Search results

  1. C

    Desktop Computers

    Keep in mind that you are significantly overclocking the "cpu" when setting the ram to 3200MHz, which almost nobody seem to know. Its great that motherboards and RAM support something like 4000MHz, you can probably buy a CPU in 15 years time that does too with the recent rates of progress. As...
  2. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    As long as you are not in direct work related contact, there is not an issue. Here they are. It's normal to have company policies against it, because it causes issues in project teams, for 360 performance reviews etc. Example: In your team of 3, your spouce does crappy work, who gets the...
  3. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Soo.. how important is your job? probably worth the risk... Whats the worst that can happen, you get tossed out on your ass, probably worth it.
  4. C

    How to charge a customer for my product...

    Also keep in mind increasing prices later on is very tough, and if you have given a discount once, they will expect the same or better next time. If you do give discounts, make it limited, based on some special event. Examples: First year, i can give you half price, as you need to implement...
  5. C

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    How can you say the fundamentals are not poor? There is no underlying asset, all it is is a way of anonymizing cash deals, so allowing for more drugs, hookers and tax evasion. It furthermore has a significant tax on the environment. The stabilization price is totally unpredictable, and could...
  6. C

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    People can be strung along for quite a while, when they have sunk 1000$ into the game and only have a ship to show. I sense willingness to spend another 2000$ on the radar, so the first 1000$ are not wasted.
  7. C

    RPG/MMORPG books

    A heads up for a new genre - aimed at the MMORPG and ex MMORPG crowd. D&D/South park Critical Failures by Robert Bevan ??" Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists MMO/EQ (To get the most out of this one, you should probably have been playing MMOs for quite a while.. there are quite...
  8. C

    Adventures with Lyrical: Buying a Business (REPOST)

    Just put a card in with the orders that gives 10% off the next delivery, and a second card (or at the most two) that can give a friend 10% off as well. And make sure your prices are such that you dont mind everybody getting 10% off... now you have an exclusive feeling discount that everybody...
  9. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    How could there be virtue without temptation? How can you see the strength of your character if it is never tested? At least in this one the right answer is easy to see.. smart pretty girls 14 years younger will allways want to stick around for a long term relationship, especially after...
  10. C

    IT people & Software Engineers - tell me what you think of this

    "No degree (although I am working on one)" Kind of says it all. Even if you do get in, you will eventually wish for a degree, so you start getting measured fairly, both by yourself and others. Otherwise you will always be using the degree holders as your yard stick when measuring up. This...
  11. C

    IT people & Software Engineers - tell me what you think of this

    I'll flag in under don't give a shit, however expect promotions to be harder to get without a degree. Basically, you'll always be measured as 10% less than what you deliver, so you need to be hell on wheels to be seen as good.
  12. C

    League Of Legends

    As i see it, using a sandbox would be more boring, more efficient but more boring than playing. This leads to more people getting tired of the game and leaving. I see the move as a correct one.
  13. C

    Desktop Computers

    I just wish hdmi wasn't the only option for long cables. Kind of kills the whole gsync thing for a lot of people.
  14. C

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Someone needs to burn Ohnoes house down or something, such blatant happiness and luck is not fair to the rest of us.
  15. C

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    It's the only game i would strongly advice pirating instead of buying. I will not say dont buy, but i will definitely recommend playing a pirated version even if you do buy. I bought it, and have regretted that decision. I am 100% sure i would have gotten further in the game if i had pirated...
  16. C

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Unwillingness to fix the bugs/lockups caused by some asshat patch, you were forced to install because of fun-times uPlay DRM soured me. I actually had a somewhat good time playing on and off, saving often, when uPlay was not down or disconnecting me, but then came the patch of all evilness...
  17. C

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    Where you see "A lot of very interesting behaviour" i see a ton of bugs that nobody can fix. Change a little bit here, and everything turns to shit, change a bit there to fix it, and things gets worse. In my opinion it would take a lot of work to get a system with interracting npc's to...
  18. C

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    EQ2 was imo plagued by the following, which broke the camels back in record time The game ran like shit, everybody was using lowest possible settings to play. CPU engine bottleneck wasnt really their fault, but really.. if it cant run, don't release it. Also, it was for sure not "optimized...
  19. C

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    Same here. If you want to build an airplane, don't start with a bus. If it looks like a duck, listen real carefully for the quacking. If you want to ship a fancy mmo, build that. I'm not against a spinoff, but they should have kept it inhouse to reduce the support. As it is, it must have...
  20. C

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

  21. C

    38 studios Auction Nov 14th and 15th.

