Recent content by Reprobate

  1. R

    The Video Thread

    HOLY SHIT!!! That gym is right next door to my office.
  2. R

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    That bitch had it coming. That dude kept backing up even after she was swinging at him, but 3 strikes and your out. I don't blame him one bit for his reaction. She landed on her side, she'll be fine. And it's not like he continued to attack after putting her on her ass.
  3. R

    Marvel Heroes 20xx

    Do your skill points reset after you prestige or do you continue to accumulate more after?
  4. R

    American Sniper

    This looks like it'll be a good movie, but depressing as all hell
  5. R

    Marvel Universe stuff

    Ok, not movie related, but Marvel related. Can anyone answer what happened that made Wolverine's claws go from bone spikes to blades. I know the whole coating his skeleton with metal, but how did the shape change?
  6. R

    John Wick (2014)

    I'm not going to lie, if someone did something to my dogs i would probably react the same way.
  7. R

    Going to Movies Solo

    I've gone to plenty of movies by myself, but i've never felt awkward. My last job required i meet with customer at set times, so i was usually out in the field. When i had a large gap of time between appointments or a cancel, i would go catch a movie. Best thing is i was getting paid for it.
  8. R

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Please tell me this is a joke...