Recent content by seanc_sl

  1. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    For the first time ever yesterday, I saw there was call to arms for DPS. But I noticed the que time was still like 10 mins. Wonder if they are just randomly throwing it out there so dps have a chance to get a bag.
  2. S

    Big Trouble In Little China Remake

    Go home Hollywood, you're drunk.
  3. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This makes me glad I was too lazy to switch out my mining/herbalism for another tradeskill on my chars that have them.
  4. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    They are worth more than 5g if you convert them into the armor piece
  5. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You could have clicked the bubble to look for more members and it would have refilled the group.
  6. S

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I got Highmaul missions two weeks in a row, but didn't get one at all last week. So could be random.
  7. S

    [WoD] Garrison Optimization Launch Thread

    I've heard that if you swap the inn and your other medium building on your drafting table, it causes the npcs to spawn that you have completed quests for.
  8. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You probably mentioned it earlier, but what is that mod you are using that tracks your gold?
  9. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I've gotten the staff and mace on multiple chars, My caster dps have always gotten the staff, and anytime I chose a healing spec for the first boa, it's always been a mace.
  10. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    For the pvp part of the cloak quest, if you can find 10 people you can just war games it. Two groups of 5, let the group doing the cloak quest win, you are done in like 10 mins. That part of the quest became so much easier for the rest of my alts working on it when I discovered you could do that.
  11. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Seriously, if they can flag our account so that we can run Ordos with chars without the cloak, then flag our account so the chars without the cloak can just buy it off the vendor.
  12. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You get a quest automatically at 90 when you go back to the vale, "A Flash of Bronze" I believe, and he will give you an item that teleports you directly there.
  13. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    It fucking hurts my brain how many people don't know about the cross realm raid finder they added in the last patch. They are usually bitching in general chat on the island how no one ever does celestials anymore.
  14. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    My friends wife plays a priest, and she doesn't even use hot keys.... It hurts my fucking brain to watch her play, she clicks the name, then clicks the healing spell.
  15. S

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    My friend used a scroll last time he played, and now it has been over 8 months, but he doesn't show up as eligible for one, so I think it is a one time only thing.