EQ Never


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Lol, I just like the word. We don't know anything which is why the herp derp is so stupid. Sure, it's not going to stop anytime soon but sometimes it's just fun to call people out for being myopic. My bad bro.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What is the downside on having all your alts on one character? You can't do everything all at once, nor can you do automatically do everything equally as well.

That's all I see here. You guys get sad about the weirdest shit.
I mainly do not understand it yet. So if I have a 20 warrior and a 15 cleric, I can choose the character to be either that or that, and have no ability to access the skills of the other character type unless I "respec" or something out of combat?

but hey, ever since the Hitler video, this game seems to be pretty much done for me. Everyone can DPS, no one can tank or heal. Might as well fire up Diablo 3


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I mainly do not understand it yet. So if I have a 20 warrior and a 15 cleric, I can choose the character to be either that or that, and have no ability to access the skills of the other character type unless I "respec" or something out of combat?

but hey, ever since the Hitler video, this game seems to be pretty much done for me. Everyone can DPS, no one can tank or heal. Might as well fire up Diablo 3
So far, if you get the warrior or cleric classes, you gain certain abilities. You can pick certain abilities of both classes to be part of 'who you are'. Maybe a paladin type character for instance. Who knows? You won't have levels, and no one knows when you can respec or how frequently. You gain classes as a form of ability gain and expansion of your playstyle possibly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are not tiers just levels with a different word a and less of them? Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought content was based on tiers, IE a tier3 couldn't do tier4 content and skills, armor etc were all based around unlocking/completing tiers.

So instead of "LFM level 20-25" or "level 30 wizard lfg" you will get "LFM tier4s" or "tier5 wizard lfg".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So far, if you get the warrior or cleric classes, you gain certain abilities. You can pick certain abilities of both classes to be part of 'who you are'. Maybe a paladin type character for instance. Who knows? You won't have levels, and no one knows when you can respec or how frequently. You gain classes as a form of ability gain and expansion of your playstyle possibly.
So we basically don't even have classes, we just unlock skills, like Path of Exile?


Sparkletot Monger
not really. You have a class. Kinda Lets say you have a Wizard class as your primary. Each class gives four skills: movement, offensive, defensive and utility. The type of class you play decides how many of each, if any you get. For example, a wizard may get 2 offensive and 2 movement, where a tank class may get 1 offensive, 2 defensive and 1 movement, or a healer may get 1 defensive and 1 movement and 2 utility (for example). You also get 2 weapon options per class. Each weapon has 4 other, more class defining abilities attached to it.

You may choose any ability from whatever classes you have managed to collect for your first 4 abilities, but your weapon abilities are hard set according to your class.

Additionally, there are no set paths to obtain a class. From what I gather its pretty personalized, via storybricks, so that people being to have the same builds wont be easy. You kind of have to find what works within the options you have collected.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

You speak much better than I do. There are lots of options based off what you have unlocked.


It really just depends. Levels mean higher stats which are usually required to successfully complete certain content. Will this game go that route? What exactly is needed to Tier up? What does that even mean in game? Sure, a higher tier character has more experience in the game and has accomplished things lower tiers haven't. Is that going to important when grouping is the question.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So we basically don't even have classes, we just unlock skills, like Path of Exile?
You have classes. Your "character build" is basically done in three steps:

1) Pick a class from the ones you know. That gives you the type of armor you can use.

2) The class gives you 4 ability slots, which depend on each class. Like Blademaster would be 1 of each defense, offense, utility, movement, while a rogue is 2 offense and 2 utility slots. You can slot any defense ability you know in a defense slot, etc.

3) Pick a weapon combo from the two available to your class. That gives you 4 weapon skills depending on which combo you picked.

The leveling is done on two directions:

A) Unlock classes and their abilities (starter class: pick at creation; any of the 8 basic classes: pay class master; the rest: get the relevant achievement). You get the class and a number of abilities (like unlocking Rogue gives you 2 offense and 2 utility abilities which you can then use in any build's offense and utility slots)

B) Increase your class and abilities by getting the relevant achievement to unlock tier 2, 3, 4 and finally 5.

