Recent content by AKD123

  1. A Misc Refugee Thread

    honestly dont know.i found the misc while i was looking up body building info. misc was really good and funny back then and stayed
  2. A Misc Refugee Thread

    misI like how we had migrants move into a less desirable part of the forum (off topic) and make it even more shitty, just like real life. miscers dont lift except a few of us and misc is back can have shitty forum back
  3. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Told yall it was coming back.
  4. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Misc is back boys. Gonna roast the fuck out of the traitors
  5. A Misc Refugee Thread

    those are rookie numbers.12 beers is my breakfast
  6. A Misc Refugee Thread

    I lived with him. He ate like twice a day. Plus he was on oxycotin.cant eat on that shit. Ive still got a beer gut but i was never that overwieght. Think the most i weighed was 170. Still got muscle but i need to start working out again. Got my drinking down to once or twice a week
  7. A Misc Refugee Thread

    have another twinkie
  8. A Misc Refugee Thread

    nobody cares fat ass
  9. A Misc Refugee Thread

    Wonder how many peoples "oil" he checked. Heard Hulk Hogan is still pissed lol
  10. A Misc Refugee Thread

    no way i could beat him. 30 beers is about my limit
  11. A Misc Refugee Thread

    No but my uncle met him at O'hare airport a long time ago. i can drink.i wish i could of challenged him.
  12. A Misc Refugee Thread

    got damn! laying down the law! That guy is annoying. Id like to see proof of these 2 pizzas for just a "snack".
  13. A Misc Refugee Thread

    guy i used to know weighed about 1000 before i met was from drinking.hardly ever ate. When i knew him he was about 600. Fucker got drunk and fell on me.Thought i was gonna die.ded srs
  14. A Misc Refugee Thread

    i dont
  15. A Misc Refugee Thread

    If you dont change your diet you wont make it to october. your gonna have a heart attack any time now