Recent content by Schags

  1. Schags

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    Including all the tribal knowledge that was never documented. I shit you not, some fields on a monster def, if you put a -1 in, it did some complete different shit that you would never know about unless told. I remember working on the expansion that added tasks and the designer who was making...
  2. Schags

    2018 NFL Offseason Thread -- Philadelphia Burning Edition

    Can you guys take Bruce Allen back?
  3. Schags

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    Yeah I got wind early this week that some execs were leaving and there was going to be layoffs later in the week before the other news broke about the russia stuff. It sounded like it was affecting the H1 team but now I'm assuming it's affecting more than just that team. I have no info on the...
  4. Schags

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    They had some layoffs today.
  5. Schags

    VR / SIM Racing

    Nice setup. Iracing had vr support for awhile. Never tested it before I took a break from there awhile ago. Last time I raced I was still rocking triples with a g25/fanatec pedal setup.
  6. Schags

    Pit bulls - The Breed of Peace

    Props to my neighbor but they just got rid of their pit after he slipped out the door, bolted towards me while walking my dogs and jumped all over them. It's really fucking hard to try and protect 2 dogs on leashes at the same time. Wasn't the neighbors fault, it was an accident but every time...
  7. Schags

    H1Z1 AutoRoyale: TWISTED METAL 2k18

    Glad to see you having fun with a vehicle game! In case you guys want to try another Vehicle BR as well. notmycar Disclaimer: Yes I'm shilling something I've been working on. We're sending alpha keys out in waves though and getting people in and getting feedback is extremely helpful. We're a...
  8. Schags

    Game development career thread:

    We announced our indie game yesterday. It cool to link our page here? I don't want to be the dude who just comes and shills a game I'm working on here.
  9. Schags

    Been watching this stream lately. Bounty hunter/pubg streamer. Entertaining.
  10. Schags

    Game development career thread:

    I've been in game development for around 18 years. Moved to Colorado to be close to family and picked up some remote contract work. That ended about 7 months ago. For the past 7 months I've been looking for work and haven't found shit. First time in my career that I've gone longer than a month...
  11. Schags

    Halt and Catch Fire

    Finally finished this. I thought the final season was great. Liked how they ended it. Definitely brought back some memories getting on the internet for the first time.
  12. Schags


    I helped kick start that thing and it's on my list to watch but every time I go across it I'm like, yeah not today. Loved the show, going to be hard to watch when I eventually do.
  13. Schags

    I don't see it as a big deal. People cheat/go through shit everyday. People will still watch him when he get's back.
  14. Schags

    Everquest Mysteries

    Probably similar to the GM fly command. We were able to use it and while running, I think we just looked up/down and our character would use the z axis. I don't think there was any levitation bobbing though. It's been awhile so my info might be foggy.
  15. Schags

    Fortnite - Epic Games - Team Survival/Strategy/Crafting/Combat

    Not sure why Pubg is really pissed. People will play fortnite then decide to cut out the middleman and go directly to pubg. I don't see many going in the reverse direction. I mean I'm sure some will but I think the end result is pubg continues to grow and this doesn't really affect their...