But otherwise, you can select your tier 2 Rogue class, slot a tier 3 utility from Blademaster and a tier 1 utility from a different class - or one of your tier 2 rogue abilities, equip your tier 5 daggers from the AH, and go to the warpath.


Sparkletot Monger
What Im wondering, and what I would like to see, is different armor slots for different classes. Example: warriors get all the classic plate slots, ( Vambraces, Helmet, Greaves, Wristguards, Chest Guard, ect)... While magic users would get multiple jewelry and talisman slots instead and few armor pieces (Robe, Hat, Boots, Gloves). Other classes, like leather, would get optional things like poisons or ability modifying equipment (grappling hooks, ect).

Id also like to see equipment segmented and highly customizable.. example sword having blade, hilt, grip, gem parts interchangeable. stuff like that that you see in some RPGs

Just some random ideas.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
What Im wondering, and what I would like to see, is different armor slots for different classes. Example: warriors get all the classic plate slots, ( Vambraces, Helmet, Greaves, Wristguards, Chest Guard, ect)... While magic users would get multiple jewelry and talisman slots instead and few armor pieces (Robe, Hat, Boots, Gloves). Other classes, like leather, would get optional things like poisons or ability modifying equipment (grappling hooks, ect).

Id also like to see equipment segmented and highly customizable.. example sword having blade, hilt, grip, gem parts interchangeable. stuff like that that you see in some RPGs

Just some random ideas.
I like all of that especially the ability modifying equipment. I'd love to see options that may not make you a better killer but involves a lot of fun. The more options we have, the more interesting this could become.


Note that this is not, in itself, an indication that there are no defined roles. I have no problem with having a character being able to fill any role. WoW's paladins and druids are immensely popular because of that very flexibility: they can switch to tank to heal to melee dps (and to range dps as well, in the latter case). But they need a setup (gear+spec), then they engage, and switching is no longer an option. Once the combat is joined, everyone knows what his role is, and what everyone else's role is.

Imagine that each and every class in WoW would be able to tank, and heal, and dps. Three specs, three roles. And you get the mantra: bring the player, not the class - because the class gives you playstyle, but does not lock you into role. You need two tanks, you have two tanks. Your next fight needs three tanks, you have three tanks. Your next fight isn't tanky, no tanks. And the last boss needs everyone to tank: everyone tanks, no slackers.
Right, but in addition to saying they want everyone to be able to do everything, they have also stated that they do not want encounters to require certain roles or classes. This isn't going to be WoW Spec system 2.0. It's going to be, "everyone pick whatever class you want because our group composition doesn't matter."


Molten Core Raider
Right, but in addition to saying they want everyone to be able to do everything, they have also stated that they do not want encounters to require certain roles or classes. This isn't going to be WoW Spec system 2.0. It's going to be, "everyone pick whatever class you want because our group composition doesn't matter."
That's bullshit though.

Every boss requires the Holy Trinity.

You can't damage the mob (DPS) if it's running around not focused on people who can handle the damage (TANKS). If you can't damage (DPS) the mob, it can't die. If you can't HEAL the person the heavily armored person (TANK) the mob is focused on, the group or raid fails.

Even if everyone can do all three things, it's far more efficient for a single person to focus on one of the above rather than count on your retards to multitask. I expect that's what will happen. And then they'll say we all chose the Holy Trinity route, they didn't force it. And basically most games these days already let you choose between at least 2 of the 3 for each and every class.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
That's bullshit though.

Every boss requires the Holy Trinity.
The Trinity is only one possibility, though. I think I need to restate every month or so what you need for an interesting combat vs non-soloable mobs:

- The combat needs highly distinct roles by distinct characters.
- Those roles should be complementary: a role by one character should enable/enhance the efficacy of another.
- Those roles should be mostly necessary in a vast majority of fights; a fight that does not need one of the roles should be the exception, not the rule.
- Those roles should be obvious to the players.

