World of Warcraft: Current Year


My friends wife plays a priest, and she doesn't even use hot keys.... It hurts my fucking brain to watch her play, she clicks the name, then clicks the healing spell.


Trakanon Raider
My friends wife plays a priest, and she doesn't even use hot keys.... It hurts my fucking brain to watch her play, she clicks the name, then clicks the healing spell.
Welcome to watching my sister play. Its like, WTF? You're bad. And I'm forced to play with you and your bad friends, who just want to praise your bullshit for cyborz. Because if I don't...You won't accomplish shit...You need at least 1 good player to complete a heroic, apparently.


Molten Core Raider
Im looking for something to magically make her a better player, or at least get on the path to becoming a better Healer. Not just "go Disc" w/o a reason hehe ~ Thanks though.
Well I didn't have time to type out a more detailed explanation earlier but disc is pretty simple and imo a tad OP right now. I have a 553 shadow priest alt and earlier this week I was asked to help heal at Ordos on my disc spec and did 48K hps spamming smite. I then tried queuing up for an LFR as disc with my shadow gear. I got in just before Norushen and basically cast penance, smite and holy fire while throwing out halo whenever it was up and renews. I ended up with 109K hps on Norushen and 74K hps on Sha of Pride while still outdpsing the bottom of the LFR dps barrel. (On Sha I also did cast the shields a bit.)

I've tried holy priest in the past and found it a lot harder to heal with my dps contribution limited to whatever the mindbender does. A sucky player on holy would hurt you a lot more than disc.


My friends wife plays a priest, and she doesn't even use hot keys.... It hurts my fucking brain to watch her play, she clicks the name, then clicks the healing spell.
Well now I am so glad that I had to rage and break shit to get my wife to be an actual good player because if I had seen her play like a c- player it would be pure unsub to any MMO she was remotely interested in. Either play accordingly or GTFO!

And to think I felt guilty for being such a jerk but hey it paid off, lol.


Trakanon Raider
My friends wife plays a priest, and she doesn't even use hot keys.... It hurts my fucking brain to watch her play, she clicks the name, then clicks the healing spell.
She never heard of an add on called Clique? That's the easiest way to heal.


Holy/disc priests will blow shit up unless they are grouped with another priest or paladin. They have a huge amount of smart heals - as a Druid I will wreck our priests shit these days but she very close, which is a little disconcerting since mine mostly require a target. (Notable exceptions obviously.)

Between atonement, poh, coh, cascade, divine hymn, lightwell renewal, pom, certain proc heals etc it can be annoying trying to top her on meters. I can output far more healing but since hers can just be fired without a target and will heal those most in need, well..

Her issue is likely a lack of actual activity. Recount will show an activity meter; think it measures abilities and actions. I imagine she is low on the bottom of that too. If you can get her to just literally press buttons more she'll probably explode.


Holy priest just plain sucks, I've been doing SoO normal as holy since it launched and was always struggling to keep everybody up, druid in raid was always matching me in heals. Mind you, while I don't consider myself a "Pro" I'm definitely good and know when to cast shit.

Anyways, I switched to disc to test it out... MIND FUCKING BLOWN. I outheal everybody by at least 25%.


Proactive (shield) healing and low cost, spamable (atonement) healing trumps holy hardcore. (Not to mention most other healers.)

Before the Druid changes I considered swapping to my priest full time because I was so envious of their kit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Her issue is likely a lack of actual activity. Recount will show an activity meter; think it measures abilities and actions. I imagine she is low on the bottom of that too. If you can get her to just literally press buttons more she'll probably explode.
I honestly never thought to take a look at her Actions Per Minute. Great idea, and thanks!


Trakanon Raider
Most people that under cast are usually either afraid to stand in shit or are afraid of running out of mana. Have her purposely try to heal as hard as she can without worrying about mana for a couple fights so she can get a feel for her limits and have her double check she's using mana regen and healing cooldowns often too. Some people think they need to save cooldowns (even 1-2 minute ones) and cripple their output without realizing it.


<Gold Donor>
My personal experience on playing WoW after being gone for 4 years:

12/27/13 - 1/27/14

Initial Play Period:
I received a SoR a month ago and decided to come back to the game and play as a Retribution Paladin. I got a Get-Out-of-Leveling Free card with the SoR (Scroll of Resurrection), so I had a new class I'd never played before at level 80 (first lesson - don't use SoR on a class you haven't played before, it sucks).

I was part of a raiding guild when I left, so I hit their forums, got a guild invite and went to the gear grind.

Leveling from 85 - 90 in MoP I'll admit that I've always hated leveling in WoW. I genuinely despised their quest content in every content expansion up until this point. It was a nice change.

As soon as dinged 90, I hit up Timeless Isle for free purples and felt like WoW had really taken some strides in helping noobs get back into the game more easily. I felt like I'd be back to raiding in no time! That's when I hit the LFR dungeons...

Three weeks later, I'm still at the grind about 5 upgrades away from hitting the next tier of raiding, which is still two tiers below where my guild is. I don't really enjoy the Ret Paladin, because it's heavily gear dependent and partly because every fight feels the same. The rotation is pretty simple, so after a while my eyes glaze over and I wake up 15 minutes later to a dead boss and find myself wondering how it died.

Instead of waiting 20 - 40 minutes to find an LFR raid, I've started using "Oqueue", which has helped a lot in finding raids more quickly. However, the gear grind is still very evident and even if I do catch up to my guild in progression (fat chance), I will have raided that instance hundreds of times... JOY!

Secondary Play Period:
Then, I had the bright idea of RAF'ing (Refer-a-Friend'ing) my roommate. "Hey," I thought. "This will probably be more fun playing with a friend." So, we rolled a Resto Shaman and Protection Warrior duo. I've never played a healer in any MMO ever, so I thought something new might bring some shiney with it.

The 3 times multiplier on XP + instant dungeon queues has really made this secondary play period delightful. The reasoning is two-fold:
1. XP travels at what I consider the perfect speed (you never have to do the same dungeon twice)
2. Class familiarity progresses quickly enough, to where everything is still new and somewhat challenging (especially when you go from Cataclysm dungeons to MoP dungeons)

Healing has also been fun because it's not annoying. I went from a class that had me spamming and running around every second of every battle, to a class that will allows me some relaxation. That is until the tank pulls everything in the room and I'm utterly panicked for 3 minutes.

I'm still not looking forward to the Raid grind, but I think it'll be different with the Warrior/Shaman for two reasons:
1. Instant queues
2. I now know a better way to pursue progression than spamming LFR (thanks Oqueue!)

TLDR; Leveling in MoP isn't half bad. Retribution Paladins are spammy. Healing is easy. RaF is fun. SoR is good for classes you've played before.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You learned your lesson for playing a Melee during this time period of WoW. Keep that Paladin on the back burner if you like him, because I feel like Blizzard is going to make it more attractive to play one in WoD. At least, Im hoping.

I wouldnt rate MOP to be a better expansion than WOTLK, but its definitely leaps and bounds better than Cataclysm. The loot progression isnt as bad as you make it, though. Id say with a little bit of effort and fighting through the wipes that you have to deal with - you could be Heroic SoO ready in about 2 months.