Recent content by chantmaster

  1. C

    Desktop Computers

    Keep in mind that you are significantly overclocking the "cpu" when setting the ram to 3200MHz, which almost nobody seem to know. Its great that motherboards and RAM support something like 4000MHz, you can probably buy a CPU in 15 years time that does too with the recent rates of progress. As...
  2. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    As long as you are not in direct work related contact, there is not an issue. Here they are. It's normal to have company policies against it, because it causes issues in project teams, for 360 performance reviews etc. Example: In your team of 3, your spouce does crappy work, who gets the...
  3. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Soo.. how important is your job? probably worth the risk... Whats the worst that can happen, you get tossed out on your ass, probably worth it.
  4. C

    How to charge a customer for my product...

    Also keep in mind increasing prices later on is very tough, and if you have given a discount once, they will expect the same or better next time. If you do give discounts, make it limited, based on some special event. Examples: First year, i can give you half price, as you need to implement...
  5. C

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    How can you say the fundamentals are not poor? There is no underlying asset, all it is is a way of anonymizing cash deals, so allowing for more drugs, hookers and tax evasion. It furthermore has a significant tax on the environment. The stabilization price is totally unpredictable, and could...
  6. C

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    People can be strung along for quite a while, when they have sunk 1000$ into the game and only have a ship to show. I sense willingness to spend another 2000$ on the radar, so the first 1000$ are not wasted.
  7. C

    RPG/MMORPG books

    A heads up for a new genre - aimed at the MMORPG and ex MMORPG crowd. D&D/South park Critical Failures by Robert Bevan ??" Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists MMO/EQ (To get the most out of this one, you should probably have been playing MMOs for quite a while.. there are quite...
  8. C

    Adventures with Lyrical: Buying a Business (REPOST)

    Just put a card in with the orders that gives 10% off the next delivery, and a second card (or at the most two) that can give a friend 10% off as well. And make sure your prices are such that you dont mind everybody getting 10% off... now you have an exclusive feeling discount that everybody...
  9. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    How could there be virtue without temptation? How can you see the strength of your character if it is never tested? At least in this one the right answer is easy to see.. smart pretty girls 14 years younger will allways want to stick around for a long term relationship, especially after...
  10. C

    IT people & Software Engineers - tell me what you think of this

    "No degree (although I am working on one)" Kind of says it all. Even if you do get in, you will eventually wish for a degree, so you start getting measured fairly, both by yourself and others. Otherwise you will always be using the degree holders as your yard stick when measuring up. This...
  11. C

    IT people & Software Engineers - tell me what you think of this

    I'll flag in under don't give a shit, however expect promotions to be harder to get without a degree. Basically, you'll always be measured as 10% less than what you deliver, so you need to be hell on wheels to be seen as good.
  12. C

    League Of Legends

    As i see it, using a sandbox would be more boring, more efficient but more boring than playing. This leads to more people getting tired of the game and leaving. I see the move as a correct one.
  13. C

    Desktop Computers

    I just wish hdmi wasn't the only option for long cables. Kind of kills the whole gsync thing for a lot of people.
  14. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Someone needs to burn Ohnoes house down or something, such blatant happiness and luck is not fair to the rest of us.
  15. C

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    It's the only game i would strongly advice pirating instead of buying. I will not say dont buy, but i will definitely recommend playing a pirated version even if you do buy. I bought it, and have regretted that decision. I am 100% sure i would have gotten further in the game if i had pirated...