The Trinity is one combination of roles that fills those criteria, but you can have other combos. A tankless combat system would possibly involve a swapper (who swaps unused resources from a character to another, like draining mana from a melee to give to caster, or endurance from caster to melee), a debuffer (who keeps the mob abilities suppressed) and a CC (because mobs usually occur in group, but your debuffer will be unable to keep debuffs on a majority of them).

It plays very differently, because a swapper isn't a healer: if you fail at your job, the group is less efficient, and possibly exhausted before the end of combat (which leads to wipe), and you don't have hard failures ("I couldn't keep the tank healed"), the debuffer isn't a tank (the abilities still hit whatever the mob wants to hit, but you counter them/reduce them), and the CC doesn't affect the fight, he merely makes it possible. But it would be no less interesting (and I'm pretty sure people would insist that the swapper is a healer and the debuffer a tank, even if the debuffer isn't hit even once in a fight and the healer never touches his group's HP).

But if you want groups not to require those 4 characteristics (with assertions of "you don't need a given role" or "all players will need to be ready to fill any role at any time during a fight"), the net result is not an interesting combat, because players will fall back to the default of "no role, no synergy, no cooperation", and your game will have to be nerfed to that level or 90% of the players will quit within hours of encountering group-based fights.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider


Sparkletot Monger
I like to think it's not that everyone can do everything, because in reality, they won't. You can't switch mid fight. I guess you can gear and level up every possibility, but the amount if time to do that doesn't seem practical.

The high end potential of this that devs would no longer have to design encounters around class limitations. They can just make difficult shit and let us figure it out.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I like to think it's not that everyone can do everything, because in reality, they won't. You can't switch mid fight. I guess you can gear and level up every possibility, but the amount if time to do that doesn't seem practical.
In practice, people do that. It's called rolling and gearing your raid alt. And within guilds, it's routinely done, Soandso logs off his Warlock, and logs in his Druid, which runs to the raid zone, and the next boss fight is joined.

The WoW devs have recognized this necessity for a long time, and only contrariness (and the weight of "tradition") have made them drag their heels. They opened dual specs because people would routinely join a group, discover that no one had the tank spec because they all were on their solo dps spec, and either one ran back to capital, respec, and run back in, or the group disbanded and tried to reform. The only difference between hardcores and non-hardcores was that the hardcore ran to city, and the non-hardcore stopped playing for that night from disappointment.

The next step was account-wide achievements because at one point, people felt pressured to play exclusively their character with the highest point total, regardless of how fun it was... and that led to wariness, and potential lost sub. So, "play whatever of your chars, and enjoy".

At one point, the mantra of "bring the player, not the class" is going to come true. Not now, and probably not for a long time, but it is an inevitable realization: the only difference between Soandso the Warlock and Soandso the Druid is that in one case they can have the same name over the head, and log in-out at the same location, and the other case has two names, and two logout locations. Might as well allow switching on the spot... and keeping the same name.


I like how simple their class design is. Instead of having a limited number of classes each with a fuck ton of abilities, they went the other route and limited abilities per class, but made a fuck ton of classes. I think I read there were 8 starting classes (plus Adventurer if you've got a Landmark character) for a total of 40. So figure 8 classes per tier.
They have vertical and horizontal advancement, in that you can choose to master all those tier 1 classes, or you can stick to whatever starting class you began with and upgrade to the more advanced classes (higher tiers) of your starting class.

Or at least that's how itseemsto work.


So we basically don't even have classes, we just unlock skills, like Path of Exile?
Yes. This game will be complete shit. No replay value and a horrific orgy of shit tier game mechanics.

Smedley and Georgeson have perverted and blasphemed the name of Everquest. The art direction of this game is cartooonish, appealing to "furries" and hello-kitty island fans.

How could they go from this:

To this: