Recent content by Drednots_sl

  1. D

    EVE Online

    Don't forget it's possibly the most boring combat system ever. I came back at least 3 times desperately looking for something I was missing and literally fell asleep each time.
  2. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    My alt healer has experienced the broken main quest / Coldharbour bug so I haven't played since last week. Anyone know if this is fixed yet?
  3. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Enjoyable, but don't see myself subbing to it. I don't have a big desire to level multiple class / mixes to 50. PvP interest is about 40% of the game. The new small group raid zone seems interesting and may stick around a bit more but it seems dangling carrots & content will be an ongoing...
  4. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Gave up playing today with all the rollbacks. The "mega server" is taking a mega shit on Greenshade. At least the grace period has been extended to Sunday...
  5. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I don't get all the bitching about the leveling pace. I'm 18 and level 10 in most crafting lines except enchanting level 5...that's in2 daysplaying time. Everyone wants to be at the cap in 2 weeks or less...
  6. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Correction 2 bugged quests the first day, one I could not finish and the other fixed itself after restarting. They were side quests and not guild quests or the main like last time for me however quest bugs have not gone away yet. Hopefully they don't come back with a vengeance on launch day...
  7. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    First day went pretty well. A couple disconnects, 1 bugged quest so far and random horse dismounting at times. A few minor annoyances other than that reached lvl 14 with lots of crafting. I enjoy the crafting system, something I usually avoid. Overall satisfied.
  8. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I did it all in one dungeon (forgot name) so exp is limited in them but it carried me from lvl 6-11 pretty fast. I have not grouped yet buy will probably around lvl 20. Most interested in crafting as I level (for the first time ever). I usually want to blast through content and rely on drops...
  9. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I bitched I was not going to play this and quit Saturday but I changed my mind. I got up early Sunday and started a Earthen/ fire warrior 2Her without any hopes of completing quests. Grinding in dungeons as some have said is the way to go. You lvl just as fast and get TONS of loot for...
  10. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Tried this one more time.. Still have several quests I can't finish with either missing or unresponsive NPC's. So I move on and can't even complete the daughter of giants quest because of randomly bugging out. That was the last straw I don't have the patience for the BS anymore. Uninstalled.
  11. D

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Played the last beta weekend and just logged in for about 15 minutes and some Skyrim nostalgia set in, then logged out to play it. Yea I don't think I'll be buying it..
  12. D

    RIP(or is it RIH?) Hugo Chavez

    You win the thread.
  13. D

    "Good" games, that you hate.

    Diablo 3. I enjoyed Torchlight 2 more.
  14. D

    EVE Online

    This sums up pretty much why I avoid this game like the plague. The biggest degenerate scum bags tend to flock to it. I deal with people trying to fuck me over in RL enough. I enjoy PvP like anyone else but the game play is boring at best & risk vs reward just isn't worth it. I remember the...
  15. D

    Islands (Philippines, Guam, etc)

    Thanks for the info.