Manor lords


Avatar of War Slayer
2 days for EA

still quite EA. large portions of the game is still missing. he estimates "about 50%"
gameplay is more like banished/factorio atm. combat is rare, and simple atm. Neither bannorlord or totalwar. although plays like total war when it does happen.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
People’s expectations are off the charts on this one from the stuff I’ve seen. They’ll probably be review bombed and have death threats and shit for not meeting them. Just gamer things.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Looks really cool, but I know I'd hate it. I used to love city build/rts combat games but I've grown really bored with super tedious mechanics when it comes to the building/management of territories. I don't mind making big, sweeping decisions about the direction/development of my faction, but when it comes to drilling way down to manage the really nitty gritty stuff I get frustrated and annoyed. I'm the fucking king (or whatever) right? Why am I telling individual workers what they need to do? That's what foremen/mayors/overseers or whatever are for. I need to be able to delegate the minutia and focus on the big stuff.

This game seems like it's focused entirely on all the small stuff I like to delegate. That said, there are lots of people who like the minutia stuff that will probably love the idea of selecting plots of land for individual homes, assigning families different tasks, and paying attention to details like that. THAT said, this honestly looks like another one of those games that's going to release completely broken and unfinished, and if we're lucky, in another 5 years will be playable.
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<Silver Donator>
This game grabbed my attention a couple of years ago. I like medieval sims but this particular flavor being city builder, not so sure. We'll see. I couldn't get into Banished so I'll probably end up refunding this one.

What I'd really like to see is a M&B/Bannerlord clone that does a better job with depth and not being buggy shit. I guess I will have to wait another few years on a mod to deliver that.


<Silver Donator>
Tried it out for about 20 minutes before closing it. You're immediately thrust into micro-managing a bunch of details and a bunch of building types. Not my cup of tea.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Looks really cool, but I know I'd hate it. I used to love city build/rts combat games but I've grown really bored with super tedious mechanics when it comes to the building/management of territories. I don't mind making big, sweeping decisions about the direction/development of my faction, but when it comes to drilling way down to manage the really nitty gritty stuff I get frustrated and annoyed. I'm the fucking king (or whatever) right? Why am I telling individual workers what they need to do? That's what foremen/mayors/overseers or whatever are for. I need to be able to delegate the minutia and focus on the big stuff.

This game seems like it's focused entirely on all the small stuff I like to delegate. That said, there are lots of people who like the minutia stuff that will probably love the idea of selecting plots of land for individual homes, assigning families different tasks, and paying attention to details like that. THAT said, this honestly looks like another one of those games that's going to release completely broken and unfinished, and if we're lucky, in another 5 years will be playable.
Yeah, it feels like all the builders suffer from the same scaling issue where in the endgame you're still drawing lines of roads and shit.

A game where you start off being the local leader of some shithole village with like 10 people in it and have to literally farm cabbage yourself at first that moves into you being the leader of a good size village where you delegate all the responsibilities, then you become a baron with multiple villages you delegate too, then a king with multiple barons etc etc could be fun. That might be Manor Lords! Or that game might not really exist.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Looks really cool, but I know I'd hate it. I used to love city build/rts combat games but I've grown really bored with super tedious mechanics when it comes to the building/management of territories. I don't mind making big, sweeping decisions about the direction/development of my faction, but when it comes to drilling way down to manage the really nitty gritty stuff I get frustrated and annoyed. I'm the fucking king (or whatever) right? Why am I telling individual workers what they need to do? That's what foremen/mayors/overseers or whatever are for. I need to be able to delegate the minutia and focus on the big stuff.

This game seems like it's focused entirely on all the small stuff I like to delegate. That said, there are lots of people who like the minutia stuff that will probably love the idea of selecting plots of land for individual homes, assigning families different tasks, and paying attention to details like that. THAT said, this honestly looks like another one of those games that's going to release completely broken and unfinished, and if we're lucky, in another 5 years will be playable.

I loved SimCity, but SimCity 2000 was too much for me in that regard lol.

Now Lords of the Realm 2... yes... and that is what this looks very much like but just "way more"


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Now Lords of the Realm 2... yes... and that is what this looks very much like but just "way more"
I used to play the living shit out of that game as an 11 year old. I remember my Dad always saying, "How the hell do you figure these games out?!" when I'd play it. It was probably the first video game I was ever "addicted" to.

That same 11 year old self is super excited to hear and see that this game is inspired by Lords of the Realm. I definitely plan on checking it out when it leaves EA.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I used to play the living shit out of that game as an 11 year old. I remember my Dad always saying, "How the hell do you figure these games out?!" when I'd play it. It was probably the first video game I was ever "addicted" to.

That same 11 year old self is super excited to hear and see that this game is inspired by Lords of the Realm. I definitely plan on checking it out when it leaves EA.
Knights and archers all you need :)

Also played Castles II had little video clips of the old Henry 8th movie and you could behead messengers from other lords lol
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Castles was what I played a ton of as a kid, along with all of the Maxis and Bullfrog stuff.
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<Silver Donator>
So what do you guys think of this game so far? Wondering if I didn't give it enough time.

It just felt like too many details thrown at you all at once in a not fun way.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So what do you guys think of this game so far? Wondering if I didn't give it enough time.

It just felt like too many details thrown at you all at once in a not fun way.
No handholding at all. Find out, slap your face, restart.


Avatar of War Slayer
This looks like a fun game for me to send my brother for birthday - he loves these things, he would play Civ III with WEEKLONG GAMES - as I said, Lords of the Realm and Castles II etc were my speed and level of complexity... once it gets to be too deep and too crazy, I just dont want to play it. Civ3 was the last one that I played as it got a bit too deep and convoluted with some things.

He and his family play board games...and they play the crazy stuff, I am like settlers of cattan is like my I just do not want to spend that much brain power on rule lawyer stuff... I spend it all on EQ


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
This looks like a fun game for me to send my brother for birthday - he loves these things, he would play Civ III with WEEKLONG GAMES - as I said, Lords of the Realm and Castles II etc were my speed and level of complexity... once it gets to be too deep and too crazy, I just dont want to play it. Civ3 was the last one that I played as it got a bit too deep and convoluted with some things.

He and his family play board games...and they play the crazy stuff, I am like settlers of cattan is like my I just do not want to spend that much brain power on rule lawyer stuff... I spend it all on EQ
Note that it is extremely early access. More than 2/3rd of the tech tree isn't there, there is one map, localization is missing all over the place.

But it's extremely fun to walk around in your village, notably when the men just come back from bandit hunting and all head back to work or home...


Avatar of War Slayer
Note that it is extremely early access. More than 2/3rd of the tech tree isn't there, there is one map, localization is missing all over the place.

But it's extremely fun to walk around in your village, notably when the men just come back from bandit hunting and all head back to work or home...

Its not till August, should be a "real" game by then... no rush.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its not till August, should be a "real" game by then... no rush.
I don't think I have seen a game, that I wanted to play, last less than a year in EA. Most seem to be around two years or more. It sounds like this game is in mid alpha phase, at best, so I wouldn't be surprised if its still a year+ before it even gets to classic beta status. Playing a buggy incomplete mess of a game can ruin it for the future and why EA mostly sucks.
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