team of young adults that aren't at least somewhat derivative of the X-Men or Teen Titans? And if you do, will they be entertaining?

Even if you are only talking about specific ones like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman (which isn't really fair because there are tons almost as old), those are still archetypal characters so do you just never make a super-strong guy that can fly? Or a super-smart guy that figures shit out and makes gadgets? Or a strong wahmen character? If you do, why not just keep the old ones?


Potato del Grande
I feel like if this happened you'd just get more characters that were reskinned versions of the old ones. And even if they weren't, people would still compare them to the originals, likely in a negative light.

For example, how do you make a team of young adults that aren't at least somewhat derivative of the X-Men or Teen Titans? And if you do, will they be entertaining?

Even if you are only talking about specific ones like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman (which isn't really fair because there are tons almost as old), those are still archetypal characters so do you just never make a super-strong guy that can fly? Or a super-smart guy that figures shit out and makes gadgets? Or a strong wahmen character? If you do, why not just keep the old ones?
Yeah so that's the crossover problem, you have to make your derivative characters different enough which as you say is difficult, but then they are sharing space with the originals.

In D&D, Drizzit and Elminster never had to be in the same universe as Legolas and Gandalf.

In Manga, Demon Slayer can copy Bleach as much as it wants without being constrained by the rules of the Bleach universe, allowing for more creativity.

It would be better if the original heroes had aged and died in real time and were no longer around... or just not be in a shared universe.