Recent content by Jaded_sl

  1. J

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    My Jimmies are currently being rustled by the Department of Public Safety in Plano TX. Screw this state... Id rather pay state income tax then wait at the DMV for 4 hours for a replacment liscence. Two of those hours were spent outside starting at 6am and there were already 80 some odd people...
  2. J

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    People who give me that "whatever" look when I ask for something gluten free. I'm not a full blown Celiac thank god nor am I self diagnosed... but seriously fuck you if you do that. I was diagnosed after I quit playing WoW for six years. I went from 210 (6'2") to 315 pounds over those years...
  3. J

    Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

    This game holds a soar spot for me... I wanted it so badly to be the next big thing. I shelled out an insane amount of money for an over the top computer that I built specifically for this game. Having never been a crafter before I decided to start my crafting career first and adventure once...
  4. J

    say something mean about the poster below you

    Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory
  5. J

    Gun control

    I'm not going to jump in on either side but yeah if they come for your guns there will be a war sure... a short one sided war with the goverment winning. I'd like to see how all these deer rifles, handguns and semi-auto assault weapons handle against Bradleys, Tanks and fully trained miltray...
  6. J

    LOTTERY WINNER...what if ?

    After living 35 years of my life as is... I honestly have settled into a comfort zone that I would continue even after winning. First and foremost my immediate family would get half. That half would then be divided in half with one portion going to my brother and his wife and the other going...
  7. J

    Murders and Shootings

    My first +1 goes to you good sir.
  8. J

    What's your luckiest kill or saved by the skin of your teeth moment?

    @Kuriin Negative, F-NE Hunter Jaded. And no so no scandal breaks out on my ass... I'm a guy and married.
  9. J

    What's your luckiest kill or saved by the skin of your teeth moment?

    BWL, Vael, Horrible raiding guild I started out with. We had tried that douche for about a month. Finally we had him... 10%, 9%, people were screaming in vent... go go go... 7%... Bomb on Random Douche. Said Random Douche procedes to blow up the raid. I see the wipe feign death... people are...
  10. J

    New Years Resolutions 2013

    I have 2: 1: Stop pretending I dont have Celiacs Disease. Hey you try not eating anything with Gluten in it. It fucking sucks. 2: Go back to using my Because fuck going cold turkey that's why. I used this thing for two years and...
  11. J

    Lurkers (reloaded)

    Coming out of the depths to put in my lurker now poster status. Friend of mine online during SWG beta pointed me in the direction of the old site and it has been my homepage ever since. The drama I have silently witnessed has entertained me for years. I'm not entirely sure why I never...
  12. J

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    "The original drafts of Return of the Jedi called for the second Death Star to be built in orbit around Kashyyyk by Wookiee slave labor. It wasn't until later drafts that the setting and characters were changed to the forest moon of Endor and Ewoks." Thats from the wiki... now how far along...