Recent content by skalls_sl

  1. S

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Good call on the guard. Hadn't even thought of that guy.
  2. S

    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

    I'd put it behind Avengers and Cap 2 and ahead of the rest. I dug it.
  3. S

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Bad bo, hipsters, liberals, dumbasses
  4. S

    Pacific Rim

    It had giant robots fighting giant monsters. I was sold on giant. Yes the acting wasn't great, and there were some utterly retarded things going on (the wall, no fixed defensive positions/weaponry at the portal, and not knowing that gypsy had a freaking sword) but that's just standard fair...
  5. S

    Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

    Hotel Bathroom What is with Fedor's dick pics?
  6. S

    Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

    Probably but only if they start shit near my armory. Do you like bacon?
  7. S

    you find a meteorite, there's an accident at the lab, whatever Serious damage!
  8. S

    Man of Steel

    I enjoyed it. I didn't go in there expecting DKR quality. I left the theatre enjoying a good action hero flick. Don't bother with eh 3d though. It added nothing to the movie.
  9. S

    Star Trek: Discovery

    In the Pale Moonlight. Best star trek episode ever bar none.
  10. S

    Blood Bowl

    Running the Chaos Edition. Applied team names are: Suk Mah Ballz --- Norse Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!