Recent content by WageSlave

  1. W

    Mass Effect: Andromeda - Autism reaches outer space

    Ouch. Getting hit that many times with the ugly bat had to hurt...
  2. W


    This game keeps going down hill. It is now basically one class: sith warrior. Non force users don't fit the story at all. Ranged dps/healers no longer fit the mechanics. Light side are penalized so much on the final boss as to make it almost impossible to complete. They change the loot model...
  3. W


    I have to admit that i was not happy with several of the chapters in the last expansion. Just wave after wave of enemies that drop down on you after every twist and turn on the map. Followed by a boss that goes invulnerable for half the fight while he calls down yet more waves of trash mobs for...
  4. W


    I just did my yearly resub. I'll finish up the 2nd half of the last expansion and whatever content is finished for this expansion before unsubbing until next year. I still enjoy the game but its basically one month of content per year at this point.
  5. W

    StarCraft 2

    Were the Nova Chronicles the last campaign for SC2? Is anything else announced at this point?
  6. W

    IOS/AOS - [SoulKing] - Hero Collector RPG

    Was fun until I hit stage 8. Once there I hit a brick wall. Not even sure what I am supposed to do at this point. I can't promote heroes. I can farm the mats but the 1500 soul stone cost to upgrade keeps me from upgrading. The only place I have found soul stones is to trade topaz for them in...
  7. W

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Lol. I fell for it too. For a minute there I thought Brad and friends might actually deliver...
  8. W


    I'll probably resub for the expac like I normally do, spend a couple of days on the story, and then unsub until next year.
  9. W

    Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO

    Downloaded the game today to give it a shot. I've tried two classes (summoner and blade dancer) and on both of them I have run into non-skippable "class quests" that are bugged / impossible to beat. Both of them are "perform combo on quest mob" type quests and both of them fail to work despite...
  10. W

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    SQUENIX is turning the greatest RPG of all time into the same steaming pile of ARPG bullshit that is FFXV. Damn them. Damn them to hell. They will never get another cent from me. Ever. The day they finally go bankrupt can't come soon enough...
  11. W

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    That map is total win. Kudos to the guy who made it. Now he just needs to print it on cloth, stick it in a shiny box, and sell it for $100+ in a special vaporware "collector's edition".
  12. W


    Anyone else notice the expansions keep getting smaller and smaller? Makeb took me roughly 2 weeks. Reven took me 4 days or so. I finished Eternal Empire story in roughly 8 hours... Lets say each chapter is roughly an hour of story. Thats 12 hours of story a year. Thats pretty awful imho...
  13. W


    Patched the client and logged on today for a few minutes. I won't resub until I can actually start playing the expansion but I figured I'd pre-patch ahead of time. Since I always sub when I start playing again I have never really seen the FTP system in all its glory. Wow. This must be the...
  14. W


    So are companions no longer class specific? For example, can every class recruit Vette?
  15. W


    Wow. Lots of changes. So is the expansion free? I think I remember paying for the Reven expansion. Might be wrong though. I also haven't subbed since finishing the Reven expansion so it looks like I'll have to wait until the 27th to check this one out. Sucks, but oh well. I'll definitely sub...