Recent content by Bellringer_sl

  1. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    So you are saying that I should just accept that I will need to purchase any gear worth a damned and I'll not be able to farm things when I get to the appropriate level to do it with a group? Damnn, my attitude is so shitty.
  2. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    If I get a group of appropriate level character and head down to lower guk. If there is some level 60 farming frenzy or w/e I will just push them off camp. No reason for that shit when there are people in zone who want to actually enjoy the game and earn their loot.
  3. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Quaid, we know you love pay to win. No need to take it any further.
  4. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    This is a depressing thing to read and, if true, makes me seriously reevaluate playing p99... ><
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    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

  6. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Bellringer is level 13 and going strong. Anyone as much of a lowbie scrub as me atm?
  7. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Tunare > all.
  8. B

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    I got my copy of eq titanium last night and, after a pain the ass with avg, was able to install and get into p1999. Shit just got real boys $$$
  9. B

    Robin Williams dead at 63...

    Are you people new to the internet or something?
  10. B

    Favorite Porn Star?

    Sasha Grey and Stoya. Done.
  11. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  12. B

    EA shuts down Mythic Entertainment

    Think of it as not driving them into the ground but rather think of it as them sucking all of the finances they can out of it and throwing the remains into a bloody pit with the rest of the corpses.
  13. B

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    No one saw that coming!
  14. B

    EQ Never

    This analogy is so amazing.
  15. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    That fucker is a hero.