    For me i consider free to play like box sales. Usually you pay a one-time-fee to get a bag and perhaps a character class, after that it's free. If it doesn't look to be free after that i skip it. That's alot less money if i stick around for half a year than a sub would be. Also if i come...
  22. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Some people are more random than others... I'd guess alot of people on this forum are above average paygrade, and probably significantly above game-programmer paygrades.
  23. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    My feeling, having paid none of the money, is that i was fair that Brad took the lunch money. Who else contributed significantly? The zone designer did some work, the rest? Not really. If you have a movie star on the team, you should expect them to be expensive. If Brad was not on the...
  24. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Also, designing for casuals is more efficient. Casual logs in, checks bags and chats a bit, then plays for 2-3 hours, goofs around, logs off. Time spent killing content, 2-3 hours out of 4. While killing he is also less efficient. The hardcore finds the fastest path and grinds till he...
  25. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    The problem is too many old farts here and too much experience. It's alot harder to con someone that has seen the world and can read the writing on the walls.
  26. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    And still people will trust him to handle the money for a Big Mac ... Fools just keeps lining up to get ripped off by this guy.
  27. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    If i felt they were going all-in and really trying, I would for sure support a new kickstart project with Brad. One of the advantages of kickstarter is that you can pledge again and again for free, as long as they dont deliver. I did not pledge this time around, and the only way i could see...
  28. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I would be willing to put down some cash if i saw some commitment. Take down the kickstarter, work on it a few months, put it back up with content showing some effort. Perhaps even wait till there is an early pre-alpha. Starting up something new and relatively big is rarely a gravy train...
  29. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I was considering going in, but decided not to. I don't see it succeeding and matching expectations. In my opinion the game can't be made for 800K, and there need to be more of a business plan. If the concept was something like, we have investors willing to pay X for each Y donated in the...
  30. C

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Please make the system such that to achieve decent/optimal dps for a given class, you are not locked into a fixed rotation like: cast 3 wait 50 ms cast 1 wait 40 ms cast 2 wait 100 ms cast 1 wait 250 ms repeat It makes communication go down the drain when you spend half your time...
  31. C

    Strategery games.

    Eador is more fun than i expected...
  32. C

    League Of Legends

    The problem with having a cash-cow game is that they dont want to risk killing the cow... So changes can easily end up bland.
  33. C

    Warhammer Online RIP

    AoC, the game where male and female characters had different attack speeds for months. Working as intended, male heralds were supposed to do 25-50% more damage. I'll find a beer to celebrate when it goes down. Yet another game with craptastic balance from launch till ghosttown.
  34. C

    Warhammer Online RIP

    The lesson for other developers should be, if you include PVP in your game, do not make one class strictly better than another. Sides or no sides. Anyone with eyes to read the spell list could tell wizards were strictly superior to sorcerers, i was one of the unfortunate to be on the wrong...
  35. C

    League Of Legends

    It's because your hidden mmr makes your smurf the number 1 top dog challenger, so they need to add some heavy duties to the other team...
  36. C

    Venturebeat: Blizzard delays unannounced MMO until 2016, resets whole project

    It's kinda strange that D3 was good enough to pass QC , but Titan wasn't. It's gotta have been be pretty darn bad.
  37. C

    Kickstarter - Project Phoenix - Indie JRPG

    They are shooting themselves in the foot with having only limited amounts of each tier. That, or they are intentionally not wanting to add in stuff like multiplayer.
  38. C

    League Of Legends

    My experience with Darius is that he is only worthwhile if he gets fed. If you play support-Blitzcrank, you can make even the most terrible Darius an overfed monster in bottom lane. It's really awsome if you can get the worst player on your team to pick Darius and play a decent support...
  39. C

    Everquest II

    I need to find my old screenshots of playing with faceless bluish and orangeish blob-men, in a group where we pulled ogres? or golems in some dunceon. I think it was set to actually show about 6-7 characters, the rest was the basic plastic-ish framework the character should have been drawn on...
  40. C

    Everquest II

    The performance at launch, and the first year was the true killer. Everything COULD look fantastic, but as soon as you had a fight going, frame rates tanked HARD. My pc at the time was the really top of the line, and I had to turn graphics down so much it sucked. They claimed it was...